Player Wipe?

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Post by Gratey » Sun Apr 02, 2006 4:14 am

With the Pwipe, it would not transfer hours, With no character to log hours, you would have no hours, So everyone would be start from day one, Have 0 hours and all.
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Post by Kirkus » Sun Apr 02, 2006 4:40 am

Honestly I am now looking forward to the wipe. Kirkus was my first character and I made tons of rookie mistakes that have cost me big. And when I say tons I mean like my whole first year.

Here is another question..... actually two.

First, the playe wipe is transfering all character names. Locking them to their individual accounts. But to my recolection Dal said that was basically the only thing being transfered or saved. My question is will we have to make a character the same class as before?

Second, What about crazy circumstances such as evil elves? Will that be handled as a case by case basis, taken care of by the imms? or what?
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Post by Yonna » Sun Apr 02, 2006 6:40 am

I have a question about how the kismet is going to be handled if this pwipe is indeed a real thing. Let's say that everythign is wiped, is all of our accumulated kismet going to be given back to us so that we may remake our characters under the new system? Or will all of it be wiped with the pwipe, in which case almost EVERYONE will be at a loss for thousands of hours and many characters. I hope that it will be similar to the former and not the latter
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Post by Gwain » Sun Apr 02, 2006 6:43 am

Don't worry, the accounts will be intact, just not the characters, that will allow you to keep your current kismet, though it will most likely increase at a very slow degree without any characters in your account.
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Post by Rhiel » Sun Apr 02, 2006 6:49 am

First thing I thought when I read that was "Ah great! A fresh start for Rhiel!" So, I would not complain one way or the other...just my two tricrowns....for all those hours I spent screwing Rhiel up, there were many more of great RP. And RP is where the meat and potatoes of FK are to be found. Especially if some of these new systems are implemented. So, for those of you like me, this could be a new lease on some of your "dumber" characters' lives. >.<
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Post by Dugald » Sun Apr 02, 2006 7:28 am

Was this an April Fool's day joke or not? I orginally assumed yes, but now with Council members still talking about it on the 2nd, I'd just like clarification.

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Post by Kirkus » Sun Apr 02, 2006 7:32 am

I am asuming not. The issues Dal mentions in his announcement ie the discussion and the flaws in the current system do call for a change. And the skill point system has been discussed.

Just a question.... are most taking this as a restart rp wise or just another situation to handle like I am, like I mentioned in my earlier post?
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Post by Dugald » Sun Apr 02, 2006 8:04 am

Hahaha, jeez - either way it's funny.

If it's for real, it's funny the announcement fell on the only day that people would disregard the major announcement.

If it's a joke, I'm totally bought into it :)
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Post by Levine » Sun Apr 02, 2006 8:10 am

Kirkus wrote:Just a question.... are most taking this as a restart rp wise or just another situation to handle like I am, like I mentioned in my earlier post?
I think I'll take it as another situation to handle.

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Post by Dugald » Sun Apr 02, 2006 8:28 am

It's gotta be a joke, i've only played my new character for about a month - and I'd groan a little. Most players with older characters will fall over dead :)
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Just my two cents...

Post by Mouat » Sun Apr 02, 2006 8:43 am

I at first wrote a long reponse to the this pwipe notion. I deleted the response and have written the following intead:

This must be a joke.

If it is not, I'll post my original comments.
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Post by Rawlys » Sun Apr 02, 2006 8:55 am

I'll go ahead and second what Mouat said if this turns out to not be a joke as this is the place to post opinions.

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Post by Travis » Sun Apr 02, 2006 9:20 am

Pwipe sounds alright, though I don't think it's going to happen. What I DO thinks is that we're going to get a new skillpoint system
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Post by Amalia » Sun Apr 02, 2006 9:26 am

If this is a joke... whee.

If it isn't a joke... maybe this doesn't impact me the same way because I'm new, but I have played games where I've put many (many, many, many) hours into characters only to start from scratch again later. I think with some "indulgences" it ought to be workable. It's already something that would take a ton of work to code, so I'd propose doing a little extra to help keep characters closer to where they are now in certain respects.

