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Post by Mingus » Mon Nov 10, 2003 8:14 am

Since the help files has nothing on barbarians, I thought I'd ask here.

1) Is the Barbarian class available now or does it require an app to join?
2) Is it restricted to just humans or can any race join?
3) Is it restricted to a certain alignment like Rangers and Paladins or does it run the gamut like Fighters?
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Post by Aran » Mon Nov 10, 2003 6:13 pm

I don't think that the barbarian class has been implemented into the game, but it will be soon ( I'm not a builder though, so don't take my word for it ). I remember hearing that orcs will be the first race to recieve the barbarian class, but I would expect humans and possibly dwarves and halflings to get the class as well.
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Post by Gratey » Sat Nov 29, 2003 4:12 pm

But can you be a barbarian AND a fighter or is it like the fighters guild that you cant be in any other guilds?
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Post by Aran » Sat Nov 29, 2003 8:26 pm

I'm pretty positive they mean for it to be just like the other classes, so no you won't be able to be a barbarian and a fighter, et al. at the same time
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Post by Llanthyr » Mon Dec 01, 2003 3:47 am

Checking the guild list, I see that Barbarians get 5 points in toughness feat. Should they not get around 1 point or so in Endurance feat, for they can move 10% faster than the normal character using the same amount of energy.

Post by Christolf » Fri Jun 18, 2004 2:06 pm

Aran wrote:I remember hearing that orcs will be the first race to recieve the barbarian class, but I would expect humans and possibly dwarves and halflings to get the class as well.

Would Wild-Elves be getting the Barbarian class also? In my handy dandy ForgottenRealms:Races of Faerun campaign book it says that the prefered class for the Wild-Elf is Barbarian, and reading a lot about the race and class this is something that I've grown to like and would very much enjoy playing. That's also IF wild-elves are going to be one of the new elven subraces.
Thanks for your time, and hope I get a reply :D

Christolf of Helm

Post by Zach » Thu May 04, 2006 5:07 pm

Not to rush anything or the likes. Just wondering if there was any update to this?
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Post by Lathander » Thu May 04, 2006 11:07 pm


It's only been two and a half years since the class was coded. It'll will be in when the builder of that area makes it a priority.
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Post by Beshaba » Thu May 04, 2006 11:30 pm

Or when someone offers another builder a signifigant amount of money.
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Post by Nysan » Fri May 05, 2006 2:10 am

I got a quarter and some lint. Hows that? :)
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Post by Zach » Fri May 05, 2006 6:00 am

i got $5
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Post by Ellian » Fri May 05, 2006 7:08 am

I have some odds and ends of a Skullport barbarian guild that I was supposed to build using descriptions written by another player, but that all sort of fell through and it's been sitting on my hard drive ever since. So, Zach, if you enjoy writing very lovely and somewhat lengthy descriptions with impeccable grammar, I could show you what I have already and you could add to it.

Otherwise it'll probably just sit here until I get back to living off of scholarships again and don't have to work. Or until I graduate, whichever comes first.

Post by Zach » Fri May 05, 2006 4:27 pm

I would love to Ellian... if it is alright with the upper echelon.
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