Boots of Elven Kind

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Sword Grand Master
Sword Grand Master
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Boots of Elven Kind

Post by Orplar » Fri Jan 01, 2016 8:24 pm

It is in perfect condition.
It is leather and is light armour.
It is just the right size for you to wear.
It can be picked up, worn on the feet.
It is worn as armour.
It is medium in size and would fit a humanoid.
These boots are magnificent in their simplicity. They are a
seeming single piece of supple, polished leather. The soles
are smooth and dark, a tap on them produces no sound.

Should these also be masterwork since they are a sup item?
"Be bold and let your feet guide you upon your own path. With any Luck, you'll wind up in a fabulous place. Work upon your skills, perfect them. You will be rewarded as you want" - Orplar Leafall, Lucks Guide
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