[spell] Ghost touch weapon

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[spell] Ghost touch weapon

Post by Cret » Thu Mar 08, 2007 1:01 am

Level: Cleric 4
Componets V, S
Time: 10 min

Ghost Touch Weapon makes a weapon magical capable of dealing damage normally to incoporeal creatures regardless of its enchantment bonus...
This would enchant weapons to be able to hit undead creatures. But not act as a normal magical weapon. Perhaps give a (translucent) flag on the weapon.
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Post by Grom » Thu Mar 08, 2007 1:38 am

Isn't this what the vorpal effect on blade does? I have heard the of the spell before and it would be a nice spell for enchanters to have!
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Post by Glim » Thu Mar 08, 2007 5:55 am

I believe a vorpal weapon is something completely different. A vorpal weapon, on a critical hit, rolls against their fortitude saving throw, and if they fail, beheads the target, instantly killing them.

I cant seem to find the reference to it anywhere, so, I could be wrong.

As for the spell, I like it. Perhaps even the effect could last longer? Or weapons with a permanent effect like this could be bought or found? It would be a nice thing to give a newer character or some such, so the weapon wouldnt do any extra damage, but it could still hit creatures that could only be hit by magic weapons. A small nuisance in the Zhentil Keep sewers comes to mind when thinking of new characters problems with this.
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Post by Cret » Thu Mar 08, 2007 6:00 am

I believe the spell Ghost touch.. Or blades permantly enchanted with ghost touch will only affect creatured of negative energy... Not things that require magical damage.
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Post by Grom » Thu Mar 08, 2007 6:23 am

As you said about not having extra damage but damaging magical creatures and negative energy creatures. Could not blessed weapons by a god do this? I would think that those out there who craft weapons and are gmed could possibly produce a blessed sword. I.E. it being a normal weapon of said type but could hurt a ghost if it came down to it? Or perhaps make holywater/unholywater able to be thrown at mobs and deal damage to magical hit only mobs?
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Post by Glim » Thu Mar 08, 2007 8:09 am

Ahh, sorry, Cret, I misunderstood.

Considering your spell, why just limit it to incorporeal creatures? I believe there is a spell in D&D that will make an item hit things that can only be hit by magic weapons, but do not add any enhancement bonuses to it. Wouldnt this perhaps allow a wider range of utility? There could be something I am missing, of course, or you might have a specific usage for the spell that this wouldnt apply to.

And Grom, holy water in D&D will hurt undead if you throw it at them. I dont believe it does this in FK. As for blessed weapons, I believe the closest thing are holy weapons, which do extra damage to evil creatures. Weapon types that do extra damage based on alignments, I believe, are:

holy (+damage to evil)
unholy (+damage to good)
lawful (+damage to chaotic)
chaotic (+damage to lawful)

All of these are D&D type rules and I am not sure if they are in FK.

I do not currently have access to the player's handbook, so if anyone who does could assist in finding the spell I am speaking of and double check on the weapon enhancements, that would be most helpful.

Feedback is always welcome,
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Post by Cret » Thu Mar 08, 2007 9:57 am

Considering your spell, why just limit it to incorporeal creatures?
I found the spell in one of the books and thought it would help out goodly priests who cannot afford the cost of enchant weapon let alone find it as of yet.
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Post by Grom » Thu Mar 08, 2007 4:56 pm

Yea. Thats what I meant for in game. I know it hurts in DnD I tend to carry a bottle of that..and well some black dragons acid..if I have the coin to buy it. Stuff works wonders for locks!
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