[Request] Two-handed Weapon Feats?

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[Request] Two-handed Weapon Feats?

Post by Hrosskell » Sat Jun 05, 2010 2:11 pm

The title pretty much gets at it. Does anyone know where I could find resources regarding two-handed weapon feats, usage, etc.?
I'm not very well-informed on how fighting with two-handed weapons work, but would like to be.
I looked at an old index of feats, but all I saw were home-brew and other campaign setting feats (although these were pretty interesting to see).
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Re: [Request] Two-handed Weapon Feats?

Post by Athglor » Sun Jun 06, 2010 9:14 pm

You can have a look here regarding the mechanics of two-weapon fighting:

http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/specia ... onFighting

And for the feats:

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Re: [Request] Two-handed Weapon Feats?

Post by Hrosskell » Mon Jun 07, 2010 1:29 am

lol, I got those. I meant actual two-handed weapons (i.e. greatswords, big axes, clubs, spears). With all the flavor surrounding dual wield and sword&board, two-handed weapons seem to be getting left behind. I was hoping to do some more research around those.
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Re: [Request] Two-handed Weapon Feats?

Post by Athglor » Mon Jun 07, 2010 1:30 pm


Well then, the beauty of two-handed weapon approach to problems, it isn't very feat dependant (unlike TWF), get the bigger/meanest two-handed weapon that you can afford (greatsword, greataxe and so on), and power attack. When using a weapon two-handed you get a 1.5X str bonus damage, but it turns into a whooping 2X if you use the power attack feat (which also adds to the extra damage that you get in exchange of decreasing your hitroll). And if you can afford it train all the weapon focus/weapon specialization feats than you can for extra joy.
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Re: [Request] Two-handed Weapon Feats?

Post by Selveem » Fri Jun 11, 2010 7:03 am

I'd have to agree with Athglor, but many of the great feats for fighters are still not in the game (or may not make it, due to possible code issues). I've got an (incomplete?) list here with an explanation in D&D rules (that may not accurately reflect how combat is coded in FK):
  • Whirlwind Attack
    Requirements wrote:Dex 13+, Combat Expertise, Dodge (feat not in game), Mobility (not in game), Spring Attack (not in game), Base Attack Bonus +4 (a level 10+ Fighter/Paladin on FK)
    Player's Handbook 3.5's description wrote:When you use the full attack action, you can give up your regular attacks and instead make one melee attack at your full base attack bonus against each opponent within reach.
    Requirements wrote:Base Attack Bonus +2 (a level 5+ Fighter/Paladin on FK), Improved Trip (not in game), Str 15+
    Sword and Fist's description wrote:Whenever you deal 10 or more points of damage to your opponent in melee, you make a trip attack as a free action against the same target.
    Monkey Grip
    Requirements wrote:Base Attack Bonus +1 (a level 1+ Fighter/Paladin on FK)
    Complete Warrior's description wrote:Use larger melee weapons at -2 penalty (to attempt to hit them).
    Spinning Halberd {Tactical Feat}
    Requirements wrote:Combat Reflexes (not in game), Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (halberd)
    Complete Warrior's description wrote:When you make a full attack with your halberd, you gain a +1 dodge bonus to your Armor Class ("Defence" in FK) as well as an additional attack with the weapon at a -5 penalty (to attempt to hit them). This attack deals points of bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 + 1/2 your Strength modifier.
    Three Mountains {Tactical Feat}
    Requirements wrote:Str 13+, Cleave, Improved Bull Rush (not in game), Power Attack, Weapon Focus (heavy mace, morningstar, or greatclub)
    Complete Warrior's description wrote:If you strike the same creature twice in the same round with your heavy mace, morningstar, or greatclub, it must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Strength modifier) or be nauseated by the pain for one round.
There are some crazy ones, too, like Combat Brute (found in Complete Warrior) and Leap Attack (found in Complete Adventurer), but the options are a bit too situational (and lengthy) or too current-combat-code-incompatible to list here.

Sidenotes on Monkey Grip:

(In Layman's terms: take a minor penalty (for a fighter/paladin) to your attempt to strike an opponent, but use a bigger weapon)

If you are unfamiliar with how a weapon's size matters to damage: not taking critical hits into account, a medium greataxe goes from doing a maximum of 15% a wizard's maximum base health in a single swing to 22.5% as a large greataxe - significant difference!

