Judging a Necromancer - A secret gathering

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Sword Novice
Sword Novice
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Judging a Necromancer - A secret gathering

Post by Harvin » Sat Nov 12, 2016 6:25 pm

The following presents the fourth and final log/chapter concluding the "Judging the Necromancer" story titled "Secret gathering". The first three logs/chapters can be found below, in chronological order, titled:

1. Jethral's encounter with the necromancer
2. Aftermath
3. Council with Lady Gesine

The final chapter presents the events right after Vidar's meeting with Lady Gesine and features two new charactes: Lady Myn, the owner of the Haze and a powerful mage devoted to Maid of Misfortune, and Ithrael, a tiefling from the Underdark. The log is from Vidar's point of view.

Waterdeep Harbour
N-Waterdeep Harbo E-Waterdeep Harbo S-Waterdeep Pier
The dock moves slightly with the water underneath it. Large ships dock here,
for trade and passengers. Small craft are expected to use another dock
further south. Sailors and dock workers swarm the dock working on the ships.
You see Waterdeep Pier.
a shady-looking sailor is nearby south from here.
Nothing special there.
Waterdeep Pier
N-Waterdeep Harbo S-Darkness
This dock juts out into the Sea of Swords. Boats rock gently up against the
dock. The wood of the dock creaks with the movement of the water.
A shady-looking sailor is here, leaning against a wall.
A shady-looking sailor whispers to you.
A shady-looking sailor says to you 'Hey there... If ya need to quickly leave Waterdeep,'
A shady-looking sailor says to you 'I can discreetly escort you to the gates.'
A shady-looking sailor says to you 'Only three shiny gold coins for my service.'

Vidar shakes his head and utters shortly 'No.'

Dasyra tells you 'We are already on the boat, we shall be there soon enough. I have also brought something for you.'

You tell Dasyra 'I am waiting by the shady sailor. Safe journeys and may Umberlee protect you!'

*** After some time ***

Waterdeep Pier
N-Waterdeep Harbo S-Darkness
This dock juts out into the Sea of Swords. Boats rock gently up against the
dock. The wood of the dock creaks with the movement of the water.
A shady-looking sailor is here, leaning against a wall.

The <ship's name> enters the docks.
A brawny, black-haired male tiefling walks in from the west.
Dasyra walks in from the west.

Vidar waves at Dasyra.
Dasyra smiles lightly at you.

The Western Light leaves the docks.

Dasyra motions to the north 'Let's move to a safe place.'.

Vidar nods.
You now follow Dasyra.

Dasyra nods at A brawny, black-haired male tiefling.
A brawny, black-haired male tiefling snickers.
Dasyra walks north.
You follow Dasyra.

*** At the "safe place" ***

The Leaky Drum
An unremarkable backdoor leads to a set of access stairs, which descends into
a cramped basement, underneath a tenement block. Above you, you can hear the
bickering traffic of the main floor facing the bazaar, which is all merchant
shops with dwellings stacked higher above that. This basement however is
dusty with drab, unpainted walls and creaky floorboards underfoot. Tables and
seats are made from re-purposed lantern-oil drums and fish-pickling barrels,
and are scattered across what passes for the common room of this former
speakeasy. There is a modest bar tucked into one corner of the basement,
littered with kegs and corked bottles - all without labels and half-empty.
The room is dark and dingy, the only light cast from the various battered
lanterns hanging off of bent hooks and rusty nails.
A squat, balding old man tends the bar here.

Dasyra is standing here.
A brawny, black-haired male tiefling walks in from the north-east.
Dasyra closes the crooked backdoor.
A brawny, black-haired male tiefling looks at you.

Dasyra nods faintly at you 'I spoke of your case with this person, who is a regular of the Haze, and he expressed some interesting observations about your trial.'.

A brawny, black-haired male tiefling smirks.

Vidar replies 'I will be most honoured to hear about it.'.

a band of tainted luck gems glows briefly as Dasyra activates it.