Let characters come back in at the level they are right now, but rebuilding from scratch-- that way older characters still have skill points to distribute for levels. Give a base amount for number of hours played as that character as well, so those characters who would have the greatest amount of skills and such had this always been the system, will start out a bit ahead in the new system. Reinstate characters into their old Faith and Guild positions. Possibly, even let each character keep items (a very limited number) that are critical to the character-- maybe one or two items. That way things like trademark items, important gifts from other characters, etc., that the player can't buy and pretent they're the original, won't be lost in the switchover. I think doing these things would lessen the bad feeling over the reset by a huge amount.

That said, I for one would *really* like to take advantage of the reset to build my first character as she should be, and I imagine anyone else still playing their first character would like to change a few things too-- quite possibly even their second or third character. All in all, as long as the characters can remain the same in spirit, I will be welcoming this change with open arms-- to the point that I'll submit to learning to build to help make it happen if it's not an April Fool's joke :)
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Post by Lerytha » Sun Apr 02, 2006 9:35 am

Well... I welcome the skill-point system, I do. However, to say I am happy is another thing. The idea of having a character I have worked for two years on, just deleted is horrible.

I don't think I'll stop playing, but I thought I would post in reply to Kirkus' first post. Kirky, I understand that these things happen, and yes, they should be taken into stride. But I don't think it's fair to dismiss concerns as simple "moaning". If it was "oh dear lord, I've lost my spellbook in a crash, I'm going to stop playing", it's understandable. But losing a character that you have poured literally hours of your life into, is a harsh blow.

But the benefits may outweigh the loss. Personally, I think I will just start a completely different character after the wipe - because I don't think I could handle having to RP a character who once had five apprentices having to re-learn a magic missile spell. Yes, perhaps this is making me seem like a moaner. If that is so, fine. I am not going to quit the MUD, but I just thought I would post a defence for those who do feel quite sad.

I don't agree with people posting "I am going to quit the MUD", because quite frankly, it might be a fresh start. But neither do I agree with "stop moaning because this should just be RPed", because this change DOES reflect a loss of (for those older than me) maybe four years of work.


I may be going round in circles in this post. I would like to thank the imms for making what might be a courageous decision to better the MUD, even if it means losing many players. The player base can be rebuilt, which is good. I just worry about which players we might lose, if that is what people are thinking.

So... I'm urging people to stay! And now I'm going to end this rather useless post...

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Post by Sune » Sun Apr 02, 2006 10:08 am

Yeah wow :P stop stressing people... it's a computer game.

Happy April Fool's Day ;)

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Post by Cret » Sun Apr 02, 2006 10:14 am

While I like the ideas behind this system, I have to ask this:

I have spent several thousand hours on several characters. Working through countless Rps and stuff. Waited for 2 years to get my presious restrings. While I understand easy come, easy go. I have some pretty important RP items. My alt has one item that took me 3 years to achieve in Rp. What will we do about these? Note, these are not UBER weapons of destruction, though one is extreamly rare. They are items won through RP and apps. Only one of my restrung items is magical and a common item at that.

Will we be alowed any of our restrings to follow through? Special pets that cannot be found in the game? I know im not the only one with these concears and dont want to appear greedy. Starting from scratch is always fun for me. But working 2-3 years just to gain a single item then losing it for something I have no control over kinda strikes in a bad way.

Another question is will our accounts retain our kismet from our play?

Can we opt to Perm-Death some of our major characters?
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Post by Levine » Sun Apr 02, 2006 12:50 pm

OMG... *murders self*

That was THE perfect joke.

Happy April Fool's day, people. (Belated, for some. Like me. *sniffs*)

-gissy :D

P.S. I'm SOOooOOo happy!!!
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Post by Kirkus » Sun Apr 02, 2006 3:56 pm

While I have been wrong ONCE before, it does slightly sadden me to be wrong again. Because it means I have to admit to being wrong. I was hoodwinked! I will say that I am not surprised even though I was duped. I have been here long enough to know the character of the people running this show. And this did seem a little heartless and cold.

Good joke Dalvyn you really had me going there.
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Post by Lerytha » Sun Apr 02, 2006 6:20 pm

*inno* I never once believed it. :oops:
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