This is a similar balance to what I've encountered even though there would be ways to reduce the amount of pure character progression often referred to as grinding. The way FK is currently coded skills and spells require an investment of experience and coins to learn . These two things are a serious hindrance seperately and when combined they only lead to an ever increasing need to accumulate coins and experience (ie mindless grinding) just to train skills for your character to progress. To my knowledge table top DnD does require usually a coin and experience point investment as well BUT it is only a one time thing. Here in FK you must train your skills/spells several several times each to reach an apprentice skill level from a trainer. (Training one high level spell can drain nearly an entire level of experience from someone level 40+ based on various factors) which at levels 40+ is no small time investment. And then a character would need to spend an enormous effort to then progress the levels of those skills and spells through useage where table top is a yes/no proposition, either you know the skills/spells or you do not. All of this adds to what amounts to really an unecessary need to mindlessly grind out experience just to be an average version of your class. That wasted time could be spent in better pursuit of RP opportunities.Mask wrote: I generally balance character progression vs. RP experiences about 80% character progression and 20% RP. I really enjoy meaningful RP experiences which prompt me to flesh out the character and find depths to the character that I hadn't envisaged when I randomly threw some letters together to form a name.
The problem for me is finding RP opportunities that are meaningful and interesting. One of the best experiences I had as a young mortal was when I came across a powerful drow archmage in the Howling Peaks and thought he would just kill me with a word.
One way to address this is to remove the experience point cost for training multiple levels of skills from the trainers. Make it a coin investment and locating trainers investment only. Is there really any justification to making gaining skills/spells more costly in time investment (ie mindless grinding) away from roleplay opportunities? Players still would not be obtaining extremely high skill levels but might feel that they have accomplished more character progression. Tracking down trainers and gathering the coin needed to train up a few levels seems more than sufficient to me.