Impressions of a new player

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Impressions of a new player

Post by volric » Wed Nov 03, 2010 8:35 am

Hi all,

I was going through the boards waiting for my account to activate (by the way - I didn't realise that you could activate your own account until last night (I did see it in the howto now, but unfortunately you have to be activated to see the howtos) - and I saw that in the past that you were interested in how new players viewed the mud, especially with regard to playability.

Hopefully you are still interested in what I have to share.

The last time I really played a mud was about 8 years ago. A week or so ago, I was reading through some rpg articles and I wondered if my wife would be interested in Muds. Something we could play together.

Now she hasn't played muds before, so I broached the subject 'gently'. She has a good imagination and likes books and so on so she agreed to try it out. I did worry about the text interface, not so much with the reading and so on but with the typing of commands.

I even went so far as to make her a guide as to the common mud commands and then set off to find an 'easy' mud to play.

I hopped around a few muds and came to FK. Now this isn't my idea of an 'easy' mud, but I must say, that I really am impressed with the first area of newbie training.

It is one of the best I've seen with regard to teaching you about the mud basics.

I have to admit that it did take me some time to come to grips with the feat system, the 'bonus feats', the spell casting, the faiths and so on.

Initially I thought that you also had to spend feat points to get skills (as you train them similarly).

Another bit of confusion for me was that stats - I wasn't sure if there is a max for humans and so on, or it was NWN where you can train how much you wanted.

In any case I soon arrived at Oghma's temple and began to train against dummies. I decided to start playing a few days before my wife to 'scope' out the place. I was worried if she didn't have a nice experience that she would be adverse to muds.

I tried to make it fun for her, asking her questions about the type of character she'd like to be, or about our relationships.

Initially she said 'We could have got married and our families didn't like the marriage, and shunned us, so we left to make our own way. And my mum is a princess, but she left her castle for love' .. I had to gently caution the latter part away - which she thankfully agreed to.

So we decided to become an adventuring duo. Seeking fame and fortune, probably like so many others. I was to be the front line fighter, and she a fighter as well, but a bit more subdued, mixing potions and the like for our healing. (Is herbalism working?)

Alright, so nevermind all that, lets get to the actual playing of the mud.

I decided to fight dummies for a while and get used to the fighting system. Luckily it wasn't so different to what I was used to, perhaps just getting tired a bit quicker. I like the idea of your skills improving as you use them, and slowly as well (to get to grandmaster I expect).

What is the difference between the different type of swords and so on by the way? I used a plain longsword and one for 2plat and they both deal 1d8 damage.

The armor system is also nice, and though I haven't yet experimented with it fully I look forward to doing so.

I found the players quite friendly, and helpful, though it was hard to RP my char and ask for help at the same time, but I told myself that until I get to level 10, that the minor lapses were 'ok'.

I did typo 'aid' yesterday, and managed to change my adjective to 'd'. (aid d = ad d). A suggestion from my side is to perhaps make it harder to do so, especially if you can't reset it/change it again. Whilst I don't really mind being 'd' as opposed to 'ugly' , doesn't really fit in hehehehe.

I'm not sure if there are any other commands like that which should be 'harder' to mess up.

Exploring Waterdeep was nice. It is a huge city. It is a pity you can't rent/buy dwellings though, as I'd like a place to store my items/sleep etc. I see you can rent a room at inn's for 3 copper's or so for a night.

I have found quite a few interesting places - I think I've found the Fighter's Guild where the wife and I can train up.

I also managed to get an interesting quest, though I think much higher than my current level. Looks like I have to wait to level up a bit before completing it.

The ASK channel is also very nice. I've used it twice, once mistakely when I was too literal with instructions. 'ask <mob> Can I have more information about reality' hehe.

The other time was about my adjective change, and from that I learned about the forum activation, so now I can post.

Currently I'm just exploring Waterdeep, making notes of my own, trying not to get lost (too much), and having to use recall.

