Suggestions for IMM run rps!

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Suggestions for IMM run rps!

Post by Theillik » Thu Jun 29, 2006 5:58 am

I love the IMM run rps. I do. It's always exciting to see the characters they bring in and be afraid of what is going to jump out of the next corner.

I just thought I could give a suggestion to make the rps even more interesting:)

Whenever I've played tabletop, I've found that PCs need to know background information to their story, to the characters, to the main plot. I do not read all the FR books, novels, etc, so my background is limited compared to some in FK. For me, when I get in an rp, and I have no background knowledge and I don't really know who's who and why we're all doing this, I get lost.

It would help sillies like me understand the plot and find a place for my character in the plot, if a NPC/mob or even PC were to give background information to the PCs involved.

I think this would help us not bicker as much and be able to figure out what we're supposed to do.

Please do not feel that I think you're rps stink. This is meant as a suggestion. I would love to hear comments. Thank you!:D
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Post by Tortus » Thu Jun 29, 2006 6:35 am

Well, you know... Speaking of the ongoing RP, and probably most others as well, I think I safely can say that there's been plenty of preparation and RP leading up to it.

This is the only imm-run I've been involved with that I can recall, and my observations (from my point of view, as my char expeienced it, based on his interactions etc.) thus far have been that a group of say... Five to ten people, have been active in these preparations and of these, maybe two or three were present in the quest part of the RP, and they were ICly largely ignored.

I'm not saying this is bad RP or that you were wrong to do this ICly, but if you decide to hop on the bandwagon at the last moment, it's pretty much on you.
This post gave me the feeling that you felt the imms were inconsistent, which at least in this case, they were not.
I might be wrong, of course.
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Post by Dalvyn » Thu Jun 29, 2006 6:50 am

To be honest, that is something that suprised me too (in a negative way, though I can understand it). We saw some people popping in the roleplay. Basically, it went along that way:

Character comes to the square, where the group is setting up.
Character says, 'Oh, can I come with you? I wanna be part of it! Me! me! me'
Groupleader invites Character
Character accepts Groupleader's invitation
Character says, 'So... anyone knows where we are going?'
Character says, 'And what we are going to do?'

NewComer otells Character: Is the roleplaying still going?
Character otells NewComer: Yes, it is.
NewComer comes to join the group
NewComer says, 'So, what are we actually trying to do here?'

The roleplay has been going on (well, that particular part of the roleplay at least) for nearly a week... and suddenly people comes in and join without any IC reason (and there was NO official announcement on the board about the expedition). That seemed quite strange to me indeed.

It's fine if your character tries to join the roleplay, and gets information BEFORE it actually starts, but roleplays with large groups are already spammed enough by spellcasting, smote, wielding/sheathing weapons, and so on... so don't add to it and get your information before it starts. It might also give your character an IC reason to join, too.

Post by Theillik » Thu Jun 29, 2006 8:14 am

Ah..this wasn't meant to be a negative thread, which it appears to have turned out to be.

I wasn't even referring to the current demon rp. Of all the rps I've been in, this one has the most background given.

Yet, I have been in others from their beginning that I had no idea what was happening.

I'm just giving a suggestion: Every good story, need it's characters. Every good rp, needs NPCs.

Please don't take this as a slight against imms or imm run rps.
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Post by Lorion » Thu Jun 29, 2006 10:02 am is probably a bit hard to ask Imms to do this. From what I see, the Imms do deliver the necessary background information, but they cannot give it out 10 times because a new character comes in. If a RP starts and there are 5 people that do the RP, then any others that hear from it later should ask one of those 5 characters what they know. For me i think in the last RP it was done quite well. I wasn't there from when it started, in fact I only went because of the message from Sharahaster, but both during this and then later while people were gathering in the market square it was explained quite well(to me at least) what this is all about and why Lorion should go on to a wild goose chase for some artifact that he has never heard before.

I am not quite sure Theillik what you mean about background information. Do you mean things that the character should know because it is common knowledge, but the player of course doesn't? Or do you mean hints that NPCs can give you? In the first case, i'm not quite sure how this should be done, especially if someone new comes to the RP..In the second case, can ask the NPCs and i'm sure the imms will have them answer. That is, if there aren't too many people and all are talking against each other. But that wouldn't be something the imm can solve, no?
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Post by Dalvyn » Thu Jun 29, 2006 10:33 am

I am not sure if this is related to the topic you wished to address, but here is how I generally do.

- First, I try and mention the importance of "spreading information" both ICly and OOCly as often as possible. Have the guards and a few other NPCs sometimes talk about the events to incite PCs to share their knowledge.

- Second, encourage all work aiming at spreading information. It could be IC posts in game (on the note boards), or books written about it (Check "Music of the Mad" by Mirabai for example), or posts in the Journal (like Grig's Weekly).

