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Post by Leohand » Tue Oct 10, 2006 4:35 pm

I was just studying up on Orcs, and read about Orogs. Now, I know they aren't programmed in yet, but I know that it is in the works, so I'm wondering for when it is,will they be restricted to the Underdark like the Drow? Or can they be on the surface like other orcs? Or is that so far undecided.
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Post by Gruumsh » Tue Oct 10, 2006 4:53 pm

Orogs have actually been done for quite a while. They are waiting on a home town, which I was supposed to do. Apparently I am an unreliable builder. Volunteers for helping on this task would be welcome.

Orogs will be in the Underdark and work like Drow. The areas will probably be accessable to eachother, though I do not know what Drow thoughts and law would be on Orog visitors. Orogs may have access to Skullport as well, dunno.

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Post by Leohand » Tue Oct 10, 2006 5:00 pm

Okay, I kinda thought that might be the case, Orog's being so powerful and all, but if and when I create a true orc, I want access to the surface, so I'll likely settle for a mountain orc. which is also pretty tough. For the moment though, I have no immediate plans, just gathering information. For now I have my half orc.
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Post by Solaghar » Wed Oct 11, 2006 2:01 am

Can they still really be on the plate regarding a hometown of their own? As far as I understand they're not really too keen on new Underdark areas or races as they detract from surface RP. If they're still on the plate as something just awaiting a hometown, I'd be willing to help as I just finished up my last two areas and have nothing specific on my plate at the moment.
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