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Re: Recruiting

Post by Eltsac » Wed Jan 19, 2011 11:06 am

1) How did you find out that FK exists?
Found it somehow randomly searching for a mud to play with Dalvyn

2) What initially hooked you?
The enforced RP, the FR background and the newbie welcome

3) What kept you playing in the longer term?
The RP built with others, the fun in game, the new additions coming all the time making new things to visit and do and the fun I had building

4) If you've had a prolonged absence in the past (or now play much less than you used to), what caused it?
lots of change in the game at a moment, and disagreement with some people. RL taking more time
Back because missing the game fun :) though I'm not as present as I used to 11 years ago.

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Re: Recruiting

Post by Tyhan » Sat Jan 22, 2011 4:02 am

1. A Girlfriend
2. All the diffrent ways you could play.
3. New items and quests plus intresting role plays
4. Work, or no interenet
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Re: Recruiting

Post by Larethiel » Sat Jan 22, 2011 12:55 pm

1) How did you find out that FK exists?
2) What initially hooked you?
3) What kept you playing in the longer term?
4) If you've had a prolonged absence in the past (or now play much less than you used to), what caused it?

1) A link under a picture at the elfwood artpage.
2) Nothing at the beginning, then the growing interaction with others and friends made
3) RP
4) Lack of interest, some other stuff, limited options when compared to graphic mmorpgs etc., studies, classes and work
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Re: Recruiting

Post by Tandria » Sat Jan 22, 2011 7:16 pm

1) How did you find out that FK exists?
2) What initially hooked you?
3) What kept you playing in the longer term?
4) If you've had a prolonged absence in the past (or now play much less than you used to), what caused it?

1. My then-boyfriend, now-fiance, Bugoron, introduced me to it back when I was in my final year of high school.

2. I had played non-RP enforced MUDs in the past and wasn't fond of the idea of perpetual grinding. The idea of constant IC intrigued me, especially since I didn't have enough friends who were interested in D&D to roleplay there.

3. Definitely the roleplay!

4. A number of reasons. I usually stop playing in the summer due to the weather; I prefer to go outside when I'm off work. A few silly reasons which I since have gotten over. Increased work hours or odd schedules. Increased other activities, acting being one of the main ones. National Novel Writing Month. :P
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Re: Recruiting

Post by Athon » Fri Jan 28, 2011 5:32 pm

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1) How did you find out that FK exists?
2) What initially hooked you?
3) What kept you playing in the longer term?
4) If you've had a prolonged absence in the past (or now play much less than you used to), what caused it?
1) VVMS Mud Club! You can thank Mr. Bannon!
2) The endless world of action-adventure RPG mixed with roleplay. (I was young then so it took a long time to truly understand the difference between just hack-and-slash and RP).
3) Definitely the RP and the friends I've met ICly and OOCly.
4) Obviously, I've had my fair share of prolonged absences. I've been a gamer my whole life, so I play other games (sadly played WoW for a while, now currently playing Starcraft 2 any time I get). But my lack of play the last three years has been school. My first two years of college I was working full-time and taking 16+ credit hours and now I'm working an internship at Boeing while still taking loads of classes. Now, any of my small amount of freetime is spent with my girlfriend.
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Re: Recruiting

Post by Athon » Fri Jan 28, 2011 5:37 pm

I would like to add one thing, probably to number 3:

I think my absolutely favorite thing in the game, aside from the interactions, friendships, and roleplay, is the development of the game-wide economy and trades. Personally, I'm absolutely obsessed with economies and the like and I find it really enjoyable to have interactions with others to obtain goods and services.
~Vanguardier Athon, High Priest of Torm~
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