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Tourney for all
Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 3:44 am
by Tyhan
All goody races of the realms, I, Malen Axeswinger, Will be hosting a tourney for all. There are three catigories, Fighters only, Magic only, and Group Drills. This event will be held in the Fields of Triumph.( OOC May 1st 8;00 pm EST) Any may come just please contact me by amulet once again my name is Malen Axeswinger. Please veiw the notice board in Waterdeep for more information.
Malen Axeswinger, Tempus' Follower
Re: Tourney for all
Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 3:47 am
by Dapher
There is a note posted in the Waterdeep Font of Knowlege. Jarris Taril, Malen, Aubrey, and Algon are all approachable reguarding this event. Please come speak to us, we will be promoting this heavily ICly so everyone should have a chance to see it. Here is the fixed time clock for everyone that would like to see it. Any questions we will be watching this thread closely. ... c=0&p1=212
I, Malen Axeswinger, will be holding a Tourney sponsered by the faith of the
Foehammer. There will be three groups, Fighters only, Magic only, and Group
Drills. If you wish to compete in the Group Drills you may choose your team
but only five people are allowed on one team. The winners of each group will
recieve a prize at the end of the tourney. If you wish to compete please
contact me, Malen Axeswinger, by amulet. I will be making a list of who is
competeing. If you wish to watch just come to the Fields of Triumph two hours
before the tourney to get a seat. (OOC The Tourney will be on May 1st at
8:00pm EST.) (signed in neat dwarven runes and common) Malen Axeswinger
Re: Tourney for all
Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 5:25 am
by Dapher
This event is this evrning depending on where you live. I have a reward set up, and I have things set up for this. We have placed a note up in the Font, and spread the word IC. So please show up. If Malen is not there, then Jarris will head up the event himself