Tournament for everyone

A place to announce forthcoming events and roleplays, organised by imms or players.
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Tournament for everyone

Post by Dapher » Sun Mar 14, 2010 8:16 am

Years ago Zarafae, and Lathlain set up a tournament that was placed in Silkhole in the spider pits, it consisted of sperate tiers, all based on lvl and class. In the tournament there was betting, fighting, and a great deal of fun. It was a chance for goodies and evils to interact, RP, and pretty well beat the living daylights out of each other. People lost coin, and people earned coin, but mostly lost it. Terms for each fight were agreed upon by each contestant before the fight, and enforced by the...well enforcers. Each contestant had to pay if I recall 5 plat for the fight, and I think by standers were aloud to watch for free. The IMM support was great, and made things a lot of fun. Well, as Lath'lain's student Falgorn has stepped up and taken the Doommaster as his assistant in setting up another tournament just like the previous one all those years ago. Location will stay the same, the 5 plat per fight, and the by standers watch for free still stands. There will be no fighting outside the ring, all disputes will be settled in the ring. The will be by stander friendly, but contestants will draw blood upon one another. The first five rounds will be killmode spar, starting on the sixth rund the contestants will go to stun, and finish out the battle. This allows for some fun RP, but it will also ensure the battle ends in a timely manner. I am still working on a date for this event, but I wanted to post this up so everyone had a chance to look at it. Please give me input and ideas to make this as much fun as possible for everyone.
Dapher Dullthumb- Garl's Chosen Illusionist
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Re: Tournament for everyone

Post by Moloch » Sun Mar 14, 2010 8:28 am

Restrictions on Magic?
Restrictions on Equipment?
Restrictions on Gender? (just kidding...don't kill me)
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Re: Tournament for everyone

Post by Harroghty » Sun Mar 14, 2010 8:34 am

It might be helpful to publish blanket, general terms for combat to speed the deliberations before battles. Perhaps have set 1,2, and 3 (or A, B, and C). Set one is anything goes. Set two is each person can use their special manuevers (such as spells, skills like punch or disarm, etc.) only three times per each maneuver, per fight. Set three is just straight blow-for-blow with no special maneuvers. This is probably oversimplifying it, but it would allow people to say, "Let's just use set one" or "Let's use set two, but use each move four times instead of three". It gives people a starting place and might save time by cutting out a lot of deliberation before matches, or allow more time for role-played intimidation, challenging, etc. before a match.
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Re: Tournament for everyone

Post by Dapher » Sun Mar 14, 2010 8:56 am

Alrght, here is what I have come up with. Armour and magical trinkets, no magical trikent that casts a spell such as armour, or barkskin, or cureative spells. Those are off limits. Armour, any armour is good armour as far as we are concerned, if it has magical enchantments so be it as long as it does not cast a spell on you. Second, spell casters. No area affecting spell, too dangerous, too many spectators, just NOT a good idea. Two options we have are casting buffers before the fight, or waiting for the fight to start to cast buffers. Which would be agreed upon by the contestants. Other than that, I see no problem with anything else goes use what you have to your advantage. We would like to keep priests with priests, wizards with wizards and so forth, but corss battling is not out of the question, it will make things interesting, but both parties would have to agree on the fight. It is hard to put further limits on spell casters because you begin to inhibit thier ability to defend themselves at all.

As for the warrior classes, when it comes to rangers, they are obviosuly limited on skills used within battle, but they are given prayers instead, a trade off of sorts. My best idea with the same as the spell casters, first agree on weather they can use them or not, second agree on when they can be cast, before, or during, also you must clarify wether or not they can use curative prayers during the fight.

Next, the fighter catagory, I will also include thieves due to thier skills avalible to them in a battle. First, agree on how many times, you could limit the ranger to no prayers, but allow him the ability to kick three times, and punch 2 times, and allow the fighter to kick three times and punch twice, but eliminate the ability to disarm. But yes, I think there should be a limit to how many times one can disarm, or use the same manuever. for example, straight blade to blade, not disarming, no kicking, no punching, shere skills could be one option. The next could be three of one manuever, and two of a second, but they must be agreed upon before the fight, and a third set of rules could be all out anything goes fight. Bows, cross bows, slings javalins and throwing knives are prohibited, a crowded area too many people around, someone that is not the target is bound to get hit.

Thrown projectiles in general are bad bad bad in these areas. There is also the option of nude fights, a true test of one's steel. Give each contestant a generic non magical sword of thier choice, and a generic shield if they have a one handed weapon. They fight with thier swords, and thier speed.

All sorts of things can be agreed upon, but these are just a few things I found interesting.

