Is there something you feel is missing or could be added?
Do you often feel your player character's lack of a tooth brush, false beards, tub of bran, dollies, pen knives, wigs, chewing gum, hosiery, gauntlets of Ogre Stench, Miniature Giant Space Hamster thermos, Tutu, Cheese Helmet, halfling foot shaving kits are keeping you from a fully realized rp?
If you said yes, then WE'RE DOING THE BEST WE CAN!
I mean...if you said yes, then this post is for you!
We will be taking ideas for unique items to be sold in the catalog store.
Send them to:
Clearly state in the email title the following
Catalog ideas from (your name here)
- Restrictions:
*No No No No magical items
*No personalized items, those you can have made for glory when the opportunity arises
*No Faith based items that can be identified with faith symbols.
*No gross items or crude items for purposes not within current policy in the mud (I won't elaborate beyond that)
*No specialty coded items
1)Short Description
- Short Description:This is what the item looks like when you hold it. it should not have any capitalized characters and no period at the end. It should be short and only describe the item. It should have colour codes in {} the codes should be placed directly infront of the word you want that colour to be. The colour codes are listen in the file Help Feralcolour
Example of a good short description:
{90}a red and {f0}white scarf
Example of a bad short description:
(90)A red and white scarf is awesome and stuff.
Long Description: This is what the item looks like when it is on the floor, you see it as a complete sentence like a pose. It should be long enough to reflect this state coherently, but not long enough to take up more than one line. So about seventy characters or less. It follows the same principles above in regards to colour.
- Example of a good long description:
{90}A red and {f0}white scarf lies here.
Example of a bad short description:
{90}A red and {f0}white scarf
{90}A red and {f0}white scarf is slapping you.
{90}A red and {f0}white scarf is biding it's time and waiting for the invasion...
{90}A red and {f0}white scarf{90}A red and {f0}white scarf{90}A red and {f0}white scarf{90}A red and {f0}white scarf{90}A red and {f0}white scarf{90}A red and {f0}white scarf{90}A red and {f0}white scarf{90}A red and {f0}white scarf
The examine description is what you see when you examine or look at an object. Here you can go into detail to explain the object. You should treat this like you treat description on a player character. Don't tell the player what to think, simply tell them what the object looks like, once again you can add colour codes throughout in {}. This should be kept to a single paragraph. IT IS OPTIONAL
- Example of a good examine description:
{90}This is a fine scarf with alternating patterns of {90}red and {f0}white.
Example of a bad examine description:
{90}This is the scarf that Oghma stole from Harry Potter after he called the Binder a muggle...who's laughing now Harry?
{90}This scarf makes you think of a glorious summer day because it is red, red is the colour that makes you think of the summer. The colour white though makes you think of winter because generally things are white in winter...
Please bear in mind that this is a long term project, not all the items you send will be used in the mud. They will all be considered. Also some of the items may change in appearance or will be varied depending on need and preference. Please do not send in emails asking when so and so will be available for sale or why it has not come on sale yet. They will not be answered.
However if you have comments or questions please post here.