Wrong location
Wrong location
I noticed a Skullport guard in the Temple of Justice in Waterdeep, not sure if this should be classified as a bug but I wanted it to be known
~Duraiz of Tyr
~Malupo of Loviatar
~Drazad of Oghma
~Hilmeran of Tymora
~Naren of Tymora
~Malupo of Loviatar
~Drazad of Oghma
~Hilmeran of Tymora
~Naren of Tymora
Re: Wrong location
Fixed pending update.
A goblin, a trickster, a warrior? A nameless terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. A most feared being in all the cosmos. Nothing could stop, hold, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.