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House Faen Tlabbar Insignia

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 10:44 am
by Atraos

I have created a new Drow Priestess this morning and have noticed her insignia doesnt work.

The character is Shaivael Tlabbar of House Faen Tlabbar.

Equipment is as follows

You are using:
<worn around face> a tin-studded leathern visor (perfect)
<worn around neck> an amulet of communication (perfect)
<worn on neck> a House Tlabbar insignia (perfect)<worn as symbol> a symbol of faith (perfect)
<worn on body> a plain under tunic (good)
<worn on body> chainmail armour with the symbol of House Tlabbar (perfect)
<worn on body> a cloth pack (perfect)
<worn on head> a woolen arming cap (perfect)
<worn on legs> a pair of plain under breeches (perfect)
<worn on feet> a pair of padded ankle boots (superb)
<worn on arms> padded woolen sleeves (superb)
<worn about waist> a corded belt (perfect)
<left hand> a rawhide-trimmed buckler (perfect)
<right hand> a blacksteel footmans mace (perfect)

I have attuned the amulet and typed PHOR.
I have even tried it whilst lowering my resistances

I would expect to be levitated for a short period but it isnt functioning.


Re: House Faen Tlabbar Insignia

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 12:49 pm
by Harroghty
Where was your PC when you tried? What happened when you tried? Nothing at all, or some message?

Re: House Faen Tlabbar Insignia

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 3:10 pm
by Atraos
I am in Menzo, I have tried in several place is in menzo and nothing happens:-

The Slave Pits in Menzoberranzan
N-The Slave Pits E-The Slave Pits W-The Slave Pits D-The Slave Pits
The pits are not like other parts of the city of the drow. Instead
of being carved magically from the stone, the slaves themselves have been
forced to build their living quarters. The stone is rough and somewhat
damp. There is mouldy straw on the floor for the bedding of the slaves.
There is a sign on the wall.
A small fountain gurgles here. (perfect)
An acolyte of Lolth is here to teach you some spells.

<100%hp 60m 100%mv>

<100%hp 60m 100%mv>
Spells and other magical affects
Affected: Bless for a short time
Saving Throw Modifiers
Fear: +1
Spell Resistance: 11

<100%hp 60m 100%mv>

N-The Bazaar W-Manyfolk D-The Slave Pits
This large area of the city is known as Manyfolk, a district where
most of the city's commoner Drow as well as its wealthier non-Drow
can live and work in relative peace and security. The greater part
of the city's economy is located in Manyfolk, in some ways it is a
vast marketplace, part of the reason it's spurned by many powerful
nobles, who look down their noses upon such commercial concerns as
beneath their status. The streets here are broad and well-carved,
with faerie fire enchantments in blue and violet reflecting from a
number of polished pillars and stalagtites, but lacking the cruel,
delicate architecture found in the wealthier districts.
A Melee-Magthere student patrols the city here.

<100%hp 60m 96%mv>

<100%hp 60m 100%mv>
Spells and other magical affects
Affected: Bless for a short time
Saving Throw Modifiers
Fear: +1
Spell Resistance: 11

<100%hp 60m 100%mv>

Re: House Faen Tlabbar Insignia

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 2:29 am
by Harroghty
I had no problems with this object. I just gave you a new one to try.

Re: House Faen Tlabbar Insignia

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 8:12 am
by Atraos
Sorry....It still isnt working:(

Re: House Faen Tlabbar Insignia

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 12:56 pm
by Llanthyr
All the house insignias are not working. Might be something with the last patch?

Re: House Faen Tlabbar Insignia

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 5:35 pm
by Mele
<worn around neck> (3130) a House Baenre insignia (perfect)
Quest Journal for
You are a noble from House Baenre.

-pause but no actions-

This main port.

Is it that it's cast and not mpcast? Pulling at straws.

Re: House Faen Tlabbar Insignia

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 10:01 pm
by Harroghty
No, the mpcast and cast thing shouldn't matter because apparently none of the messages are working. But maybe.. I just had everything work but the actual spell effect for me.

I made a tweak that I will copyover as a test sooner or later.

Re: House Faen Tlabbar Insignia

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 3:37 am
by Orplar
It seems the item does not harm those not of its house either. not sure if that helps

Mushrooms in Silverymoon Sewers

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 8:17 pm
by Anguin
There are a number of mushrooms that can be found in the Silverymoon sewers. They provide a variety of effects - some good, some bad. The 'good' mushrooms no longer provide an effect (although there is an echo suggesting that they did have a good effect). The 'bad' mushrooms still harm those who eat them, though.

Re: Mushrooms in Silverymoon Sewers

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 5:19 pm
by Harroghty
These mushrooms (i6100) had the desired effect in testing.

Were you invisible? Spell resistant?

Re: Mushrooms in Silverymoon Sewers

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 11:16 pm
by Anguin
I tested these again and they seem to be working properly now. My character may have been using sneak/hide at the time. Thank you for looking into it.

Re: Mushrooms in Silverymoon Sewers

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 1:23 pm
by Anguin
Just an update:

For the past month or so, the mushrooms (I've tested pink and black) have been working fine. Recently, they stopped working for me again. I do not have spell resistance, I was not sneaking or hiding. Not a pressing matter, but I'm perplexed why their effectiveness suddenly seems to cut out. Other players have experienced this as well (viewtopic.php?f=148&t=17055#p111055).

Re: Mushrooms in Silverymoon Sewers

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 1:28 am
by Raona
I could not reproduce this on the testport, but I thought to try it on the game port, and sure enough...I get the echo, but no affect, invisible or not.

I may try a reboot in a quiet time and see if that resolves it, or if it is the result of a code difference between the two ports.

Re: Mushrooms in Silverymoon Sewers

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 3:11 am
by Harroghty
This is most likely related to the issue where rings, amulets and such with spell effects work intermittently. Unfortunately, I have found no way to predict when these objects will not work; one object will work today and not tomorrow. The basic issue is that neither mpaffect nor mpcast always succeed.

Re: Mushrooms in Silverymoon Sewers

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 12:46 pm
by Anguin
Additional details in case it helps:

At first, I would still get the correct echo although the spell effect would not take place (your armour glows slightly, stuff like that). Eventually, I stopped receiving the echoes, too. However, the negative effects from some mushrooms still work normally.

Re: House Faen Tlabbar Insignia

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 12:48 pm
by Harroghty
Additional evidence of the bug involving mpcast and mpaffect by objects.

MPAFFECT or MPCAST Failure from an Object

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 12:53 pm
by Harroghty

Amulet of Tongues Not Working

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 6:54 pm
by Bronson
I seem to remember that when I wore this amulet in the past, it would allow me to understand others and would put an affect under the affects section. Anyone know more about this fancy little trinket? Thanks.


Re: MPAFFECT or MPCAST Failure from an Object

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 8:06 am
by Talos
Part of this issue I believe.