- Third, select a small group of interested and motivated PCs to act as some "central information" for the roleplay. Now, I generally pick that group myself at the beginning of the roleplay, then it evolves, with some PCs making their way into it and others leaving it. People who show a strong motivation in the roleplay, do clever things, and seek to include other people into the roleplay, automatically makes it into that "central group".

Now, before people start screaming about "Favouritism!", those PCs in the "central group" do not gain any benefit. When the roleplay starts again after a break, it always happen near one of those PCs though, to make sure that the call to start the roleplay again is not unheard. You cannot imagine how many times I have sent echoes to people and they just got ignored, no matter if they were bright yellow or bright white, so... just to be sure, I now send them to people who seem to be motivated enough.

Aside from that, I do not really see what more can be done to spread out information more, but I welcome any idea.
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Post by Caelnai » Thu Jun 29, 2006 2:06 pm

Dalvyn wrote:Aside from that, I do not really see what more can be done to spread out information more, but I welcome any idea.
I know this has been an issue in the past, but whatever you are doing now seems to work! I was amazed and gratified by the turn-out yesterday, especially that some older, seldom-seen PC's came out of the woodwork for it. Good job! :D
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Post by Lerytha » Thu Jun 29, 2006 2:55 pm

I have had an idea for quite some time, and this seems like the best place to put it:

Have the imms considered letting players apply for a "storyteller" position? Designing plots, roleplays, and maybe even getting the chance to "become an imm" for the day.

This sounds silly, I know. But here's how I see it working...

1. A player comes up with a good idea for an RP

2. They come up with a detailed plan, with parameters that they cannot step outside of. e.g, if someone wanted to roleplay a Zhentish incursion against Shadowdale, the paramaters could be that there should be no lasting damage to the place that would "change" the world. This kind of major RP could be saved for the real imms.

3. The plan could be approved by the imms

4. One single imm account could be set up, with a password changed by the admins for each player. So, for example if I had an idea that was approved, I would be given the password "blue" to become an imm for the day of that RP. After that day, the RP would end, the password would be changed and another player could take over.

What does this do?

-It involves the players in the world.
-It allows players the chance to put on events that will encourage fun
-It does not rely on imms constantly. They can run their RPs, but it would open the door for even more RP, which I think can only benefit the MUD.
-Other benefits, I suppose... which I can't quite think of.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Refutals?
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Post by Kilak » Thu Jun 29, 2006 3:11 pm

Just a general question along the topic lines, but for the Imm run RPs, is there generally a set level you are looking at for the characters to be? Table Top has the nice benefit of having the recommended level listed. I've been hesitant to join some of the RPs I've heard about, as all but one of my characters are low level, and would be hard pressed by some combat.
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Post by Dalvyn » Thu Jun 29, 2006 3:45 pm

Well, that really depends on what part of the roleplay is happening. For exploration of a dungeon and a dangerous venture, yes, level might be a of importance. But for everything else, level does not matter that much. Higher level character will generally protect the lower level character if this is needed. And for spreading information, gathering components, thinking, gaining information, talking with mobs, and all those kinds of things, level does not matter.

Post by Zach » Thu Jun 29, 2006 4:38 pm

Lerytha wrote:4. One single imm account could be set up
I for one do not like this idea... If it was applied for and an IMM liked it... that IMM could take up the RP for said setting... and the 'storyteller' and the IMM could comunicate OOC for any plot changes... instead of setting up a whole new account and changing the password every day... plus... i don't believe you can be a character and have an IMM account... i think you are an IMM/god... or a char... i believe the god accounds are set up differently
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Post by Lerytha » Thu Jun 29, 2006 4:58 pm

Nope. All imms are expected to have a mortal character, as well. I'm not sure how it works in relation to accounts, having never been one. And I think it is an idea for players to be "RP-imms", because it allows more roleplay overall. Rather than the imms having to divide their time between coding/RP, they can still divide their time, but in between, use can be made of the imaginative player base, too.
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Post by Ellian » Thu Jun 29, 2006 5:23 pm

Lerytha wrote:Have the imms considered letting players apply for a "storyteller" position? Designing plots, roleplays, and maybe even getting the chance to "become an imm" for the day.
I think I brought this idea up back at the first IRC meeting, then briefly in the "Priority Changes?" topic, and here and there in private chats and IM. But it's an idea that's been on my mind for a while as well, and one that I would be very excited to see implemented. I know we have a small population of real-life DMs here on FK, and I bet they would jump for the opportunity to try out some of their campaigns here.

