While we are doing a revamp of Mithral Halls (as stated elsewhere in the forum), we are in dire need of tunnel descriptions.
All kind of tunnels, from "tamed"constructed ones to "wild" natural ones.
The more we get, the better it would be, you can send them via PM to me or Eltsac which one you do prefer (why do I have the felling I won't get many pms...)
Even if you can only think of one, that's a good opportunity to make something creative (*coughs*and release me from a solid burden*coughs*) and it will make a good excuse to make a dwarf once it's in the game, to go and see your tunnel part

We have more than a hundred of rooms that could use a refreshment, so feel at ease to send as many or as not many as you want

Thank you for hearing my (desesperate) plea and give it the necessary time to answer, don't care, be annoyed, whatever.