Life Expectancy

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Life Expectancy

Post by Legault » Wed Jun 28, 2006 5:21 am

Can anyone gimme the link to some kinda page on halflings? Im looking for the life span specifically. Thanks :D
Legault, Kesno, Balmek, Nezbit
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Post by Hviti » Wed Jun 28, 2006 2:45 pm

Well this is LOTR specific, but I think it's pretty close to DnD/FR as well. Bilbo is having his eleventy-first (111th) B-day at the beginning of The Fellowship of the Ring - and as such, he is quite old already (grey/white hair, slower movement, etc.). I think he makes it to 130+, but this is uncommon (he had a longer lifetime because of the one ring's influence). Frodo came of age at 33.

Therefore, I assume halflings have a life-expectancy similar to that of humans, generally to about 80's (up to 90's, 100's would be v. old), possibly a bit longer if FR humans have shorter lifespans because of lesser sanitation/nutrition of that time period.
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Post by Lerytha » Wed Jun 28, 2006 3:04 pm

The post just above this one, entitled "Halfling Resources" (or something like that) has an interesting link. :) Try that.
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Post by Glim » Wed Jun 28, 2006 10:29 pm

Well, I looked up in the PHB and it states for halflings as follows:

Adulthood: 20 years

Depending on your class, to determine the time when a halfling character would be ready to go out on their own, you would add this to the starting age:
Barbarian/Rogue/Sorcerer: +2d4
Bard/Paladin/Fighter/Ranger: +3d6
Cleric/Druid/Monk/Wizard: +4d6

And for older years:
Middle Age: 50 years
Old : 75 years
Venerable : 100 years
Maximume age: 100 + 5d20 years

Hope that helps,
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