Normal, coded quests, while always fun and often very thought-provoking or interesting, tend to have a bit of a one-sidedness to them. There isn't any room for discussion when the mob is just rattling off what he or she was programmed to say, and will only listen to "yes" "no" or "ready." That's what's so great about Imm-run roleplays, I think, is that we get a glimpse of the personalities of all these mobs that we pass by from day to day and never take a second look at.

I would say that player-run roleplays should fall under different "rules," so to speak, than their imm-run equivalents. Say for example if Joe DM wanted to make a little campaign specifically for a group of IC friends that he had in mind, just as a private roleplay for that group, he should be allowed to do that. Player-run roleplays shouldn't be required to be all-including, large public events friendly to newbies, although this can be encouraged.

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Post by Lerytha » Thu Jun 29, 2006 5:32 pm

Hmm... personally I feel the idea loses strength if people just make the RP for their friends. What I am talking about is making the MUD a place where any day, any time (although the imms will know about it), an RP can take place that will involve some people, big events, maybe parties... just generally bring the place to life a bit.

I wouldn't like to see it used just for friends.
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Post by Theillik » Thu Jun 29, 2006 6:02 pm


As I've said twice, this thread is NOT about the rp with the demons. Whoever is running that one has done a great deal of work to set up npcs and spread information.

I just think it would be a good idea to have one or more NPCs with the main group on these voyages, perhaps even leading the group. This could even solve the incessant chatter.

Rps need catalysts and npcs are catalysts. Players need a solid npc to trust (or not to trust:)). I think half the reason for the chatter amongst the characters is because no one knows who to trust. Even if an imm has given information to a PC, the other players don't know that, so their PCs don't really trust what they hear, then they question each other leading to the incessant chatter.

On another note: I would personally love to be able to run an rp, but I do not think I could do it as well as the imms. I don't know the setting as well as they do and they know what they are doing. So, it would be a good idea, but I think the imms should handle the story themselves.
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Post by Dalvyn » Thu Jun 29, 2006 6:28 pm

That is not possible.

In the current roleplay, I have 3 windows open at all times. One with a character following the main group. One with a character following people who go away from the main group, or to answer questions, or deal with other events taking place at the same time. And, in the last window, I have an invisible character who goes to the next NPC the group is going to meet (most likely) and prepare it (checks the languages, spell up, prepare smotes, and so on).

It's already hard to keep up with those 3 windows. Having a fourth window or having to roleplay an NPC following the group and reacting to what is happening and what other characters say would be impossible.
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Post by Mariela » Fri Jun 30, 2006 12:37 am

If players are able to run some plot with some blessings from the Imms, I would love to see more personalized plots that deal with where the character's come from ect. Or even some personal issues lurking in their background.

It would be really fun to have some smaller rp plots that are not world shattering but could be character shattering because they are personal to a set of characters or a single character. Having to find a group of adventurers that will go with you cause your sister was abducted by the guard of Zhentil Keep would be fun. It's simple, it's basic, and you can rope in whomever is around to help you. And it's fairly short thing to do... or can be at times.

I dunno, just my marbles rattling again.
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Post by Dugald » Fri Jun 30, 2006 3:13 am

I second Mariela. DnD is traditionally about epic tales of heroism and virtue - but I have to admit I really enjoy the lower consequence, more character defining stories as well.

But I'm also content to make up what happend during Kilaad's downtimes as well :)
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Post by Raona » Sat Jul 01, 2006 1:06 pm

In my heady tabletop days (sigh), I would often involve players whose PC's had been killed (yeah, I did let it happen) in the continuing adventure by having them play NPC's for me. It worked great - I could focus on other things, and it kept them engaged and involved...and boy, they were often much tougher than I ever was! I would only tell them what the NPC knew, not the whole plot, so they also never gave away too much (as I sometimes did when playing the NPCs). I'd even have them take care of combat for the NPC's in some cases (the problem being, they often made the combat MUCH more difficult, sometimes by abusing their knowledge of the party's weaknesses).

So, this leads me to a suggestion, though I have no idea of its workability in terms of code: as a way to help Imm's with an RP, they might take on one or more non-Imms to play one or more NPCs for them. That would let them focus on the bigger picture, and also let them grab a rest (or a drink/bathroom break) when the NPC was center stage. Alas, timing would be critical, and that's already a challenge in any in-game RP.
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Post by Eltsac » Sat Jul 01, 2006 4:04 pm

In my heady tabletop days (sigh), I would often involve players whose PC's had been killed (yeah, I did let it happen) in the continuing adventure by having them play NPC's for me.
Yeah... happened to me, i was playing the npcs the time of a fight because my character was dead at the very start of it (Now i hate Kuo-Toan with power word kill :twisted: ), but i don't think i was making it much more difficult. But then my knowledge in monsters is not the one of the DM and i may not have used all their abilities... and well... I was not feeling that good to try to kill my friend's characters, they had to raise mine afterwards :P

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