My wife just finished the newbie area last night, and we levelled her a bit on the dummies. Will play again tonight and hopefully get her to level 8 or so.

Am really looking forward to exploring the sewers soon with her. She is still getting the hang of 'say' and 'smote' and so on, and she doesn't like being 'skinny' ...

Hopefully we find some cheaper than 23 plat healing potions or try to learn herbalism and make our own - cheaper I hope.

Thats it from me.

I'll carry on adding my experiences if you would like.

(Thanks to all who have helped me - a friendly playerbase what every new player experienced or not needs)
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Re: Impressions of a new player

Post by Selveem » Wed Nov 03, 2010 9:51 am

First of all, I think I can speak for the rest of the players when I say: welcome, we are glad to have you, and exceedingly grateful you took the time to post on the forums to share with us. :D

You see, players such as your wife and yourself have extremely interesting views that many of us longer-term players have already adapted to and become conditioned to overlook! A prime example of that is your experience with the adjective command. I'd agree that FK is not the easiest MUD to learn and that Waterdeep does not make much sense if you were to look at it from a bird's eye view, but there ARE some maps on the site to help out a little; have you found them?

I am interested to hear more of your experiences and suggestions because new players is an important part to most (or all?) online games. As a side question, have you and/or your wife ever played D&D before?

Potions are expensive; they always have been that I can remember (10 years). It would be nice to have cheap potions available for FK, but those generally are going to be deals struck in-character with other players. FK encourages player interaction vs purchasing from mobs. I can't say that I agree on all counts (such as potions). As I know it, herbalism is not currently in-game, but there _are_ a few people who know how to brew and scribe scrolls. :)

You're right about the weapons. As I understand it, weapon pricing is modified by:
  • The quality of craftsmanship.
  • The different types of metal.
  • Whether or not it's magical.
  • And taxes!
Waterdeep is a relatively high tax area it seems. As it's the starting area for new players and the greatest trading hub along this coast, I don't feel that should be the case. It would be nice to standardize weapon and armor prices to match more closely what they cost in D&D; could you imagine playing tabletop and your DM tells you to buy a longsword it will cost you over two platinum for a mundane, non-masterwork piece? We'd all just play monks instead. At any rate, the 'newbie weapons' you can purchase from inside the Oghman Temple. They're pretty much going to be equivalent in quality to anything you find around Waterdeep's (unfortunately) inflated prices.

The actual 'score sheet' we have now is very new to FK. I am actually supposed to be laying it out in a helpfile and explaining everything as soon as I get the go-ahead, but there may be more changes afoot so I'll have to be patient. For this delay, I sincerely apologize. Previously, people couldn't really tell if one weapon was better than another. It's mostly transparent now!

Having a supportive and encouraging playerbase is absolutely key for FK. As you've stated, starting to learn the system and maneuvering around the town is quite a bear to tackle. Aside from some of the newbie training things you ran into some hiccups on, did you notice anything else that you feel would make it easier to understand (helpfiles, instructions the non-player characters gave, command response, etc)? Ideally, the most important information to new players should be easiest accessible. I realize our helpfile system is very extensive and due to that there is a lot of 'hidden' information that you have to maneuver around to find. Things such as the 'stat cap' you mentioned is probably important for new players. :)
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Re: Impressions of a new player

Post by volric » Wed Nov 03, 2010 10:38 am

Thanks for explaining all that.

I actually found the maps when I was poking around this website.

I didn't realise that the maps in-game actually pointed towards it as well. I thought it was just a 'side' reference, and that perhaps when you consulted the map it would give you like a automap thing which gave you your current area or something like that.

I haven't played tabletop D&D. But I have played iWD 1 2/BG1 2/Menzo/raven loft games/ darksun 1 2 / and SSi games such as secret of the silver blades and so on.

I read alot of FR books and so on, all of the Drizzt's, eliminster and so on.

Whilst I don't know about the actual mechanics and technicalities, critical hit tables and the like, I know what dual wield and so on are.

