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Arcane Eye

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 12:32 am
by Elenthis
Just a quick heads up, that while you're using Arcane Eye, you cannot access helpfiles. I imagine this is the result on the very limited number of things one CAN do, but it would be nice if you could still access the help stuff.


Re: Arcane Eye

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 10:23 am
by Raona
So noted, and confirmed. This is a symptom of a broader matter, namely that one can not access the helpfiles while "switched" into a mobile. I'm not sure how hard it would be to fix, but it would certainly require hard code.

Re: Arcane Eye

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 4:16 pm
by Elenthis
For what it's worth, it certainly isn't detrimental. It's a mild nuisance at worst. I could imagine it actually being -worse- for someone who is imm-switched into a mob than for the rare occasion that Arcane Eye is useful. I do appreciate you taking a peek never the less!


Re: Arcane Eye

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 12:02 am
by Tamryn
In the mean time, one may browse the helpfiles at ... earch=true if necessary...