Sunite Meet and Greet
Re: Sunite Meet and Greet
Just to clarify, the Sunite meeting will take place at this time in the Temple of Beauty. If you can't make it, find Faria in game to discuss the items of interest. And bring pizza. 

Your punch viciously hammers a shark's abdomen.
A shark is stunned, but will probably recover.
A shark is stunned, but will probably recover.
Re: Sunite Meet and Greet
I only -just- noticed I had the date wrong, and I fixed it now, but we might just scrap this idea for now due to low interest. I'll be on at that time still, just in case.
Your punch viciously hammers a shark's abdomen.
A shark is stunned, but will probably recover.
A shark is stunned, but will probably recover.
Re: Sunite Meet and Greet
I was very pleasantly surprised by the turn out for this meeting. Thank you all so much for showing up. <3
Your punch viciously hammers a shark's abdomen.
A shark is stunned, but will probably recover.
A shark is stunned, but will probably recover.
Re: Sunite Meet and Greet
Well, it's been a while since we've had one of these, and I thought it might be fun to have another Sunite Meet and Greet, especially with there being a few new inquirers of the faith. I am shooting for this time right now, but let me know if you want to do this earlier or later.
This isn't set in stone. I want feedback to see who can make it when. Feel free to PM me if you don't want to post here. I especially want any and all inquirers and hopefuls of the faith to attend, so if this is not a suitable day/time for you, please let me know so we can put our heads together. I'm not saying I don't want older, senior characters to attend either. I want EVERYONE's input.
Personally, I can't do it on Sunday.
This isn't set in stone. I want feedback to see who can make it when. Feel free to PM me if you don't want to post here. I especially want any and all inquirers and hopefuls of the faith to attend, so if this is not a suitable day/time for you, please let me know so we can put our heads together. I'm not saying I don't want older, senior characters to attend either. I want EVERYONE's input.
Personally, I can't do it on Sunday.
Your punch viciously hammers a shark's abdomen.
A shark is stunned, but will probably recover.
A shark is stunned, but will probably recover.
Re: Sunite Meet and Greet
This time looks perfect for me!
Autumn is a second spring where every leaf has its turn to be a flower.
- Albert Camus
- Albert Camus
Re: Sunite Meet and Greet
The entire day is going to be bad for me - everyone decided to have their birthday at the same time (tsk!) so it's an afternoon meal followed by an evening party. Sorry!
And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love.
- Dovan
- Sword Grand Master
- Posts: 262
- Joined: Mon Mar 24, 2008 2:03 am
- Location: Indianapolis, IN
- Contact:
Re: Sunite Meet and Greet
I should be good for at least an hour.
"One life; Win or lose it's all a bet,
One chance; Don't show fear and do not forget" -Simon's Symphony
-Dovan, Burning Blade of Luck
One chance; Don't show fear and do not forget" -Simon's Symphony
-Dovan, Burning Blade of Luck
Re: Sunite Meet and Greet
It's a good time for me, but if it needs to be changed so more could attend that's fine too! <3
Autumn is a second spring where every leaf has its turn to be a flower.
- Albert Camus
- Albert Camus
Re: Sunite Meet and Greet
I will give this until Thursday. If more people can attend than can not, then we will continue with this meeting.
Hopefuls, I'm still waiting to hear from you. If you don't wish to alt reveal, feel free to PM me or write me a letter.
Hopefuls, I'm still waiting to hear from you. If you don't wish to alt reveal, feel free to PM me or write me a letter.
Your punch viciously hammers a shark's abdomen.
A shark is stunned, but will probably recover.
A shark is stunned, but will probably recover.
Re: Sunite Meet and Greet
I'll bring Suk. He will feed you guys! *evil grin*
The belief in a supernatural evil is not necessary;
Men alone are quite capable of every wickedness.
-Joseph Conrad, Under Western Eyes
-Tofuergus Greenroot, Gnomish Ranger
Men alone are quite capable of every wickedness.
-Joseph Conrad, Under Western Eyes
-Tofuergus Greenroot, Gnomish Ranger
Re: Sunite Meet and Greet
Alright, so it looks like the suggested time and date are acceptable. To clarify, this is the time and date we will meet.
Also, anyone interested in learning about Sune is encouraged to join us in the Temple of Beauty. <3
Also, anyone interested in learning about Sune is encouraged to join us in the Temple of Beauty. <3
Your punch viciously hammers a shark's abdomen.
A shark is stunned, but will probably recover.
A shark is stunned, but will probably recover.
Re: Sunite Meet and Greet
My internet is very unreliable today. I'm very sorry, but I may not be able to make it to this meeting. If y'all still want to gather, that's cool, but there is a chance Faria may not be able to make it. Internet keeps going out in this area.
Edit: Looks like the net is a little more stable right now, but just be warned it might still crap out.
Edit: Looks like the net is a little more stable right now, but just be warned it might still crap out.

Your punch viciously hammers a shark's abdomen.
A shark is stunned, but will probably recover.
A shark is stunned, but will probably recover.
Re: Sunite Meet and Greet
Totally going on RIGHT NOW!
Sunite party with pie.

Your punch viciously hammers a shark's abdomen.
A shark is stunned, but will probably recover.
A shark is stunned, but will probably recover.
Re: Sunite Meet and Greet
Thank you to everyone who attended! Tymora smiled on my net, and I'm glad I was able to see everyone!
Your punch viciously hammers a shark's abdomen.
A shark is stunned, but will probably recover.
A shark is stunned, but will probably recover.