Brewing Lessons

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Brewing Lessons

Post by Gesine » Sun Nov 29, 2009 11:30 pm

I, Gesine Keppur am going to be setting up a group lesson to teach the trade of brewing. If you are able and would like to learn to brew please contact me either in person or by magical post. There will be five spots available in the lesson. I reserve the right to refuse to teach anyone, for whatever reason. If you wish to learn contact me and we will set up the terms of the lesson. All terms will be worked out on an individual basis. The lesson will take place on this day and the date will not be changed. If you wish the lesson, you must contact me ahead of time to make arrangements.

(OOC: Alrighty if you want to learn and this time doesn't work for you, I will be doing this other times as well. PM me with what times would be better for you in relation to this time (example: Mondays four hours earlier, or weekends three hours later) and when I am scheduling the next batch of lessons I'll arrange the times with other people in mind. I'll edit this post with the names of the people that are scheduled for this lesson and make a post to say there are no spots left. Please don't post here. If you have questions. PM me. And also, I'm going to be setting up scribing lessons with Gesine as well. People can take both lessons, but I'd rather try to be fair and give as many people a chance as possible. So if it turns out I have the same person scheduled for the first teaching rounds of both, it might be the case that they get bumped off of one list so that someone else can participate in one of the lessons.)

Spot 1: -------
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Spot 5: -------
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Re: Brewing Lessons

Post by Gesine » Sat Jan 02, 2010 7:43 am

Time for this to happen again now that the holidays are over. The time for the next session will be this time. Please contact Gesine ICly. No, I am not going to reschedule to accommodate anyone. If you find Gesine ICly you may find that she can work things out with you somehow. Do NOT contact me oocly to ask about prices or conditions. Don't do it. All of that should be done ICly. Please try to find her atleast by the day before the posted date. If it comes to the hours before this is supposed to start and you try to get in on it then, most likely you'll get a no.
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Re: Brewing Lessons

Post by Nysan » Sat Jan 02, 2010 5:41 pm

Send her a letter, she forgets easily!
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Re: Brewing Lessons

Post by Aveline » Sat Jan 09, 2010 4:46 pm

For those of you who have already contacted Gesine this will start in just over 2 hours.
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Re: Brewing Lessons

Post by Gesine » Thu Mar 25, 2010 2:25 pm

It has been too long since we last sat down to talk about the new advances in the art of brewing. For those that are interested, Gesine Keppur will be holding another lesson for beginning brewers on this day. If you are interested, contact her to talk about fees, supplies, and location. If you show up at the time of the lesson without having first contacting me in some way, you will not be allowed to remain for the lesson, so do not even try. And please try to contact me a good while in advance if possible.
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