Faith Temple dummies on stun

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Re: Faith Temple dummies on stun

Post by Gorwin » Wed Jan 04, 2012 7:36 pm

Might i suggest changing them to random sparring partners based off level. You might be able to put a program in that reads the level an class of the character then spawns a reasonably matched opponent, could even be different classes. Just an idea. The whole dummy giving experience never made much sense to me. I think they should be restricted for a method of raising combat skills and spells. Oh and if yer really ambitious you can have it based off the area they are in, and even make it to where there are quests that actually teach the skills and just do away with trainers completely.
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Re: Faith Temple dummies on stun

Post by Selveem » Thu Jan 05, 2012 4:14 am

Dummies should teach me Greater Two-Weapon Fighting or something. <.<
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Re: Faith Temple dummies on stun

Post by Trillarel » Sun Feb 19, 2012 11:17 am

Random sparring partners is a nice idea.

Temple dummies should be set on stun and give really low exp, IMHO.
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