OOCCalling all knights, squires, men at arms and any spoiling for an opportunity to sharpen your their skills.
Wargames are to be held at the Kobold tower, the purpose of which is to develop leadership skills in squires and
offer a chance for practice at arms for everyone involved. There is no entry fee required if you wish to participate
merely appear at the anointed time.
Sir Liric and myself are also looking for two able bodied healers wishing to assist, if you are willing then please
contact either of us.
High Knight of Tyr
It's a King of the Hill style wargame but instead of defending a position, you'll be defending cargo, the other team will be attackers
Each team member may use any equipment they like except something that fires off and AoE spell
Spellcasters must not use AoE spells
Each team will have a "safe zone" with a healer standing by(will need two volunteers)
when a player is stunned, any unstunned player in the same room must aid immediately
once a player has been aided he must "play dead" for 2 minutes by using the sleep command
no "dead" character is to be attacked
Any Red team member may carry the key, the chest or the cargo
The red team is not obliged to use the chest
if any member of the red team is carrying any key item(key item = chest, key, or cargo) they must carry it in their inventory and if defeated drop it once aided
The blue team will be informed of what they are looking for in detail
no red team member may alter the cargo ITSELF(what I mean by this is changing that specific objects form)
any red or blue team leader must keep marshals informed OOC of any plans to trick the enemy so dice rolls can be made.
http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/f ... T20&p1=136