Can't write letters

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Can't write letters

Post by Akiren » Mon Mar 12, 2012 2:47 pm

Hi there,

I can't seem to write a letter in game. It worked previously, but after I tried writing with run-on sentences and using ; to break the lines, I crashed out of the game and haven't been able to write a letter since. I apologize if I broke the note write code :S

I use Zmud to play the game. And this is what happens when I try to write the letter:

You hold an unlabelled letter in your right hand.
(type: note write)
Begin entering your text now (/? = help /s = save /c = clear /l = list)
(type: I wanna write a letter!)
You can't do that!

And I bought a new quill. But haven't wrote anything and if I type note write again, and try to type something it tells me my quill is dry.
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Re: Can't write letters

Post by Raona » Mon Mar 12, 2012 10:04 pm

Hmmm. I fear I'll need some more information here, as I can't reproduce what you are describing. However, something does seem to be amiss, in that I can NOTE WRITE with a dry quill, and after doing so, the dry quill disappears. The difference is that I actually CAN write the note, while you describe not being able to do so.

If your letter is not blank, that's likely the cause. Try NOTE WRITE followed by /C (the clear command) and then /S. Then try writing it again, and see if you still have troubles. I'm guessing the too-long lines in the letter are causing the editor to throw up its hands. If /C gives you "you can't do that," I think you'll need a new letter. If that's a lot of coin for you, hopefully someone upstairs can give you a replacement.
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Re: Can't write letters

Post by Akiren » Tue Mar 13, 2012 12:27 am

Hi there Raona,

Thanks for helping to do the checking. Logged in today and found that the letter had been converted into a piece of parchment with writing on it. I could edit the parchment, write and save.

Went to buy a letter to try it too and it worked! Looks like the editor threw its hands up and just needed time to recover from the shock.

Just to test also, got a quill and started writing till the ink dried out. Doesn't look like I can write with a dry quill at all. Maybe something is/isn't amiss, but you guys would be the best people to test it.

Thanks again!
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Re: Can't write letters

Post by Raona » Wed Mar 14, 2012 2:35 am

Ah, I see what's going on...the letter code for the post can't query the status of the quill directly, so this is the best we can readily do at present.

I'm calling this bug cleared up!

Thanks for reporting your experience, Akiren, and please don't hesitate to do so going forward.
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