I'm thankful for

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I'm thankful for

Post by Dovan » Thu Nov 26, 2009 4:49 pm

Well, for those stateside, we know it's Thanksgiving. I'm thankful for a lot of things but I'd like to say as well here...

I'm thankful for my friends, the good people, the roleplay, the staff with all the behind the scenes work they do, and FK in general for giving us all an enjoyable outlet and good time. Thank you everyone, because you all make FK what it is.

Enjoy the turkey!
"One life; Win or lose it's all a bet,
One chance; Don't show fear and do not forget" -Simon's Symphony

-Dovan, Burning Blade of Luck
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Sword Bumbler
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Re: I'm thankful for

Post by Sei » Sat Nov 28, 2009 8:47 pm

I'm thankful for an active playerbase, active immortals, and good roleplay that spurs us all to get at least just a little bit better!
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