Weird wands?

Reports on bugs, and questions on if something is a bug.
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Sword Apprentice
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Weird wands?

Post by Ceir » Sun Jan 20, 2013 7:19 am

Ceir recently stumbled upon some wands left out in the middle of nowhere. They have charges for a spell labelled 'reserved'.

I figure these might just be isolated incidents, but perhaps something's messed up in the item code. If so, you might get more confused reports like this one.
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Re: Weird wands?

Post by Raona » Sun Jan 20, 2013 6:03 pm

For a while we had problems with random loot getting <reserved> spells and affects placed on them. Hopefully these date from that era, and new one are not being produced, but if anyone is aware of current random treasure with this as an effect, please let us know.
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