Justice System

This forum contains bugs which the test team have been unable to reproduce.
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Sword Journeyman
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Justice System

Post by Natasha » Tue Feb 24, 2015 6:55 pm

If you're on killmode nofight you will get charged with assault if a MOB attacks you.

In the particular situation I was in, I cast charm on someone, and when the duration expired they attacked me while I was in killmode nofight. Despite this, I was slapped with two charges of assault.

Somehow this doesn't seem quite right - any idea why there might be two charges instead of one?
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Re: Justice System

Post by Althasizor » Fri Apr 10, 2015 2:17 pm

While casting charm on someone certainly should constitute a charge of assault, I've been in a similar situation before, where another player cast a spell on me that started combat, and I(in killmode nofight) was attacked by two nearby guards, and charged with assault against both of them despite never throwing a punch.

It does seem a -little- bit wonky, but I think we could probably also mark this off as the sort of severe old-timey justice you might expect back then.
What are you talking about? What, that guy?
That was like that when I got here.
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Re: Justice System

Post by Harroghty » Tue Jun 16, 2015 8:00 pm

So assault charges are levied if you end up in a fight with an NPC flagged as a citizen; one need not actually strike a blow. One can receive multiple charges if the same crime is reported by multiple witnesses.

As Althasizor points out, the use of the spell itself is a kind of assault if you are looking for a justification.
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