Dismiss from another room

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Dismiss from another room

Post by Grenwyn » Thu Sep 21, 2017 2:09 am

Code: Select all

Cliff-Lined Pass
 N-The Great Gray  S-Cliff-Lined Pas
Tall cliffs flank both sides of this grassy passage which runs a north-
south path through the hills. To the north, a barren landscape seems to
open up. The trees begin to increase as the pass continues to the south
where a tall lighthouse stands in the distance.
The sky is a freezing blizzard and a cold northern gust blows.
The animated corpse of a warrior goblin of the Red Claws walks in from the south.
The animated corpse of a Red Claw goblin walks in from the south.
[b]dismiss animated
The animated corpse of a minotaur thrall stops following you.
You dismiss The animated corpse of a minotaur thrall from your service.[/b]
Cliff-Lined Pass
 N-The Great Gray  S-Cliff-Lined Pas
Tall cliffs flank both sides of this grassy passage which runs a north-
south path through the hills. To the north, a barren landscape seems to
open up. The trees begin to increase as the pass continues to the south
where a tall lighthouse stands in the distance.
The sky is a freezing blizzard and a cold northern gust blows.
An animated corpse of a warrior goblin of the Red Claws struggles with the horror of its undeath.
An animated corpse of a Red Claw goblin struggles with the horror of its undeath.
[b]dismiss goblin
A wererat thrall stops following you.
You dismiss a wererat thrall from your service.[/b]
The dismissed minions were stabled in Zhentil Keep, and carried some items I would much rather not lose. For some reason, I was able to dismiss them from across the map, even though the helpfile says "This can only be done if you are in the same room as your pet or mount."
Kalahani Ka'uhane
Gottschalk, Witchdoctah
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