My wife on the otherhand.. nothing at all besidess what I tell her. She's out of her league. But currently I'm at work, and she's playing she tells me. She just asked me what her health was cos a dummy had hit her - heh. So trying to explain her the percentage thing.

Am quite proud of her for trying ;)

I'll ask her to give her impressions and so on.

I'll post on her behalf, as i doubt she has any idea how to use forum software, let alone post something.
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Re: Impressions of a new player

Post by Brar » Wed Nov 03, 2010 11:05 am

First of all, I would advice you not to listen to Selveem, he is a young grumpy lad with always wierd ideas... :twisted:

Joke aside, Welcome to FK (aka social life annihilator).

*reads Volric post and cries, "Why nobody ever read the MOTD I so lovely wrote..."*
Good point, we need to make the forum activation procedure more readily viewable for new players.

One important thing I have to say is "Forget (almost) everything you know about Neverwinter Night games engine".
In FK things despites the similarities in terms and numbers, things are much more different and far less "wide audience", potions costs a lot, life is hard, death is hard, soloing is hard, socializing is the key :)

I think the funniest way to learn FK is by playing and learning from your mistakes, discovering things ICly while speaking to others. there is 2 side of FK, the social part which is mainly "Second life extended to a fantasy world" and the adventuring part which is all number crushing and "who gets the most testosterone" deal.
What is the real fun is when you mix both and then it's a blast :)

Number crushing (as I call knowing the rules behind the game) is absolutly not mandatory, most of the oldest players have absolutly no idea what the score sheet is about, nor do they care in fact.

Most of the time the easiest way to find help is to stay around Waterdeep when you start and gets to meet a lot of people to be able to call to them if needed. Bonds will creates themselves after time and strong friendship can really happen.

Do not ever hesitate to use the ask channel if you need help, even the stupidest question can sometimes bring valuable reflexion, and nothing is forbidden to ask, we all have to learn. If in doubt about if a question can be asked or not, then ask, at worst people will tell you the correct means of resolution for your problem :)
Same goes for the forum :mrgreen:

Last but not least, my cherished little quote that resumes FK for me:
"IC actions gives IC consequences"

Your friendly house-elf,
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Re: Impressions of a new player

Post by volric » Wed Nov 03, 2010 11:17 am

Heh, I'm sorry, I'm sure I skimmed through it - but I think in my haste to hit 'enter' 'enter' to get into the game to play I must have missed it.

I'm a bit cautious of the ASK channel. I worry to trouble players with small problems and so on, and last night, when it automatically reminded them my question had not been answered, I felt that it was me who was so pushy.

Is there a newbie channel by the way?

Oh yeah I'm looking forward to the socialising part.

Heh just had a funny IM convo with the wife:

'i grab all that I can find and stash it in my pack'
'I'm gonna be richhhhhhhh'

I'll tell her tonight about the weight penalties. She isn't very impressed by the 10% bank cut by the way!
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Re: Impressions of a new player

Post by Selveem » Wed Nov 03, 2010 11:27 am

What Brar MEANT to type: wrote:First of all, I would advise you to primarily listen to Selveem; he is a highly experienced player who is always offering intelligent insights and salutary ideas... 8)
Please forgive Brar's spelling. I have corrected it above. I think he hasn't been getting enough sleep lately.
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Re: Impressions of a new player

Post by Brar » Wed Nov 03, 2010 11:32 am

volric wrote: I'm a bit cautious of the ASK channel. I worry to trouble players with small problems and so on, and last night, when it automatically reminded them my question had not been answered, I felt that it was me who was so pushy.
I can only speak for myself but I'm sure the others will back me up (at least I hope so...) if someone want to not be bother then he have a simple solution, he turns the ask channel off, but then we signed for it so do not worry :)
volric wrote: Is there a newbie channel by the way?
Plainly simple no. The only OOC channels are osay, otell and ask.

