dusk wood gipsy camp

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Sword Grand Master
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dusk wood gipsy camp

Post by Yemin » Sat Mar 05, 2016 2:52 am

Upon entering the camp I noticed i had this qlog

You refused to seek the vision of the gypsy Fortune Teller.

This being the second time this char has entered the camp and the first time he's actually given any answer to any of the NPCs I'm unsure how he got this.

If it helps he was part of a group lead by someone doing the quest for the sun elf and the gipsy leader the first time he entered this area.
I trained up double-edged bananas because the uber-plantain of doom I scored from the beehive quest was the best weapon in the game. Now it's being treated like a bug and they have gimped its damage! That's not fair! My character is ruined!
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