Check out the table "Larger and Smaller Weapon Damage" at D20srd.org's Weapons page.
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Re: [Request] Two-handed Weapon Feats?

Post by Keltorn » Sat Jun 12, 2010 8:48 pm

Selveem wrote:Sidenotes on Monkey Grip:

(In Layman's terms: take a minor penalty (for a fighter/paladin) to your attempt to strike an opponent, but use a bigger weapon)

If you are unfamiliar with how a weapon's size matters to damage: not taking critical hits into account, a medium greataxe goes from doing a maximum of 15% a wizard's maximum base health in a single swing to 22.5% as a large greataxe - significant difference!

Check out the table "Larger and Smaller Weapon Damage" at D20srd.org's Weapons page.
Monkey Grip is typically regarded as a very, very bad feat.

Each increase in weapon size usually nets you one more damage on average. That's a -2 penalty for 1 more damage. Compare this to Power Attack, which will give you that bonus damage at a one-to-one ratio with the loss of accuracy or, in the case of two-handed weapons, a two-to-one ratio. In most cases, Monkey Grip is a terrible feat unless you just can't live without an anime-sized weapon. :wink:

Now, in the case of a medium greataxe, it would go from an average damage of 6.5 to 10.5, so the increased weapon size is almost worth it. But, of course, Power Attack gives you that same benefit. Power Attack is also adjustable, is a prerequisite for other feats, and it works with weapons that are sized for you and the ones that aren't. Forgotten Kingdoms is just missing the adjustable part, which might make a nice addition to that feat.

Monkey Grip does have one big advantage in FK that it lacks in D&D, though, and that is that the weapon sizes can often be a big problem as the weapon you want typically can't be resized. Monkey Grip might come in really handy for, say, the small races. It does a poor job of increasing your damage, but it might let halflings decrease the painful penalties they'd otherwise take.
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Re: [Request] Two-handed Weapon Feats?

Post by Selveem » Sun Jun 13, 2010 3:26 am

I'm not certain how your calculations would lead you to believe Monkey Grip only gives an average of 1 extra damage.. for a -2 penalty.

Are you referring to a specific weapon? Because, there really is no 'on average.' It's all dependent on the weapon.

For instance, a Large Greatsword does 1d6 more damage than the Medium Greatsword. There's no way to suggest exactly what the 'average' roll is on a single (standard) six sided dice unless you're referring to the mathematical "mean" which would suggest it would be a 3.5 (3 to 4). So, you're getting either 3 or 4 damage increase for the loss of 2 points taken from your chance to hit.

That being said, Power Attack is indeed a better bargain when wielding a weapon with two hands. It multiplies the number subtracted from your chance to hit by two which is added to your damage. However, the greatest part is the fact that they stack. Additionally, while mounted, Power Attack cannot be used with a Lance as it is a one-handed weapon. Monkey Grip, however, does. ;)
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Re: [Request] Two-handed Weapon Feats?

Post by Harroghty » Sun Jun 13, 2010 7:48 pm

Hey guys,

The staff considered all of the sources that you are citing for the feats. We even looked seriously at some of the ones that you are proposing here (I remember specifically looking at Monkey Grip), but we only included a few. Certainly more are not out of the question and so I encourage you to post ones that you feel would be good additions and to debate their worth. Your debate saves us some debate. Still, please understand that this is not a priority right now, however; it may come up again in the future and all of your comments will be considered and discussed. Thanks.
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Re: [Request] Two-handed Weapon Feats?

Post by Hrosskell » Wed Jun 16, 2010 3:23 pm

Oh, lol. I guess I should have clarified in my original post that I am looking into this for a table-top character I'm planning to build. It turns out there is a group that runs in my hometown on the weekends, and I'm lucky enough to know a few of the guys who play in it. They, like us, are devout 3.5'ers, so I figured I'd hit up you guys for the wealth of knowledge that you are. :D

Edited to Add: I don't know if it's a bad thing that my main source of knowledge on DnD is FK, and source books secondly. 8)
Jamais arriere.
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