A Chronicle of Arcorar
Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 8:29 pm
Sir Aramil Neidre of Evermeet invites the faithful of Corellon Larethian and the Seldarine to meet to debate the option of creating a Grand Chronicle of Arcorar, the Great King Forest. An endeavour to gather knowledge and track secrets, to learn and discover ancient lore, history and to remember things forgotten anew. There will be plenty of space for every class and profession to get involved, every opinion is welcome. The resulting tome or tomes shall be dedicated to the Coronal of Arvandor and also to the Sage at Sunset, Labelas Enoreth.
(OOC: A tentative time will be this: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/f ... 030&p1=961. This is intended to be a first step in introducing various parts of extended elven lore and should be considered open and welcome to/for any faithful or hopeful to attend. If you have a PC that is focused on lore or if you just feel like learning something about Cormanthyr, please, come around!)
(OOC: A tentative time will be this: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/f ... 030&p1=961. This is intended to be a first step in introducing various parts of extended elven lore and should be considered open and welcome to/for any faithful or hopeful to attend. If you have a PC that is focused on lore or if you just feel like learning something about Cormanthyr, please, come around!)