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Teleportation and the Underdark

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 11:16 am
by Brar
While I agree that teleportation spells (even sure teleportation like recall and greater teleport) requires a very high Spellcraft DC checks for working in the Underdark (in the canon rules, DC35 for Teleportation or automatic mishaps, DC25 for sure teleport (circle, word of recall and such) or automatic mishaps (even if the spells normally not permit it)).
Perhaps that should be implemented like this instead of plainly not working, could be fun.

It makes very little sense for Stone Walk not to work. it's use is already quite limited and it is really the only transportation spell that should work in the Underdark flawlessly in my eyes, would give it a little more use :)

It's probably just one of my usual bad ideas but well, it's worth trying :)


Ps: Undermountain is still a big no teleport for the wards Halaster put there of course, but the Underdark is not a big Mythal :mrgreen:

Re: Teleportation and the Underdark

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 2:57 pm
by Nysan
Some movement abilities function in the Underdark, so folks are not completely stuck (with some forethought).
That said, yes not all of the Underdark should be teleport/gate/astral walk/ect restrictive. Undermountain, no doubt. Parts of the Underdark, yes, but not all of it.

Re: Teleportation and the Underdark

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 8:16 am
by Damyanik
One could settle for UD merchants stocking those pots of recall.