TRADE - Hunting

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TRADE - Hunting

Post by Leohand » Thu May 03, 2007 10:49 pm

You are especially skilled in the art of hunting. As you gain experience in this skill you gain bonus fighting against more and more animals and beasts, and at high skill levels monsters as all.
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Post by Lathander » Fri May 04, 2007 12:31 am

Not sure I see the point.
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Post by Dugald » Fri May 04, 2007 1:48 am

That kind of sounds like a "killin' stuff" trade to me.

But I think the idea is valid.

I'd call it profession "trapper". Just where you could use a newly coded skill to get an x pelt, and turn it into a trapper guy and get a couple silver for it. Level of the skill determines success of skinning.

I think more importantly, the number of trades learned should be limited per PC so the trades better define the character.

And, whenever I get the privilege to talk about trappers...

The trapper song! So you can sing along IC while feuding with those cheeze-mo miners!

edited to add: The more I watch this video, the more I want this profession to exist!
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Post by Leohand » Fri May 04, 2007 2:34 am

hunter, in my way of thinking, would be a person that has learned how to fight certain monsters and most animals, gaining bonuses to attack against them. Animals at lower levels, then around apprentice they'd start earning favored enemies, like dragons, orcs, elves, goblins, etcetera, etcetera. I also like the trapper idea. Might make for some good rp.
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Post by Nedylene » Fri May 04, 2007 2:39 am

Rangers already get a similar ability in their class code... Unless that was disabled
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Post by Kregor » Fri May 04, 2007 2:39 am

It's called racial enemy for rangers, you get a bonus against a certain race of creature you choose...

for non-rangers, it's called the Foe Hunter feat. Which allows you to choose a race enemy just like a ranger can.

The idea of across the board bonuses on killing things goes against the intent of trades, and would be too powerful for a feat.
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Post by Leohand » Fri May 04, 2007 2:55 am

Alright, let me put is another way. Something like this.

Inept - You gain a bonus against small animals, bunny rabbits, and such
Novice - You gain a bonus against medium animals, deer, and such
Journeyman - You gain a bonus against large animals, moose, and such
Expert - Favored Enemy Number 1
Master - Favored Enemy Number 2
Grandmaster - Favored Enemy Number 3
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Post by Kregor » Fri May 04, 2007 3:51 am

And again I will say:

Too powerful for a feat, and goes against the spirit of what trades are for.

For additonal thought:

Up to a couple years ago, there was a skill in FK called enhanced damage, it was a non-D20 skill that gave you a higher bonus per hit, the higher you were in the skill. It was decided that it was ultimately unbalancing, and went against the D20 migration the game was moving toward. It was first disabled, and then ultimately removed. This proposed trade would seem to be not too far removed from the skill that was removed.
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Post by Larethiel » Fri May 04, 2007 5:57 am

Dunno, but it sounds cruel, causing extra-damage when fighting a little rabbit or a deer? Hunting can already be done through skills and a trades (slice/cook and tan f.e.) me thinks.
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