A brawny, black-haired male tiefling says to you 'To beghn, I am Itfrael Ethefwgnf, and I have beeo wfere you seem to be, now. Once upom a time, I was a Ogcrmkanaer, rbrj...'

Vidar looks around.
A shimmering gate forms in front of you!
Vidar backs a few steps.

A brawny, black-haired male tiefling takes a step back, gripping his scythe as he peers into the portal.

A thin green eyed blonde female halfelf walks in from somewhere.
Sessa, a pretty half-elven servant girl walks in from somewhere.

A brawny, black-haired male tiefling nods.

A thin green eyed blonde female halfelf says to A brawny, black-haired male tiefling 'No peeks.'

Dasyra bows deeply 'Welcome, lady Myn.'.

A brawny, black-haired male tiefling relaxes somewhat, inclining his head to A thin green eyed blonde female halfelf respectfully, 'Lady Myn, it is a oneasuqe, as ylvays.'.

A brawny, black-haired male tiefling greets you.

Dasyra winks at Ithrael 'I fear Vidar does not understand undercommon extremely well.'.

A thin green eyed blonde female halfelf grins to Dasyra and Ithrael 'Hello.'.

Dasyra glances back at you.

Vidar raises hand to Ithrael 'Pardon me, I am not skilled in the Underdark tongue yet.'.

Ithrael tsks.
A thin green eyed blonde female halfelf looks at you.

You begin to chant.
Some black soot glows briefly.
Some salt glows briefly.
You understand everything clearly now.

Vidar gestures with an open hand 'Please, do go on, dear tiefling.'.

A thin green eyed blonde female halfelf smiles at Ithrael.
You hear the rustle of creatures hiding in the dark.

Ithrael switches to flawless Common, nodding to you , 'Of course. Being from Silverymoon, I should have thought of that myself.'.

Vidar bows as he hears the name of the Lady.
A thin green eyed blonde female halfelf begins to chant.

You guess A thin green eyed blonde female halfelf is casting nondetection.
Dasyra folds her arms and leans against a chair, listening.
A thin green eyed blonde female halfelf utters the words, 'iaioculoinfrauai'.
A thin green eyed blonde female halfelf is shielded from detection.

Dasyra looks at A thin green eyed blonde female halfelf.
Dasyra looks at Ithrael.
Dasyra looks at you.

A magical portal winks from existence.
A magical portal winks from existence.
A misty portal winks out of existence.

Ithrael says to you 'At any rate, I am Ithrael, and I have been where you are now. Once, I too, practiced the Necromantic arts, and many folk ....disagreed, to say the least.'
Ithrael looks at you.

Vidar stays in bow before A thin green eyed blonde female halfelf.
Vidar raises his head up a bit to look at A thin green eyed blonde female halfelf.

A thin green eyed blonde female halfelf takes up a seat near to Dasyra with Sessa, a pretty half-elven servant girl staying close by her side. She says to you 'I'm curious about your troubles. The Waterdhavians have a knack for overstepping boundries.'.
A thin green eyed blonde female halfelf greets you.

A staff of pale intertwined suthwood clasping a king's tear gem on Myn shimmers for a moment.
Ithrael nods his head in agreement with Myn.

Vidar bows again to Myn and bows (but slightly less) to Ithrael 'It is a huge honour, Lady Myn. And as well an honour to meet you, Ithrael. I am Vidar, and probably you know quite a lot about me from present Dasyra'.
You greet everybody in the room.

Dasyra nods faintly at you 'I believe Master Ithrael and lady Myn may be able to help you defend yourself against the foul Waterdhavians and their zealotry.'.

Ithrael leans his weight on an ivory-white amethyst-encrusted titanium scythe.
Dasyra grins faintly at you.

Myn nods to you, 'Of course it is an honor.' she smiles to you, saying after 'This wouldn't be the first, or second, or third time even that they have set out on hunts for Wizards.'.