Any suggestions are welcome, and encouraged :)
Dapher Dullthumb- Garl's Chosen Illusionist
Telnier Talmar- Master Ranger of Mielikki
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Re: Tournament for everyone

Post by Dapher » Mon Mar 15, 2010 3:04 am

Something I think I need to bring up. Please rememberthis is still the game, and it is still RP. WHen you bring a character remember to RP them the way they would normally be RPed, and please, only bring one character, do not alt hop. That is very unclassy. Thanks :)
Dapher Dullthumb- Garl's Chosen Illusionist
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Re: Tournament for everyone

Post by Lathander » Mon Mar 15, 2010 3:06 pm

To add to Dapher's latest comment, please only bring the PC in your account that would really go. Just because a player wants to see how his/her PC would stack up against a specific opponent does not mean that the PC would truly attend. I can't see, for instance, most elves wanting to fight an orc "just for sport."
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Re: Tournament for everyone

Post by Dapher » Mon Mar 15, 2010 11:29 pm

Well, after looking over calanders, and schedules, this looks like the best time for me, and Elistina says she can make it too. If you have any concerns about your schedule and being able to come let us know, and we will do what we can to work it out. Keep in mind we wont be able to accomodate everyone so I apologise in advance. ... c=0&p1=770
Dapher Dullthumb- Garl's Chosen Illusionist
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Re: Tournament for everyone

Post by Dapher » Tue Mar 16, 2010 12:08 am

Well, someone just brought up an interesting suggestion. Should potions, wands, and scrolls be permitted? Well, I see no reason why not. Just another rule that must be made at the begining of the fight. *cough* I know a few priests that are good at healing potions *cough* lol jk, but that is something to keep in mind, wizards, and priests brew and make scrolls of healing, and buffers.
Dapher Dullthumb- Garl's Chosen Illusionist
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Re: Tournament for everyone

Post by Bellayana » Wed Mar 17, 2010 5:13 pm

I think this is great! I would love to take Balager to this.
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Re: Tournament for everyone

Post by Nysan » Wed Mar 17, 2010 8:37 pm

Dapher wrote:Well, someone just brought up an interesting suggestion. Should potions, wands, and scrolls be permitted? Well, I see no reason why not. Just another rule that must be made at the begining of the fight. *cough* I know a few priests that are good at healing potions *cough* lol jk, but that is something to keep in mind, wizards, and priests brew and make scrolls of healing, and buffers.
Personally, I don't see a problem with potions/wands/scrolls being used. However, it would be nice if anyone had access to them. Doesn't really show much if character A has 5 healing potions to use and character B has none. Lacking the same magical weapons is one thing, facing someone with basically 5 times the health, due to potions, is another.

I know at least one old priest that could supply some healing potions for the tourny, if necessary, so all can have at least 1 healing potion. Up to the event coordinators, just tossing it out there. I may not be on for the actual event, family wants to watch Clash of the Titans in 3d that weekend and not sure about showtimes just yet.
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Re: Tournament for everyone

Post by Dapher » Fri Apr 02, 2010 1:31 am

Due to recent events, and difficulties in logging in, I do not think I will be able to make this event. I still encourage everyone to show up, I will make sure a representitive is here to conduct it, and enjoy it :)
Dapher Dullthumb- Garl's Chosen Illusionist
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Re: Tournament for everyone

Post by Tyeslan » Fri Apr 02, 2010 10:17 pm

I think for the time being we will be putting this off until Falgorn can join in. When we get the chance to speak again, we will set up a time, and let everyone know.
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Re: Tournament for everyone

Post by Dapher » Sat Apr 03, 2010 5:08 pm

Avalibility for me is very sketchy, I do not have a set schedule for the time being. I just moved barracks buildings, so my internet has been taken away from me, I have to walk accross base to get to the nearest internet, and class is very insane at the moment. So, I will be around as much as possible.Turns out I will be around today, but that just goes to show yesteday i was under the impression I could not, and now today it seems like I can. Sorry for the inconvience that this caused. If you all want to show up, I am sure we could get the event going stil, but if you made other plans that is fine too.
Dapher Dullthumb- Garl's Chosen Illusionist
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Re: Tournament for everyone

Post by Glim » Tue Apr 13, 2010 5:16 am

Good idea, though I daresay Lathlain did not hold that tournament :)
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Re: Tournament for everyone

Post by Dapher » Tue Apr 13, 2010 6:34 pm

It was so long ago, I just remember them both being there, Zarafae was taking the bets, and it was in Silk hole. But I am going to try to set this up again. I have another event coming up soonish so after that one is done I will attempt this one again. Tryingto juggle being an FM, going to school, and enjoy RPs. So, I look forward to seeing this happen as soon as I can make it happen.
Dapher Dullthumb- Garl's Chosen Illusionist
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Re: Tournament for everyone

Post by Dapher » Mon Apr 19, 2010 3:43 am

Remember for IC info do not seek out Jarris. This RP is being hosted by Falgorn and Elistina. Ok, now that my other events have taken place it is time to come back to this one. But before I take the time out of my schedule, and Elistina takes the time out of hers, I need to find ot who is interested in this RP. It seems that many of the old mentalities of competition, and tournaments has slowly seeped out of the game. Please, if you are interested in this sort of RP post on this event. I am more than happy to take a day out of my schedule to run RPs such as this, but it is disapointing to see a very small turnout. I know that schedules around the world are diffrent, and IRL comes before the game. But please post here with a day of the week that is best for you such as Friday evening, Saturday, Sunday things like that. It will help us schedule the event for a day that a larger number of people are able to attend. And I understand if people do not want to paricipate, just let us know :)
Last edited by Dapher on Mon Apr 19, 2010 4:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
Dapher Dullthumb- Garl's Chosen Illusionist
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Re: Tournament for everyone

Post by Lysha » Mon Apr 19, 2010 4:00 am

Eyja can make it any day of the week, unless something comes about, after 4pm CST. And, weekends I'm able at any time as long as I get my lazy rear out of bed. ;)
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Re: Tournament for everyone

Post by Melian » Mon Apr 19, 2010 4:08 am

I have a character that may be interested. Preferably for me on a Sunday.
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