Sorting out game colors in TinTin++

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Sorting out game colors in TinTin++

Post by Ramirus » Sat Dec 27, 2014 6:58 am

I'm having a little trouble getting colors to display properly in TinTin++ (using a Mac); specifically, in Waterdeep, I can't see the outdoors room descriptions unless I highlight it (so probably it's displaying in black text on a black background?), in addition to certain different colored parts of indoors room descriptions. Other indoor descriptions are fine, and I haven't found that changing the color setting in-game (e.g. setting rmdesc to being a different color) has helped, as when I type 'color' I can see every possible setting just fine. Any TinTin users that might be able to lend a hand here?
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Re: Sorting out game colors in TinTin++

Post by Jerrel » Wed May 12, 2021 4:49 am

Necro'ing this to say that I'm having this issue on TinTin++ on Mac: Foreground 8 or 9 (whichever is the darkest black/blue) blends into the black background for me, which is an issue with a fair number of rooms. Very oddly, if I run WinTin on Windows, I not have this issue, so this is definitely a "me on Mac" problem. Any TinTin Mac users that might have insight?
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Re: Sorting out game colors in TinTin++

Post by Jarah » Wed May 12, 2021 5:42 am

I don't have a Mac, so this is just a hopeful suggestion.

Have you tried this:
Changing your accounts colour scheme is done at the account level using
option number 5 at the account menu. After changing the colour scheme at the
account level use the colour reset command when you log a character on
to ensure that the colours are set to the account defaults.

No idea if it will make any difference at all, but it is just one more thing to try. Good luck!
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Re: Sorting out game colors in TinTin++

Post by Jerrel » Wed May 12, 2021 11:52 pm

Thanks, I tried playing around with that, and it didn't change the issue, but I think I figured it out. There's something with how the native Terminal app on Mac displays colors that was causing the problem, so I switched to running TinTin++ off of a Terminal alternative that has a different color scheme, and all is well!
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