Time: Gilain will start accepting entries on Sunday, Nov 7th. Entries must be in by Nov 18th, to hopefully prevent any last minute scrambling. Official drawing date is Nov 19th, 6pm CST and will take place in the Waterdeep market square.
http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/f ... ec=0&p1=64
Winners: No worries if you are not at the official drawing. Winners will be posted here, after the drawing, and Gilain will contact you as soon as possible for your prize.
Entries: There will be 3 official drawings. 1 prize per drawing. Each drawing is 5 platinum to enter, or 12 platinum to enter all 3 drawings. Characters can only enter a drawing once, but multiple alts can enter. Any entries will automatically be entered into the 4th, bonus drawing. Coin must be in Gilain's hand by the 18th to be in the drawing. No late payments, sorry.
Other details: Gilain will be keeping records of all entries, and which drawings they are in. Each entry will secretly be assigned a number (Gilain will record numbers on parchment). A random person in the square will choose numbered tickets from a bag, to ensure no favortism from old Gilain. Number drawn matches your secret number, you win. Simple.
Drawing 1: 2 steel, full plate, masterwork armor pieces (hands and legs locations).
Drawing 2: 75 platinum. (Who hates cold hard cash?)
Drawing 3: A custom spellpouch from the Waukeen temple, filled with: 3 golden ankhs, 2 gem powders, 2 tiny titanium shields, 5 pieces of fine silver wire, 2 diamonds (player mined), 10 arrowheads, and.... a black onyx gem!
Bonus Drawing: 2 pairs of silver earrings, each set with a limited edition gem, crafted by Gilain.
A little for everyone.

Questions/comments, post below. I'll answer what I can!