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Coin quest in kobold tower

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 7:12 pm
by Ariala
Hi. I finished up this quest on Odessa and went to go claim the reward but there was nothing in the chest?

A treasure room
E-The room of the
Several small glowing globes of light have been set in the black walls
of this room. The ground is covered with a very thick layer of dust that
does not seem to have been disturbed in ages. The northern and western
walls are covered with very old and dusty tapestries, while a large
painting hangs on the southern wall.
A large brass chest lies here. (perfect)
a large brass chest contains:

Quest Journal for Odessa:
You found and used six strange coins in Malagan's tower.

Re: Coin quest in kobold tower

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 6:53 am
by Mele
When you look inside, you see:
a large brass chest contains:
It is medium in size and would fit a humanoid.
This large chest made of brass looks very old. Looking to its
side, you can see a large decorated golden M carved in it.
When you look inside, you see:
a large brass chest contains:
It is medium in size and would fit a humanoid.
This large chest made of brass looks very old. Looking to its
side, you can see a large decorated golden M carved in it.
A large brass chest is already open.
When you look inside, you see:
a large brass chest contains:
It is medium in size and would fit a humanoid.
This large chest made of brass looks very old. Looking to its
side, you can see a large decorated golden M carved in it.
a large brass chest contains:
Quest Journal for Isla:
You found and used six strange coins in Malagan's tower.

Resets are not closing things in this area right now. The painting was open, the doors open etc.

Re: Coin quest in kobold tower

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 6:55 am
by Mele
>greet_prog E

There's the issue.

Name: chestfiller ghost invisible malagantower male m17312. Vnum: 17312.