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Oghman Gathering

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 2:55 am
by Ramirus
A little short notice, but the Oghman faith is having a gathering soon, and would love to see as many of their faithful as possible gathered in the Font. There will probably be refreshments and the like, stimulating discussions, and maybe even some fun!

(Time: ... c=0&p1=198)

The time is malleable, but I would prefer the date to stay as it is.

Re: Oghman Gathering

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 5:13 pm
by Peverell
Lorekeeper Peverell shall be attending :)

Re: Oghman Gathering

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 2:49 pm
by Ramirus
This will start in just over 2 hours.

Re: Oghman Gathering

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 4:51 pm
by Ramirus
This starts in 10 minutes. I will be 5-10 mins late due to something that just came up, but I'll be there.

Re: Oghman Gathering

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 1:38 am
by Ramirus
Thanks to all those that came, especially Faria and Isaldur for the impromptu performances!

Re: Oghman Gathering

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 8:15 am
by Peverell
In light of the recent meeting of Faith Leaders and Representatives, Lorekeeper Peverell Goldfarb wishes to call a meeting of all Waterdhavian Oghmans to share what he has learned and discuss the faith's role in the situation.

The meeting shall be held at the Font of Knowledge. Non-Oghmans are also welcome, as long as they respect the temple grounds.

I'm free all weekend, so I propose holding this meeting on Sunday 25th July.
Oghmans, if you could reply or PM me with the times that are best for you (timeanddate links would be the most helpful way of doing it).

Re: Oghman Gathering

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 5:46 pm
by Peverell
There doesn't seem to be much interest in this, so I'll go ahead and cancel it.

Re: Oghman Gathering

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 10:12 pm
by Ramirus
Forgot to reply to this, I would have been able to make nearly anytime on Sunday. If you want to meet up informally Pev, I'll be around Sunday.

Re: Oghman Gathering

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 5:12 pm
by Peverell
I'll try and make myself available over the weekend, so if anyone wants to chat to Pev then he'll probably be in the vicinity of the Font / Market Square :)

Re: Oghman Gathering

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 3:45 am
by Rictinta
Per That would be cool... I will try to find you... I have an old character i would like to finish getting into the faith. So I'll try to meet up with you sometime if you're around tomorrow.

Re: Oghman Gathering

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 6:52 pm
by Peverell
Would any Oghmans be able to attend a meeting at around this time?

Re: Oghman Gathering

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 7:01 pm
by Melusine
At least one would! (My Oghman, that is)

Edit: It seems that this day is my sister's birthday, which unfortunately ties me up for it :(

Re: Oghman Gathering

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 8:06 pm
by Brar
No, but I have a dwarven grumpy priest who could...

Brar's hijack number 2 of the day !!!!!

Re: Oghman Gathering

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 11:16 pm
by Ramirus
I will be unable to attend that, Thursdays are normally busy for me.

Re: Oghman Gathering

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 2:33 am
by Deltheric
I'd really love to be able to make it, but it's iffy. I should be home approximately 1.5-2 hours later. Hopefully it will still be going on, so Del can drop by and squirm and feel horrible for being late. :oops:

Re: Oghman Gathering

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 3:52 am
by Rictinta
I can't make it that Thursday... I work in the evenings... I can do anything during the day till about 2pm EST W,TH,F,Sat and Sun. I usually have Mondays and Tuesdays off... so I can do anything anytime those two days.

Re: Oghman Gathering

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 2:56 am
by Deltheric
So sorry I wasn't able to make it! I was stuck with jury duty and was serving on a case. Ugh! Hopefully I can make the next one!