Orc Meeting

A place to announce forthcoming events and roleplays, organised by imms or players.
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Re: Orc Meeting

Post by Ooma » Thu May 06, 2010 4:48 am

Skins are hung all over the kamp in a hasty manner with the following writing on them :

Ooma Be da Most importunt Muddah of Da orcs...
SO Da orcs gonna beat demz to Feast!!! Gonna be a big Celebrashun Before all da Panzy Muddahs get ta celebrate!
Da Muddah invites all her orks and speshul onez to come have some gnome toes and roasted elf meatz!!!( Might even be a speshul Sacrificin if we can Keepz da prisonahz from da Soup pot long enuffs!)

Bring da Muddah ouze offerinz and show up at da well in da Kamp atdis time

If ouze not able to make it... Just make sure ouse be extra nice to da Muddah next time ouze see her!!!

OOC: I apologize for the short notice. Just wanted to see if we could get some orcs together again for a short rp. Hope you can all come out for a little bit and join us, though I do know for some it is a bad time. I am still trying to get a list of times from the orcs who are not in the USA if you could pm me with a good time to hold events I will put them together and see what I can come up with so that your orcs are not having to miss out on all the fun! >:)

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Re: Orc Meeting

Post by Raona » Thu May 06, 2010 12:55 pm

Just to make sure, since the cited time is Guatemala time: You intend 8pm Central, 7pm Eastern, today, right?
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Re: Orc Meeting

Post by Ooma » Fri May 07, 2010 12:22 am

this event cancelled
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