Vidar stands tall and responds 'That is very kind of you. I just wrote my confession on a parchment. It does not however say anything what happened on the grounds of Kobold Tower.'.

Myn holds out a hand to you 'Let me see it.'.

Vidar smiles and clears his throat, 'Here it is, Lady Myn' and reaches for a piece of parchment from his pack and hands it over to Myn.

You get a piece of parchment titled: Vidar's Confession from a cloth pack.

Ithrael says to you 'What have you to confess? You practice magic, as do myriad others. Yours perhaps, is of a more realistic nature than some fools would prefer.'

You give a piece of parchment titled: Vidar's Confession to Myn.

Myn looks down at the parchment but asks before reading 'Why are you confessing, and to whom anyway?' she looks up to nod to Ithrael 'I agree, wholly.'.

Vidar says 'However, I have written this in such a way that it allows me some freedom', smirks and goes on 'I hope they will overlook it.'.
Vidar nods and responds 'I want to keep an official document, signed by the authorities that accused me, that my name is cleared. Just a formality, but in these lands it is sufficiently powerful.'.

Myn snorts quietly after reading about midway down, murmuring 'Moral code of Tyr.. Bigots..' before finishing the document.

* Vidar's Confession
* I, Vidar, the Conjurer of Silverymoon, with good will and to clear my name,
* hereby openly admit and do not deny the creation of two kobold skeletons
* on the grounds of Kobold's Tower and I feel guilty under the present laws
* and rules of Waterdeep, City of Splendors, and under the moral code of Tyr.
* I therefore swear that I will not perform necromancy that does not comply
* with the generral law-rules and faith codes.
* Additionally, I proclaim that, if blessed by Mystra, Lady of Spells, with
* and opportunity to deepen my wizarding knowledge (including necromancy),
* I will not refuse and accept (if I deem it only proper) the gifts of
* the Weave (magical scrolls, tomes, being trained et cetera), which is
* in accordance with the magical research and arcane practice.
* Vidar, Conjurer of Silverymoon"

Ithrael asks you 'Of what crime are you accused, and by whom, exactly?'
Myn nods her head in agreement with Ithrael.

Dasyra asks confused 'Couldn't it be used instead as a proof that he committed what they claim and that he recognized their authority there?'.

Myn asks you 'And did they encourage you to write this?'
Myn nods her head in agreement with Dasyra.

Ithrael nods his head in agreement with Myn.
Ithrael nods his head in agreement with Dasyra.

Myn says 'I suspect it will be posted, to bring shame from the foolish Waterdhavian wizards.'
Myn gives you a piece of parchment titled: Vidar's Confession.
Myn looks at Sessa, a pretty half-elven servant girl.

Dasyra looks at Sessa, a pretty half-elven servant girl.

Ithrael says to you 'Lady Myn is correct. They will humiliate you, at the very least, and persecute you unto death, if they can.'

Sessa, a pretty half-elven servant girl gets a pure white frosted glass flask of invis from a black brocade waist cincher.
Sessa, a pretty half-elven servant girl frowns at what Myn did.

Myn rolls her eyes.
Ithrael snickers.

Sessa, a pretty half-elven servant girl puts a pure white frosted glass flask of invis in a black brocade waist cincher.

Vidar begins to speak 'They did not encourage me to do this, but I found it a proper way to show those fair-hearted fools that I *feel* myself guilty.' turns to Ithrael 'I was accused of raising two kobolds, an act of necromancy, scolded in these lands'.

Myn says to you 'Areia is particularlly wicked, I assure you.'
Myn asks quietly of Dasyra 'Did you bring any frost wine? Sessa has neglected to do so.'.

Ithrael says to you 'If it is not a crime, then why are you to be punished? Tell the naysayers to hump a goat.'

Vidar adds 'And I was accused by Lustria, Just Hand of Tyr, who conveyed the trial and execution. And then, after the whole trial, I was contacted via amulet by Sir Andreas, that the Deathlord of Kelemvor wants to see me'.