- otell for distance one on one talks (remember to stay OOC in there and not shares IC infos or such)

- osay for in room ooc, I would advice to try to avoid using it when not absolutly necessary but do not hesitate to use it when you don't understand something, even more when you're learning the game, universe, system.
Iit doesn't hurt to make a little osay if people starts speaking of things you absolutly don't understand or to avoid bad feelings about an IC actions that you do not fathom the meaning or reasoning. Making a break in the roleplay to explain it to you then gong back to the situation at hand.
Everyone have to learn, just stay courteous and nobody should be offended :)

Of course, that is my personnal view on the thing and does not engage anybody but my old self :)

Your friendly house-elf,
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Re: Impressions of a new player

Post by volric » Wed Nov 03, 2010 11:56 am

By the way with regard to forum activation.

I think perhaps change the initial email to include the info?

Your account is currently inactive and will need to be approved by an
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Re: Impressions of a new player

Post by Lirith » Wed Nov 03, 2010 12:57 pm

I'll send a proper response a bit later once I get rid of this monkey (read work), but just as a quick thing, if your wife is playing and has questions that are tricky for you to help her with, then let her know that the ask channel is always available if she's not sure of anything at all. We like to help new players as much as we can, and there's no such thing as a dumb question from a new player. Please don't feel like you are bothering anyone by using ask, that's what we're there for!
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Re: Impressions of a new player

Post by Lathander » Thu Nov 04, 2010 5:40 am

I'll carry on adding my experiences if you would like.
Thank you, yes. Please do. This is one of the most constructive things that happens here.

In regards to ASKing our dedicated answering crew, never hesitate. They love the opportunity to help and the challenge of either answering a question they have never heard, or coming up with a more concise way to answer one they have heard hundreds of times. Our only advice is that you attempt to access "help topicname" before using ASK. Our Staff has spent countless hours anticipating many questions and put the answers in those help files. If you are unable to find an answer to your satisfaction there, please ASK us often.

In the world of graphic RPGs, MUD communities are still trying to maintain our relevance. If you enjoy those Forgotten Realms novels, you'll enjoy FK. You won't find a better group of people than those who play here, even Selveem and Brar.

There is one thing you can do to make your visit permanent and more enjoyable. *cough* Bring 20 friends with you. :oops:

Welcome to FK!
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Re: Impressions of a new player

Post by Janon » Thu Nov 04, 2010 5:49 am

I actually found the maps when I was poking around this website.
I have it on good authority that those scribbled scraps are entirely useless!
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Re: Impressions of a new player

Post by volric » Thu Nov 04, 2010 7:51 am

Yes well, I've heard that the Cartographer was very lax in updating those apparently *heh*.

Hey, I managed to find my way around quite nicely using them actually.

Making my own on excel atm (for the wife and I)
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Re: Impressions of a new player

Post by Rictinta » Mon Nov 08, 2010 4:11 pm

Welcome Volric! I really love that you took the initiative to introduce yourself to everyone, and let us know the background! FK is the only Mud I have ever played. I tried to dabble in others, but they just aren't the same. If you need anything, everyone is very helpful around here if you ask OOC. IC: Well, that could be a different story.

We actually have quite a few husband/wife couples that play the game. So props to your wife for trying. I will have to pop on one of my old good characters and come meet you guys in game.

And I would like to say as one of the older players who knows absolutely nothing about the score sheet except the basics: I love this game! You can make it your own, and really make a name for yourself. The faith system is extensive as well, and with the depth that everyone puts into their characters around here, it is just an amazing environment for creativity.

The dwelling thing was available for awhile, unsure why it was stopped for a bit, but I am sure it will be back eventually. Could be that our builders are just too busy right now, or people weren't keeping up on their dwellings. I have no idea.

But anyways... Just wanted to say welcome... and in this last line put tons of ellipses... cause it annoys Isaldur... a lot. :D
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Re: Impressions of a new player

Post by Maybel » Thu Nov 11, 2010 2:41 am

... yeah it does...
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In memory of Stephanie
and the best damn RPing I have ever had!
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