Dwarves Training Trades

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Dwarves Training Trades

Post by Dalanna » Sun Jan 27, 2008 8:13 pm

With the new teaching system, this has turned up a couple times, and I thought I'd ask others opinions on it as well.

Dwarves seem to be stand offish at best, whether Shield Dwarves or Gold Dwarves. It doesn't seem at all in character for a Mithril Hall dwarf, following Moradin, to just walk into waterdeep and jump at the first chance to train anyone in any metalworking art. They'd especially not be eager to train an Elf, even one they might have come to recognize as a decent person.

Dwarves prize their ability with metalworking, it's part of their lineage and history which they prize. So to train some other race in the dwarven metalwork would be a pretty big insult to their kin, and god. Right? And similarly, an elf probably wouldn't be asking to train under a dwarf, it just seems to blow all the cannon I've read out of the water.

Now, maybe a dwarf would train a Gnome or Human in metalworking if there was a debt owed or something major traded in return.

Am I right in thinking this? Or am I missing something big? This has come up a couple times in the last week, and I've felt kinda mean refusing to train elves but I can't see how it would be justified IC.
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Post by Vibius » Sun Jan 27, 2008 9:04 pm

My opinion is that there is "metalworking" and "metalworking"", lorewise in Faerun mining/smelting metal/smithing is known to the point that if someone wants to become a miner/smith they will learn the trade without much problems.

This may mean in FK, that there if there is a character liked by a dwarf and that character has good reasons to learn that trade the dwarf might teach the very basics to that trade (from inept to novice), but there is no way that a dwarf would teach to anyone (even to some dwarves as well) "great dwarven secrets of metalworking" (anything higher than novice)


Some elves wouldn't touch a forge even with a ten feet pole, but there are elven smiths, anyway elves that would like to learn to become smiths (and it's IC for them) should think if they really want to learn smith metal from a dwarf (that's assuming the dwarf would train them).
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Post by Tobias » Sun Jan 27, 2008 11:15 pm

Thats one of the problems! There are several places for any race to learn mining/smelting and weaponsmithing. But Armoursmithing has one place to learn..I am trying to remain vague here. As well as lapidary being very limited to who it can be learnt by. I think even with the new teachign system in there has to be a place that can seed the soil persay so others can train that trade and then teach others it would be ICly for them to learn?

I hope I got that out right this time around!
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Post by Dalvyn » Mon Jan 28, 2008 6:17 pm

There is no plan at this point to introduce new learning quests.

One month ago, there was no effective "teaching" option at all. Now, there is one. Let's see how it goes.

Note that, right now, trades are not teachable (since Scholar-1 is required for them).
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Post by Tobias » Tue Jan 29, 2008 4:31 am

ah my point for now was perhaps introducing once some people learn Scholar 1 introduce some of the trades that are limited on places to learn mostly. I think that would give enough open to teach them when a few people have the proper skill level and feats to do so.

On another note..not sure if i should ask this here or the teaching thread..how good of a charisma does one need to be an effective teacher. I have heard that you cannot teach if you don't have a higher than average charisma score.
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