Ithrael raises an eyebrow at you.

Myn nods at Ithrael.

Vidar smiles, hearing Ithreal, but tries to calm down, being in the presence of Myn.

Dasyra shakes her head 'I am sorry lady Myn, I tend to keep wine in the Haze usually, because when I travel I often buy more drinks.'.
Dasyra bows her head humbly.

Myn says to you 'Knowing what I do of Areia, and these other Waterdhavians, I would advise against the confession.'
Myn smiles at Dasyra.

Ithrael says to you 'None of these names mean anything to me, besides being overpowerful bullies, all aligned against a young magician who dares to cross boundries they fear to tread upon.'

Myn nods her head in agreement with Ithrael.

Ithrael nods his head in agreement with Myn.
Ithrael says to Myn 'The Deathlord would likely kill him upon the confession, you are aright in this, I believe.'

Vidar points to the parchment 'But as you could see, I wrote it in a clever way. I left a door open for me to pursue my search of more knowledge and power.'.

Myn says to you 'I have seen them hunt down, wickedly, several other wizards of the Keep. Even with little but suspicion to act on.'

Dasyra nods once 'In other words the trial was illegal!?'.

Ithrael says to Dasyra 'It was. No true crime had been committed, at all.'

Dasyra nods at Ithrael.

Myn tsks 'You assume them to be reasonable. I assure you they are not. With this, they have evidence giving proof that you dabbled, and will seclude you from their spells.'.

Myn nods her head in agreement with Ithrael.
Ithrael nods his head in agreement with Myn.

Dasyra murmurs 'Jethral told me he told everybody Vidar is a necromancer.'.

Vidar speaks as he hears Ithrael and Dasyra 'Then all the more reason to prove them, in public, to be foolish, right? But as Lady Myn states I do assume them to be reasonable, at least the high officials. But it looks the truth is far from that...'.

Myn says to Dasyra 'They are nothing more than vigilantes, lethally imposing their values where they have no right reason to be.'

Ithrael says to you 'You will be secluded from their circles, and as such, whatever power they harbor amongst themselves, you will never learn.'

a band of tainted luck gems glows briefly as Dasyra activates it.

You say to Ithrael 'I have no need to be in their circle of mutual support... All I need is the freedom to travel through these lands.'

Myn sniffs quietly, saying to you 'Those officials took my head, for warning them about the future murderous actions of one of the paladins, shortly after fallen.'.

Ithrael nods to you , 'Lady Myn is correct. For no other reason than they suspect you dabble in spells of...to them...a dispicable nature...you will be shunned, if not outright killed.'.

Dasyra replies to you 'Last times you assumed that you lost two arms.'.

Vidar nods palely to Dasyra 'True...'.

Ithrael says to you 'I was doing just as you did, at near the same place, I'd wager, when I was set upon by two half-elves from Waterdeep, who denounced my arts to the entire world. For the act of raising a small army of servants to cater to my every whim, I was attacked, and very nearly killed'

Vidar hmms and puts hand on his chin, 'But then perhaps they want to investigate this trial further?'.

Ithrael says 'More a farce, than a trial, I'd wager.'

Vidar smiles friendly to Ithrael.

Myn says to you 'They want to mount your head upon the wall, little more.'

Ithrael nods his head in agreement with Myn.

Dasyra ponders 'We were discussing that the only ones who may claim some authority on that tower would be the rulers of Berdusk and maybe the Harpers.'.
Dasyra nods faintly 'It is likely that the Deathlord just wants your... death.'.

Vidar takes a deep inhale and sighs longly.
Ithrael nods his head in agreement with Dasyra.

Myn says to Dasyra 'They would have a hard time laying such a claim. Even the larger, closer Scournobel does not lay claim to lands outside their walls.'

