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Post by Theillik » Mon Mar 20, 2006 4:37 pm

Somebody please tell me how it is possible that a creature that is stunned, incapacitated, or mortally wounded could dodge or that a character could possibly miss!

This drives me insane. My characters will have a mob in this position and then miss twenty times in a row! It's not realistic at all. In my opinion, this is the most frustrating thing in the whole game.

I don't know what to suggest, because I don't know the coding, but if it were possible, please, please, increase chances to hit when something is stunned, incapacitated or mortally wounded.
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Post by Kregor » Mon Mar 20, 2006 4:57 pm

At the current time, dodge is broken, just like some other aspects of the combat system, like missile deflection, ranged combat, etc. Dodge along with the entire combat model should ultimately follow the spell system into D20 specs, my take on it.
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Post by Gwain » Mon Mar 20, 2006 8:18 pm

And Always remember it is just a game and keep your calm, It is a work in progress and most issues posted in bugs and on the forum will be taken care of, just be positive and enjoy the mud.
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Post by Algon » Mon Mar 20, 2006 8:24 pm

An excellent reason to crawl out of some of those fighting areas and rp a little :D
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Post by Theillik » Mon Mar 20, 2006 8:46 pm

I am not freaking out. The situation is ridiculous and unrealistic. Nor do I twink. But those two things are completely off topic.

I'm just asking if the chance to hit a stunned/incapacitated/mortally wounded mob could be increased. Thanks.
Last edited by Theillik on Mon Mar 20, 2006 10:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Amalia » Mon Mar 20, 2006 8:59 pm

Die-based systems are very hard to make true-to-life in every aspect. If you want to hear ridiculous, I heard once of a game where a fighter slit his own throat and died in a botched attempt to draw his sword.

I concur that it seems kind of silly, but I assume it's among the issues to be worked out when there's time, and in the meantime it can be ignored or laughed at in character.
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Post by Lathander » Mon Mar 20, 2006 11:40 pm

I am not freaking out. The situation is ridiculous and unrealistic.
Those two sentences seem rather contradictory. There is no reason to express yourself in a manner that could be taken rudely. If the current situation is so bothersome to you as to stimulate this high of a reaction, your best bet is to avoid the situation. Rping without fighting for a bit until the situation is addressed is but one example.

For a long time warriors and their sublcasses proved more powerful than any other class. In the opinions of some this is still the case. FK is moving at a consistent pace toward 3.5ed rules (or as close as can be had in a mud setting). Obviously, not everything can be done simultaneously by the few people who VOLUNTEER their free time and considerable efforts to this end. Since they are the ones choosing to do the work, they enjoy the position of choosing the order of their proceeding. They chose to revamp the entire magic and prayer system including hundreds of brand new spells. That process is largely complete. There are, as is to be expected, bugs/glitches. The current state of mud improvement is now centered on tracking down and eliminating those inconveniences, something the coders are calling the "maintenance phase." Once that phase is complete, work will progress towards the combat system, or in another direction if those hardworking volunteers so choose. In time, the entire mud will have been revamped to the 3.5 system and we will all be content.

Of course, WoTC will choose that time to introduce 4ed. :)
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Post by Isolrem » Tue Mar 21, 2006 1:00 am

A thief is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.
A guard says, "Aha, I got ye now."
A guard aims his final stroke carefully.
A thief dodges a guard's slash.
A guard osays, "heh, ignore that"
A guard's slash nearly removes a thief's head.
A thief is dead.

and we all have a good laugh :)
Chars: Aryvael et all.

Post by Theillik » Tue Mar 21, 2006 5:03 am

If my last post was rude, I apologize. I did not mean it to sound that way.

The issue has always just struck me as odd, out of place. Makes battle at low levels quite boring. I'm just asking if something can be done.

-upping attack and damage
-coup de grace
-you take time to moon the stunned creature and strike again
-do a little victory dance and step on it's head
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Post by Elwin » Wed Mar 22, 2006 1:40 pm

As Lathander said, something will be done about the combat system at a later date, once the spell system is complete. Have patience. They work very long and very hard trying to fix any problems in the game, along with implementing new aspects to the game.
From your friendly neighborhood ranger :)
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