Proposed Policy: Aurora's Whole Realms Catalog Over buying

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Re: Proposed Policy: Aurora's Whole Realms Catalog Over buying

Post by Dovan » Thu Mar 27, 2008 3:53 am

I was unaware of the restricts imposed on Aurora's as I'm still pretty new to this mud (just finishing up my second month). I found this thread a few days ago after I had bought a good deal of food items out of the store (2 different items, 10 of each). I understand under these new rules this is ok.

Still, I went ahead and took back all the items and gave them to Minnie. If my previous actions were of harm, I do apologize and will do better to be more informed upon other actions at later points of time as well.
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Re: Proposed Policy: Aurora's Whole Realms Catalog Over buying

Post by Belose » Thu Mar 27, 2008 4:04 am

But...but.. you put chocolate EASTER EGGS in there! No one can eat just one chocolate easter egg! Saying you can only buy one chocolate easter egg is.. well.. WRONG!!!!!!

Frankkin Fairhome
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Re: Proposed Policy: Aurora's Whole Realms Catalog Over buying

Post by Dovan » Thu Mar 27, 2008 4:07 am

Belose wrote:But...but.. you put chocolate EASTER EGGS in there! No one can eat just one chocolate easter egg! Saying you can only buy one chocolate easter egg is.. well.. WRONG!!!!!!

Frankkin Fairhome
Yondallan who prefers chocolate easter eggs over tarts any day of the week.
One of the items I had bought 10 of... you can't just eat one! But alas...
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Re: Proposed Policy: Aurora's Whole Realms Catalog Over buying

Post by Kirkus » Thu Mar 27, 2008 4:43 pm

In one of Oghma's posts he quoted the help file I think.... and it said something like the Store offers interesting opportunities yada yada yada. Something about the way that was worded made me think that this would be a cool place to put some codewise simple long/travel the world quests. In other words perhaps sell a dusty treasure map, or send pc's on an expedition to retrieve a lost shipment.... stuff like that.
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Re: Proposed Policy: Aurora's Whole Realms Catalog Over buying

Post by Isaldur » Fri Mar 28, 2008 10:50 am

Whatever happened to IC actions have IC consequences? Have Minnie send out a few thugs to rough up the PC merchants buying up all her stock and reselling it. I'm sure they'll stop once they realize it would be impossible to sell things when you're weighted down and dropped off the longest dock in Waterdeep.
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Re: Proposed Policy: Aurora's Whole Realms Catalog Over buying

Post by Selveem » Fri Mar 28, 2008 11:24 am

Since I can't reply to Dalvyn's question on this thread
( ... =16&t=8247) which asks the question
I'm not sure ... why is it a problem if the PCs who bought them all make them available (i.e., ICly re-sell them as merchants)?
I'll respond here:

Imagine this, Dalvyn:

I have a Drow character and I see Aurora's now has a bunch of AWESOME restrings available that this game has never seen before. In my mind, I am buying them all up so that people (especially merchants) have to come down into UM to see _me_ just to have access to these items.

Now all these items are in UM which few people have access to and fewer can get to. An item that was once available to anyone is now available to very select few. Further, I consider my race and alignment, I'm probably not going to sell to you because you're a good aligned character and ICly you shouldn't _want_ to have anything to do with me! :)

This was an example, of course, but the opposite could be said too: Goodly merchant buys all up of something and refuses to sell to those of evil alignment.
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Re: Proposed Policy: Aurora's Whole Realms Catalog Over buying

Post by Caelyvar » Fri Mar 28, 2008 10:42 pm

I dont see why you couldnt do this, EXCEPT. . .I think you should apply for it. Let the IM's know what you are doing so that they can tell you no if they want.

Or if they want you to do it they can set up a few NPC's to blather on about what you did in the MS for a few hours. That way people can search you out, steal from you or barter with you THUS creating RP instead of looking like someone who is just hoarding.

. . just my thoughts
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