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Giving your quest items away as gifts

Post by Aran » Tue Jan 13, 2004 12:56 am

I was just wondering if giving away quest items as gifts are against the rules or not. I couldn't find any help files nor a topic on this already in the forums so I thought it would be best to ask.
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Post by Selune » Tue Jan 13, 2004 12:26 pm

On the whole, that would be up to the individual. However, because of problems in the past certain rewards cannot (OSOW items - no one should have more than two).

The main thing is that you use good judgement when deciding if something is appropriate to give away and also whether or not it would be IC for your character to give it to the other person.
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Quest mobs

Post by Jerigo » Tue Mar 16, 2004 7:15 pm

One thing that I've noticed lately is how some mobs automatically know your name when you do a quest for them. I realize that in some instances it might make sense that the mob knows who your character is, but there are other times, especially for those characters who are less famous, when a mob asks if you will help, you say yes, and they respond with something like "Oh, great, thanks a lot for the help, <name>." It just seems that more often than not, the mob that you're helping wouldn't have had the opportunity to catch your name. So maybe instead of having them coded to respond with the characters name, just have them say something more generic. Granted, I have very little building experience, but I can't imagine how much of a mess it would be to work through all the completed quests to change this, but I think the mobs' lack of IC information like character names is something to be considered, especially for characters who are less-inclined to greet others.

P.S.--Sorry this got to be so long, but once I start typing I tend to keep going for a while.
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Post by Jerigo » Tue Mar 16, 2004 7:40 pm

Yeah, I realize that it would be too impractical to try to change the existing ones, but could it be taken into consideration when new quests are created? Because those characters who don't greet on a regular basis are probably like that because it's important to how they roleplay their charaters, so it sort of undermines that aspect of them if a bunch of strangers to all of a sudden know who they are, especially if other players who don't know them are in the room when the text rolls across the screen.
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RE: Quest Mobs & PC Names

Post by Andreas » Tue Mar 16, 2004 9:20 pm

I try to keep that in mind when building my areas and designing quests.

As for it happening - IC actions have IC consequences so my best suggestion is that you deal with it (the mob saying your PC's name) IC as best as you can. :)
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Post by Gwain » Tue Mar 16, 2004 9:31 pm

You know what would be interesting? Mobs that have trouble pronouncing names or mobs that call everyone Billy.

...just a thought...

Post by Gwain » Wed Mar 17, 2004 6:23 am

By this I mean the famous old comedy of vaudeville where some people just randomly substituted names for something different and fammiliare to them without sacrificing pride at admitting they could not remeber a name. Billy was one of the most popular names at the time so it was easily used. This is just to clarify.
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Failed Quests

Post by Belose » Wed Apr 28, 2004 9:41 pm

I was just wondering.. if you failed a quest, is there a chance to ever take it again? And what if there were typos in the quest that might have affected the outcome to begin with?
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Post by Rhelian » Wed Apr 28, 2004 11:18 pm

I think the policies on typos is that if you make one, you deal with the IC consequences. Sharni posted on the old boards about someone who hit k instead of l to look at someone and killed them, starting a whole RP that went really well.

I'd personally hope that with most quests, if you botch them, they stay botched. That's the way I've been writing them anyway :)
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Post by Belose » Thu Apr 29, 2004 8:22 pm

Just to clarify, I didn't make a typo, the typo was in the question and the answer... it was a name. But I assume since I answered a question wrong, it means that quest is closed... thanks for the response...
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Quest Suggestions

Post by Andreas » Fri Jun 17, 2005 1:53 pm

Seeing all the fabulous new quests in the game, I'd like to ask everyone for their help with quests for some of the areas I'm building. You don't need to name specific mobs (since most of them aren't even in the game yet), just give me an idea of how the quest would run.

Please e-mail your suggestions to me:

Quests I'm specifically looking for:

Sacred Smith (good PCs only)
High Mage (for Evermeet - elves only)
Bladesinger (for Evermeet - elves only)
Arabel City Watch (good & neutral PCs)
Arabel Thieves' Guild (any align)
Purple Dragon Knight (good PCs only)

Any urban setting quests with both a good and evil side.
Any wilderness setting quests for rangers and elves.
Any knowledge quests.

If you have other ideas, I'm open to them too :) Just please keep in mind that I'm only looking for the ideas and general breakdown of the quests - not specific mobs and places already in FK.

Thanks :)
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Post by Levine » Sun Jun 26, 2005 12:20 pm

Selune wrote:On the whole, that would be up to the individual. However, because of problems in the past certain rewards cannot (OSOW items - no one should have more than two).
So this means that no one is allowed to take OSoW items even if they are still going to abide by the rules and own two OSoW items anyways? And that no one is allowed to give them away even if they wouldn't be reimbursed with one to replace the one they gave away?

Hope I didn't confuse anyone.

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Post by Levine » Sun Jun 26, 2005 1:17 pm

Oh my, I gave away an OSoW item(in a pkill, when both sides were on killmode stun) before I realised that there might have been a chance that it might have been an item that wasn't supposed to be given away!

Should I contact the person ASAP to have the item returned to me, or should I just leave it as it is?

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Post by Hviti » Mon Jun 27, 2005 5:29 am

How about trading items from the same quest? Say, a fighter has item X that would be good for a mage from a quest and a mage has a big shiny sword from the same quest. Could they trade and not be in violation of this policy?
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Post by Fayona » Mon Jun 27, 2005 12:20 pm

When I tried wearing one of the speical items, it had an echo for me,
That item is unique. You should not have more than one. and it would not like me wear it.
The only reason I had it is because someone asked me to hold there belongings, and never came back for them. I was wondering if there is anyway we could help this, somehow.
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Post by Fayona » Mon Jun 27, 2005 3:42 pm

Ah, alright thank you very much.
Makes perfect sense now. :)
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Tips on writing a quest

Post by Glim » Fri Jul 01, 2005 7:07 pm

Just wondering, but one of the factors in the last quest competition was ease of coding and understanding the quest. Well, some people dont code or are still just learning and I was just wondering if ide ask before the next one:

What advice or tips might be given to people who havent really coded much before, or what is the best format for submitted quests, to make them as easy to understand and turn into code, as possible?

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Post by Gwain » Fri Jul 01, 2005 7:12 pm ... php?t=1932

the first posting from the last competition outlines a whole bunch of different ideas and processes. :)
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Post by Glim » Fri Jul 01, 2005 7:17 pm

Thank you, Gwain, I saw that, was just maybe looking to see if there was any other advice people might have that might help, maybe something that Sharni saw all too often in the quests and could be fixed this time around. :)
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