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Re: Item Layer Change Review

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 1:33 pm
by Duranamir
What is the situation with renamed items, do they get caught by the updates to there original source items or do they need to be modified individually ?


Re: Item Layer Change Review

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 2:35 pm
by Harroghty
I believe that they should be fixed when their base item is fixed. A renamed i1234 is still i1234, just with a different name.

Re: Item Layer Change Review

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 10:04 am
by Khelebhzed
a thick blue cape trimmed with white fur
It is in perfect condition.
It is cloth and is not armour.
It is just the right size for you to wear.
It can be picked up, worn on the body.
It cannot be worn with any other armour.
It is medium in size.
Used to be able to be worn over armour on the body.

Re: Item Layer Change Review

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 7:05 pm
by Nysan
The mind, it wanders...

A number of supplicated items got a make-over recently (they look great, by the way). This make-over did not address the layer issues effecting some supplicated items. I was curious if this was intentional, an over-sight, description update is a different department from layering, or what?

If layering is still a 'work-in-progress', that's fine. That little voice in the back of my head just won't leave me alone til I am sure. I'd kick myself if layering was addressed and I find out later my cloak somehow missed the update bus stop.

Item that sparks this post is Waukeen's supplicated item: "a scarlet cloak covered by a myriad of gold ornaments". Still listing as 'cannot be worn with any other armour'.

Re: Item Layer Change Review

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 10:41 pm
by Harroghty
That may be because you are wearing it with a magic piece of armor? It is coded to layer over, but the hard code will not allow you to wear two magical pieces on the same wear location, I think.

Re: Item Layer Change Review

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 12:11 am
by Nysan
Nope, just sitting in a bag ever since it was bugged. It lost the battle against Gilain's armour for priority. :wink:

Even if it was worn, Gilain's armour is PC craft and the "close-to-skin" layer is a basic MH undershirt. No magic conflicts.

Re: Item Layer Change Review

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 11:04 pm
by Nysan
Before the supplicated items revamp, this item was described as an earring. Following that line of thought, shouldn't it be worn "on the ear(s)", or at least have that location as a worn option? Talona supplicated object, by the way.

a black, ichor-encrusted piercing (perfect)

This dingy hoop of ichor-encrusted metal has a sharp end and
a clasp meant to secure it to the flesh of the willing. Its
metal smells of decay and the cloying, sickly-sweet scent of
death lingers over it.
It can be picked up, worn on the face.
It cannot be worn with any other armour.
It is medium in size.
It is made of metal and weighs next to nothing.

Re: Item Layer Change Review

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 11:47 pm
by Harroghty
Intentional. It's a piercing, not an earring.

Re: Item Layer Change Review

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 12:21 am
by Nysan
Ahh, upgraded to nose ring setting. Got ya.

Re: Item Layer Change Review

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 11:30 pm
by Nysan
Nysan wrote: a silk sash with tiny embroidered sapphires (perfect)

Several tiny sapphires have been embroidered in this sash made
of high quality silk.
It is in perfect condition.
It is leather and is light armour.
It is just the right size for you to wear.
It can be picked up, worn about the waist.
It is worn as armour.
It is medium in size.
It is made of silk and weighs less than a pound.
I just realized this item hasn't changed since I posted about it. Are item fixes done and this item left as is or am I somehow the lucky account with items immune to copyovers?

If the problem isn't clear: Silk is in name, its made of silk, but it is leather and light armor. It is a confusing mix of material standards.

Re: Item Layer Change Review

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 11:39 pm
by Nysan
Heck, while I'm at it...

a wooden staff tipped with a small round sapphire (perfect)

This wooden staff is tipped with a small round sapphire that seems
to be filled with swirling waters.
It can be picked up, held.
It cannot be worn with any other armour.
It is medium in size.
It is made of wood and weighs less than a pound.


This 'staff' is not qualified as anything and because of this, 'recharge' does not work on it. Any chance these can be reset as staff weapons, or at least coded to work with recharge? The attached spell is nothing powerful, but would be nice to extend their shelf-life a bit.

Re: Item Layer Change Review

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 12:33 am
by Harroghty
Please keep this thread about items with layer problems. Thanks.

Re: Item Layer Change Review

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 11:03 am
by Lirith
Dovan wrote:Well crap, that's where this thread went. I posted back on the bug forum, but also I'll throw it out here in case it doesn't get cross posted.

(1420)Luck ankle chain

Use to wear against skin on feet or leg. Now can not be worn with any other armor, but is not classed as an armor type itself.
In addition to this, the luck chain is magical and therefore can't be worn at all now, since it's in leg location and this doesn't allow for magical items.

Re: Item Layer Change Review

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 2:23 am
by Gwain
Zasheir wrote:a black velvet cap (perfect)

This cap is designed to fit closely to the head, with sides that
drape around the ears, and a slight point at the top. It is embroidered
on the edges with a fine silken thread.
It is in perfect condition.
It is cloth and is not armour.
It is just the right size for you to wear.
It can be picked up, worn on the head.
It cannot be worn with any other armour.
It is medium in size.

This one used to fit close to the skin and doesn't even count as armor. Unfortunately, I wear it with every outfit I have.
This one is still ongoing. Not armour and not padded but still all layers when worn. Used to be under layered for the head.

Re: Item Layer Change Review

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 3:14 am
by Harroghty
That item is magic and therefore will remain "as is".

Re: Item Layer Change Review

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 2:09 am
by Brar

Code: Select all

You fit a [b]shimmering cape embroidered with a large tree symbol [/b]on your body.
You see nothing special.
It is in perfect condition.
It is masterwork cloth and is not armour.
It is just the right size for you to wear.
It can be picked up, worn on the body.
It cannot be worn with any other armour.
It is medium in size.
It is made of silk and weighs next to nothing.
Should be wearable over the rest of the armour I think

Re: Item Layer Change Review

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:33 am
by Harroghty
It was intentionally not in LAYER_OVER, but I made some modifications and it now can be layered. This will arrive on the game port with the next copy over.