Will we be having a ball sometime soon?

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Post by Kelemvor » Thu Sep 06, 2007 12:52 pm

We've gotten a little side-tracked with the suggestions on possible reasons/places for a gathering and this might be why we're into disappointment and disagreement.

Something not normally associated with the Events forum :)
A sunite ball may not be alignment restricted by what about Tempurians? Probably better just to hold it at a neutral city like westgate.
I think the confusion here might be around the use of the word 'Ball'.
If the Sunites organise a ball, it should not be confused with the Imm-run events in Berdusk (even if it were to use the area created for those).

Consequently, the Sunites would be free to set their own rules of attendance.
Whilst evils be as welcome as goods (some of those wicked ladies are pretty hot after all :) ) there would be obvious exceptions to the invite list. Tempus and Talona followers being an example.
Also, given that some evils did help in saving ardeep I think it's pretty crappy that they would not be invited to the celebration of such and may icly create some angst. If everyone who helped was invited but them?
I think 'pretty crappy' might have been worded a little differently, but I can appreciate the OOC disappointment at possibly being left out after committing time and emotion to the roleplay.

ICly though, that disappointment may well happen, since there will be always be some IC disagreement about evils in notionally 'good places'

It might be best to wait until the Ardeep event is posted before chewing on this bone. A lot will depend upon who organises it, what its intentions are and where it is run.

There is nothing to say that there will not be more than one event or that the events will not be able to embrace different aspects of the roleplay completion. (An all night bender outside the palisade to celebrate, a quiet druidic reflection, tea and biscuits at Longstrider's)
I would like to see some large scale evil rp's for a change. I've only seen one really that was the invasion in Berdusk.
For me personally, I lack the ability to construct evil RP on a grand scale. easier to do little one on ones with interesting evils around the place.
However, organising an event does not always require direct Imm involvement. As Dalvyn said in the Events sticky, let's see players putting out some of the creative vibes.

Faith meetings, Holy Day celebrations, Sememmon's birthday, torturer's convention... even a novice evil such as myself could come up with a reason to get a bunch of evils in one place at one time.
The other where Beshaba got the luck staff, though evils found it first and were about to win the race for it, it suddenly *disappeared* and was handed to those of good. So I don't really count that as an rp geared towards evils, on the contrary.
My own opinion, but it's probably not useful to include something that happened under a previous administration to support what was actually already a useful and thought provoking post.
Unfurling the 'evils always get the worst deal' banner isn't the best way to get me on-side :wink:
On another note, why can't evils have a gathering where good alignments can't attend?
Hopefully by now, you've all twigged to the fact that.. you can!
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Post by Lathander » Thu Sep 06, 2007 3:53 pm

I agree that OOCly not having evils attend a celebration in Ardeep can make someone feel bad, but really, think ICly. Good and evils worked to free Ardeep for VERY different IC reasons. I can see no reason why a good PC that worked to free Ardeep would ICly invite an evil to attend. It doesn't make any sense to me ICly. OOCly absolutely. Any IC invite to evils, in my opinion, would be a mere justification of an OOC reason.
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Post by Dalvyn » Thu Sep 06, 2007 5:29 pm

Moved this to General Discussion, since it wasn't about an event

I think the answer is: Such gatherings are events that players can set up on their own.

There is no plan for any imm (that I know of) to set up one of those, but players are free (and even encouraged) to do so.
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Post by Grafghur » Thu Sep 06, 2007 7:14 pm

Since Orcs are never invited to those events we will be gathering outside the gates protesting with large banners denouncing this racism. A few hateful posters about elves might sneak in unfortunately, it's hard to control a large crowd of Orc after all.

I would like to be the first to invite all of you to join us in our peaceful protest. Dwarves are especially welcomed.
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Post by Caelyvar » Thu Sep 06, 2007 7:33 pm

Because they are so tasty?
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Post by Laurie » Fri Sep 07, 2007 5:35 am

I'm happy to plan anything. I have active good and evil characters and more then willing to either an Evil Mask Ball or some kind of tea party for the good good...a tea party sounds fun.

I...just want to dress up! *nodnod* =P
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