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Gruumsh Faith Drive

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 4:50 pm
by Ooma
Because I am superstitious about the month of January and I believe all things horrid should be piled into this month...I have decided it is the PERFECT time to build up the faith of Gruumsh and add a little more evil to the world of Faerun!!!

So, there be a Gruumsh faith drive from now until Feb. 4
Ooma will be logged and in the camp at this time: ... ec=0&p1=25

and every Sunday thereafter at the same time.

If you want to have an orc faithed or meet Ooma this is the best time to do so. However, if you have IRL things that prevent you from meeting with her at this time. PLEASE PM OOMA and I will be very happy to set up a time to meet with you.

After Feb. 4 this meeting time will be arranged to coincide with the IC midwinter and we will once again begin to hold Orc Midwinter night feasts. I just have to get the calendar in sync and we will be off and feasting!

If you have an orc Warrior and are interested in participating in a competition for the warboss title.... please let me know as I am trying to put this together at a time when the most number of orc WARRIORS can actually participate. ( YOU MUST BE an ORC and a WARRIOR and a follower of a diety in the ORC PANTHEON to participate so please to dont ask if your half gnome of Sune can come be the Warboss as that is right out :P) See Ooma ICLY about this or PM me to set up a time to meet ICLY if you are unable to meet during the times listed here.

For Da One-Eye! :twisted:

Re: Gruumsh Faith Drive

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 7:49 pm
by Lysha
I was hoping Faria could challenge... :(

Re: Gruumsh Faith Drive

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 8:37 pm
by Ooma
LOL Well.. if it is Faria.... I am sure we can find a way to slip her in the mix! >.> ( for lunch...maybe)

*Picks her teeth with a symbol of Sune*

Re: Gruumsh Faith Drive

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 4:50 pm
by Ooma
Thought I would post a reminder about the Gruumsh faith drive.
Ooma will be Logged and in the camp Sunday January 24th at this time : ... ec=0&p1=25

If you can not make it at this time but your orc needs attention >.> Pase PM me and I will be happy to set up a time to meet ICLY with you. :twisted:

Powah to Da One-Eye!


Re: Gruumsh Faith Drive

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 4:21 am
by Ooma
So very sorry to have to do this this week. :( I have to miss the faith drive time tomorrow as I am having to deal with some serious IRL business issues and I am unable to be on all day Sunday.

The good news is...
Next week we will be able to proceed as posted! :) See you next then.

Re: Gruumsh Faith Drive

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 11:39 pm
by Tyhan
Hello, i am new to being a orc, but I have had a small problem, i was not able to gather my corpse and items and i can no longer get into the training area. Is there something I could do to earn money since I am currently weaponless and defenseless?

Re: Gruumsh Faith Drive

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 10:25 pm
by Ooma
Dis be da Muddah callin alll dem dat want to Get da favah of Da One-Eye and wear da Symbol.
We gonna meet in da camp at da well. Any orcs dat wants to see da muddah can come den too. If ouse in battle someplaze far away and can not come to speak wit Da muddah at dis time... ouse need send me a message ( ICLY is wonderful on the forums will do as well....)

Faith drive time : ... ec=0&p1=25

I understand that this might not be an ideal time for everyone. If all the orcs would please drop me a PM at the forums I am looking to change the time and would like to put together the best possible time to meet for the majority of Orcs so that I can start implementing some RP ideas etc... Please take a few moments to shoot me 2 times and days that would be idel for you and I will gather the info and come up with something we can all live with.. .perhaps? : :twisted:

Re: Gruumsh Faith Drive

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 2:59 pm
by Ooma
This is to post that the orc faith drive will continue but For the month of March has been moved to a different time. ... c=0&p1=944

If you have an Orc that needs to be faithed or wants to discuss faith matters with Ooma this would be the time to do such. Ooma will be logged and in the camp at this time and will remain available as long as there are orcs showing up to be faithed. If you have an orc and want to be faithed or discuss faith matters with Ooma and you are unable to make this time. I am available at your disposal if you will please drop me a PM and I WILL log to make certain your orc is attended to.


Note: This drive will continue every week at the SAME TIME every Sunday for the month of March.

Re: Gruumsh Faith Drive

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 1:02 am
by Ooma
Again thank you all for showing to the meeting. I took care of a most of the faithing matters on the table last night. So I shortened the drive time this eve. If anyone logs tonight and wishes to address a faith matter and I am not logged on Ooma please PM me here... or IMer and I will remedy that. ASAP

( keep your eyes peeled... there will be a special "Muddah's day" Rp announcement)

Re: Gruumsh Faith Drive

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 12:22 am
by Ooma
this event cancelled... sorry to any who have been working on tasks I gave :(