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Ranged Warfare

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 8:17 pm
by Theolund
I was sitting here thinking as I cleaned up around my house today. What is something that could be done for thrown Projectiles and possibly hand crossbows. Thrown Projectiles as it stand's and the way attacks and actions in combat are not very useful. If we could come up with a way to make a bandolier(I.E. quiver/knifebelt/etc..) To work like bows quivers and sling bullets that would make it a viable way to have more ranged people around.

Now for Handcrossbows. The way the code works now is any and all crossbow types require 2 hands. A handcrossbow I don't think it's true for. The lag in each weapon attack with crossbows I think dictates the reload speed for them. What if we had rogues or warriors or even rangers that wanted to dual wield these? The code won't allow it so I was wondering what kind of work it would take to make it so if the staff thought it appropriate.

These are all just random thoughts and suggestions to mull over for myself and others that might add a new facet to ranged people. I know Mask has much more important stuff to work on coding than stuffl ike this but you never know what can come of thoughts we ourselves put up here.

Anyway thanks for your time in reading this!


Re: Ranged Warfare

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 10:51 pm
by Nylo
I'm not sure how feasible it is to code a bandolier like that, but I agree, it would be nice to see. I think it would have to be coded for only one dagger per round, however, because you need the quick draw feat to draw as a free action. I'm inclined to think any code that could check for that, and switch between pulling one out, or pulling five out, would be very complicated and time consuming to code and debug. Any change of the sort would likely necessitate a lot of changes to the combat engine as well, as I doubt there's support even with quick draw for holding and then throwing more than one projectile a round.

I really see thrown projectiles as more of a way to bring the fight to you, than as a good option in combat.

Hand crossbows are intentionally not able to be dual-wielded at this point. We don't have the rapid reload feat, so reloading is a move action. You'd have to either fire one shot per round, or two shots every other round. Two shots every other round might be feasible to code, if there's a way to delay it that long. But ultimately - I don't know that it's worth the time. While in tabletop there are situations where ranged weapons are needed, in FK all combat is done in melee range, where only a bow or a sling can compare in damage with melee weapons.

Re: Ranged Warfare

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 12:13 am
by Gwain
There is a coded throwing dagger bandolier item in game, but not for sale, the item loads a dagger that it has stored in it by prog then junks the dagger when it is stored inside but will throw the dagger by creating it in the players hand. The problem with this item is that it creates the daggers and therefore repairs them instantly because codewise it has no choice.