Ithrael says to Dasyra 'At the most, though I'd suspect it to be a free state, myself. Beholden to no city, at all'

Dasyra makes an ample motion 'Just to give you the idea of what person she is, some years ago she published a warning to all the people of the Realms, not to even barely skulk near her.'.

Myn says to Dasyra 'The vast majority of that land, until you reach Amn, is under no particular control.'

Dasyra makes a grim gesture 'Who would not have heeded such warning would have been incinerated and turned to ashes on the spot.'.

Vidar starts to walk around the small room, obviously stressed, 'I see... but I cannot go down into the Underdark, not yet. I am too frail in the Arts. And there is still plenty to learn up here on the surface...'.

Myn nods her head in agreement with Ithrael.

Ithrael says to Dasyra 'I read that, she was so afeared of people hiding nearby, upon a time'

Myn smiles to you, 'Know that you have a welcome place in the Keep, if nothing else.'.

Dasyra nods deeply 'And the declaration was absolutely illegal. Only a high noble in a drow city would be able to publish something like that. And it would anyway be a sign of weakness.'.

Ithrael says to you 'You are aright, in this. The Underdark has grown ever more fierce of late, but the surface? It always holds a place to find welcome, in the Haze, if no other in the world.'
Ithrael nods his head in agreement with Dasyra.

Myn grins to Dasyra 'Oh yes, I remember that... Delightfully paranoid.'.

Dasyra counts on her fingers 'Thay, Westgate, Luskan...'.

Ithrael nods his head in agreement with Dasyra.

Vidar bows to Myn 'I thank you, Lady Myn. I know that my days in Waterdeep are soon over. But I do yearn to see me hometown, Silverymoon, from time to time.'.

Myn nods at you.

Vidar starts to walk again around the room, 'And if I ever will need to be in Waterdeep, I must travel undetected and take great measure of care.'

Ithrael says to you 'Learn the laws of the land. Waterdeep, for one, does not allow such horrid behavior as dismemberment, save at the orders of the Lords themselves. Should any other seek such a fate for you, within the city walls, report them to the guard'

Myn nods her head in agreement with Ithrael.
Myn adds, 'And they will try, I assure you.'.

Dasyra considers 'If I recall, there is a law that forbids action by the vigilantes.'.

Ithrael says to you 'Silverymoon, as well, holds similar laws sacred, as does Berdusk, Daggerford, and very nearly every city in the realms.'

Myn nods at Dasyra.
Ithrael nods his head in agreement with Dasyra.
Vidar looks at Ithrael 'Exactly! Wouldn't that be enough for the Kelemvorites to convince them?'.

Myn says to you 'They see themselves as above the law.'

Dasyra opens her arms 'However, if you willingly submit to their judgment, then it would be your fault, I fear.'.

Myn says to you 'They have even been so brazen as to come to my Haze and destroy undead located there.'

Dasyra considers 'They could always claim that you accepted to be punished by your own will, and to that, unfortunately, there is little to complain about, especially afterwards.'.
Dasyra darkens 'In truth they have just scared and threatened you into submission.'.

Ithrael nods his head in agreement with Dasyra.

Vidar taps finger on his chin. 'Hym, hym, hym... So clearing my name does not come into play...'.

Myn nods at Dasyra.

Dasyra tsks at you 'Don't you realize you are marked already?'.

Ithrael exclaims to you 'If you do these things, Own them! Be who, and what, you wish to be!'

Myn points to Dasyra, agreeing 'Exactly that.'.
Myn smiles at Ithrael.

Vidar pats Ithrael on his shoulder and smiles 'If all of them were just like you, Ithrael...'.

Dasyra nods gravely 'You will forever bear the stigma of being a necromancer.'.
Dasyra bows her head to Myn.

Ithrael says to you 'For all others, these overwhelming Waterdhavians? Tell them to find a particularly shady spot in the rings of Hells and take a nap there.'
Ithrael snickers.

Myn giggles at Ithrael's actions.

Vidar nods 'Then...' stops walking and stands upright '...it is decided.' and finishes 'I will not go and see the Deathlord'.

