Apology - Edit 1/14/14, PM's Open

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Sword Apprentice
Sword Apprentice
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Location: Emptiness Is Form

Apology - Edit 1/14/14, PM's Open

Post by Jeanne » Tue Jan 14, 2014 8:40 am

I know many of you (who were around when I last played Jeanne) are probably surprised by this, and some probably annoyed by it...both of which I understand.

I'm not sure what to say, except I'm sorry for acting like a jerk. I was arrogant and obnoxious, and I don't blame anyone for being pissed off at me for that.

But I really miss Jeanne, and I miss this community.

I have major depression and PTSD and sometimes I just feel really horrible...I'm not using that as an excuse, or to suck up...it's just the truth. But I promise that, if Jeanne was allowed back, there would be no repeat of OOC tensions.

So I'm hoping that you'll be willing to give me another chance, if I promise not to act jerky :)

If anyone at all isn't comfortable with Jeanne returning, that's fine, I understand, and she won't. I don't want to cause any problems or pain to anyone.

If you want to send me a message, please do. I promise I won't get mad or do anything with the message, I'll just read it and hear what you have to say.

I miss the feeling I had, for a few months, being here as part of the community. I'd really like to get that back. I hope you can all accept my apology, but again if not, I understand and you'll never see Jeanne again, I promise. :)

Thanks for your time.

Edit: Private messages were turned off...sorry about that :( They are now back on.

Edit 2: If you want to tell me anything, up to and including "I don't like you", I hereby authorize you to and promise I won't: get mad, report it, or do anything with it except accept your feelings and not respond in any negative fashion.
"This girl is...remarkably prudent...sheds many tears; has a happy expression..."

Duh Duh Duh DUT *ChickChick*

"I Live to Serve."

"Oh, by the way-you're under arrest."*Chuckle*
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