Favorite bit of Faerun

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Favorite bit of Faerun

Post by Alexan » Tue Nov 06, 2012 4:04 pm

I was just wondering if anyone else had a favorite bit or place or event in Faerunian culture that they would like to share.

My favorite (which actually had to grow on me), was Luskan. Pirate Port and ruled by them it's an evil but necessary city in the West. I've also always loved the Standing Stone, it actually makes me sad I never see decent RP about it (not on the MUD exclusively, I mean in general experience I've had).

One can also always be fond of Yulash, and it's poor fate. The Zhents coming and finally able to wipe the city out. My first Faerunian character was from there!
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Re: Favorite bit of Faerun

Post by Brawan » Wed Nov 07, 2012 8:40 am

My first exposure to the Forgotten Realms was long ago when I was about 10 years old and read Pool of Radiance. Since then I have always had a fondness for Phlan. Since reading Pool of Radiance 23 years ago I must have re-read it 5 - 6 times over the years and have passed it onto my son...with the rest of my collection.
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Re: Favorite bit of Faerun

Post by Trillarel » Wed Nov 07, 2012 10:07 am

My favorite is Ched Nasad, with Menzo a close second and Evermeet the third.
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Re: Favorite bit of Faerun

Post by Casamir » Wed Nov 07, 2012 7:46 pm

Oi. I dare say, there are no pirates in Luskan, it is a respectable port ruled by respectable gentlemen of opportunity and fortune. The High Captains are upstanding members of the community, well known for their generosity in 'free enterprise.' And I can think of no more noble fraternity than the Arcane Brotherhood, we can guarantee that Arklem Greeth is entirely human.. honest. *ahem* Luskan aside, I have a great soft spot for Thay, it's one of the more amazingly complex and interesting exotic regions, without getting a little bit silly which the Underdark has the penchant for. Politics and murder, scheme and scandal, the power struggles within the various book serieses there are quite harrowing.
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