Myn nods at you.
Myn says to you 'And you will live all the longer for not.'

Vidar tears the parchment in half.
You drop a piece of parchment titled: Vidar's Confession.

Myn cheers for you.

Ithrael says to you 'If you cannot send them to Hell yourself, then find allies to stand by you in the fight, and together, you all send them there in a group'

Vidar points his finger to the parchment and utters words of command.
Vidar sees the parchment pieces vanish in a wisp of smoke, only ashes left.

Myn smiles at you.

Ithrael smiles at you , 'Splendid, and so you begin your path to true independance'.

Myn nods her head in agreement with Ithrael.

Vidar smiles to everyone present here 'I thank you all for you support. Never again will I be under the oppression of rules or orders.'.

Ithrael nods once to you , 'So should it be.'.

Myn says to you 'I would like to know if any of them try to press their values upon you again.'

Dasyra clasps her hands 'Awesome.'.

Vidar bows before Myn 'Lady Myn... thank you for your protection.'.

Myn nods at you.

Vidar raises from the bow.
Vidar turns to Dasyra 'I will even more frequently visit the Keep, then!'.

Myn smiles at Dasyra.

Dasyra grins 'That would be awesome.'.
Dasyra blinks 'Oh, I was forgetting, I have brought something for you from Skullport.'.

Dasyra gives you an elegant black and sapphire waistcoat.
Dasyra gives you a flowing violet sash.

Vidar takes the gifts with a bow of head to Dasyra 'It looks perfect! I thank you, dear Dasyra' , and bows again.

Dasyra nods faintly 'I am glad you like them.'.

Vidar puts the items neatly in his pack 'I will redress later' and smiles.

Myn asks 'Have aoy oh you a contagndr you'e paru xkth?'

Dasyra looks at Myn.
Vidar looks a bit confused.
Dasyra frowns slightly.
Myn finishes the most proper statement ever made in orcish, without realizing it.

Myn asks 'Have any of you a container you'd part with?'

Ithrael Hmmmms...

Vidar looks into his pack.

Myn looks at Sessa, a pretty half-elven servant girl.

Ithrael gets a glowing purple mushroom from a sporran made of human scalps.
Ithrael eats a glowing purple mushroom.

Dasyra sighs 'It will be a while before we can eat those mushrooms again.'.

Sessa, a pretty half-elven servant girl gives a spidersilk satchel to Myn.

Ithrael gets a weapons-holster slung low over the hips from a sporran made of human scalps.
Ithrael shakes his head in Myn's direction.
Ithrael puts a weapons-holster slung low over the hips in a fine silk pure black spellpouch.

Myn smiles at Ithrael.

Myn gets a mail box labelled: Myn from a spidersilk satchel.

Ithrael says 'Not on me, at the moment.'

Myn empties a mail box labelled: Myn into a spidersilk satchel.
Myn looks at you.

Vidar smiles and says to Dasyra 'I have a waterdeep news paper, an excellent container for horse manure' but then takes calm looks, due to being in the presence of Myn.

Myn grins at you.
Myn fills a mail box labelled: Myn.

Vidar raises his eyebrows.

*** Another subject of conversation emerges among the gathered group but is ommited due to IC censorship ***

<PC> utters an incantation, and a gate forms in front of you!

Vidar nods to <PC> and looks amazed at the portal 'Beautiful!'.

Myn walks somewhere.
Sessa, a pretty half-elven servant girl walks somewhere.

Ithrael gestures to the gate, 'If you please'.

You now follow Ithrael.

Dasyra bows her head 'Thank you.'.
Dasyra walks somewhere.

Ithrael walks somewhere.
You follow Ithrael.

*** The group of the adventurers vanishes through the portal, facing the future and leaving the past behind... ***
No! I don't want to be a "Sword Novice"! I wish to be a "Whip" or "Crossbow Novice"! Swords are so... mundane...
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