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Tokens from stables

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 11:30 pm
by Jharthyne
I noticed that when you stable your pets, you are given a token by the stable master which you use to retrieve your pets eventually. However, while some tokens have descriptions that state the stable (either in the short description of the token, or in the long description when you examine the token), some stables give out tokens that do not state which stable gave them out.

I would like to suggest that all tokens given out by stables to include in their descriptions (long or short) the stable that gave them out. First, this makes it clear what these tokens are for (and thus prevents them from being accidentally disposed of). Second, it reminds the owner where his/her pet is stabled.

Re: Tokens from stables

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 7:44 am
by Lysha
I think this would be very helpful. Personally, I've had the problem of forgetting which token goes to which stable.
This is a change I would love to see implemented.

Re: Tokens from stables

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 9:52 pm
by Lylena
I likes it.

Those who've been gone away for a long time and can't recall what's what, this would make it much easier for them to look at a token and see where it is. Even if they don't remember how to get there, they can ask around the name of the place.

Re: Tokens from stables

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 12:41 am
by Mele
The only stop on this I can think of is that some stables use the same vnum for their token. :)

Re: Tokens from stables

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 1:14 am
by Grenwyn
Does that mean those tokens would be interchangeable?

Re: Tokens from stables

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 4:06 am
by Gwain
I know one of my areas uses an all purpose token that is from the itemset from the void. The reason would be that if you run out of vnums, this token works well enough for an area with short scope; meaning that its an area you visit stable and leave in a short period of time.

Re: Tokens from stables

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 1:35 pm
by Jharthyne
A follow-on for my suggestion after looking at the replies from others.

Proposal 1.
Add to the existing long and short descriptions of the tokens so that we know which token belongs to which stable. However, this is not going to help for those stables using a generic token. If we use this proposal, we will have to live with that. Or add unique tokens for those stables (but they must still be able to use the generic tokens, else people who stabled their pets there in the past will have problems retrieving them). Alternative is for those stables using generic tokens, the stable master can spawn the token, change the description (if this is even possible), then give the token to the player.

Proposal 2.
Use generic tokens for all stables, and all stables send pets to the (normally unaccessable) same room. This saves having to add long/short descriptions to all tokens, but we then have to add code to all stables to accept the generic tokens. Stables which used unique tokens will still need to be able to accept them, else people who stabled their pets there in the past will have problems retrieving them. Also, it is subjectable to abuse... stable a pet in WD, but you can still access it in Zazzespur (for example).

Proposal 3.
Don't use tokens. Use quest bits. When you pay a stable master to stable your pet, he sets a quest bit on you. When you return to him, it triggers a mprog and he asks if you want to retrieve your pet. It is a generic mprog that can be "copied and pasted" into the mobs, but some thought will be needed for the quest bits to be used. It seems like a simple solution (just copy and paste) but the real headache is in determining the different quest bits to be used by the different stables. But you can't lose tokens. Though if you forgot where you stabled your pet, you will have to search the realms...

All three proposals require some work, with pros and cons.

Re: Tokens from stables

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 4:41 pm
by Harroghty
I have only ever named the token from one stable (the Inn of the Dripping Dagger) because that stable will eventually cater to new players. Beyond that, I feel as if it is the responsibility of the player to remember where you've left your horse (or other beast). In those cases where someone returns after a long away, then he or she ought to feel free to use the Ask Channel or Application System for help.

Re: Tokens from stables

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 7:50 pm
by Gwain
Not to mention you can just repurchase a new token from the stable if you have lost the previous one. The code is smart.

Re: Tokens from stables

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 11:57 am
by Jharthyne
Gwain wrote:Not to mention you can just repurchase a new token from the stable if you have lost the previous one. The code is smart.
It's a feature!
I guess we won't be seeing any changes then, unless there are others with good reasons to share.

Re: Tokens from stables

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 1:12 am
by Harroghty
It's not that you don't have a good idea, but consider this: it is easier for someone to remember where they left their mount (in a role-play intensive game) than it is for me or another builder to track down each stable token and modify the item's description. I appreciate your interest, but the simplest fix does not require code. Please keep bringing up ideas if you have them in the future.

Re: Tokens from stables

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 2:17 am
by Algon
So I just went through this exact same thing actually lol. I had a token that was just a color and not descriptive at all. It was actually a fun little RP trying to track my horse down. There are always people around to ask! Have fun with it! :D

Re: Tokens from stables

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 2:20 am
by Melusine
Or if they're the same item, wouldn't it be possible to do a quick restring before they hand it to the player, like it's done for spellpouches? That way instead of making new items, you just add a quick prog into the stablemaster. I've never done stabling coding, but would that work? It'd be a bit of a chore, but a nice idea.

Re: Tokens from stables

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 7:15 pm
by Mele
The code to rename an item is of course, easy for our builder admins, but it's not a quick thing by any means! :)

It would also be required to be changed and edited towards every stable in game - probably days of work!

A tip for forgetful people like me: The alias list is a great help for little things like this.

alias horseisat Friendly Arms Inn
New alias for 'horseisat' successfully added.
enter alias
horseisat = Friendly Arms Inn

Re: Tokens from stables

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 9:28 pm
by Lylena
Mele wrote: A tip for forgetful people like me: The alias list is a great help for little things like this.

alias horseisat Friendly Arms Inn
New alias for 'horseisat' successfully added.
enter alias
horseisat = Friendly Arms Inn

I never would have thought in a million years to use alias as a means of remembering things. This is awesome, thank you. :D