OOC:One of our duties as faithful of the Maiden of Pain is the spreading of pain. But what if you are willing, but not inspired to fulfill this duty? Worry not! The Church of Loviatar is here to help.
Firstly, I encourage all people across the realms (even Purple Dragons) to send me a letter with the following information: which person most deserves some pain or would be most hurt by it? Why? How should this person experience this pain?
If you are worried about your reputation, you do not need to include your own name. Anonymous entries are very welcome.
At the time and date noted below, those interested in spreading pain shall meet at the lounge of the Barbed Whip (southwest of Westgate). As always we will eat and drink and enjoy ourselves, but I will also hand out the letters. It is then your task to bring pain to the person noted in the letter. You may use the additional information in it as inspiration on how to do that, but you are not bound by it. Take notes of your success and send them back to me. Those who do so shall be honored in a future meeting.
Amira Syria
Chosen Truescar of Loviatar
This is the time of the meeting.
I am hoping to create some rp even beyond the actual event here, because - as all of you know - more rp is more fun in my opinion. And as even good people sometimes feel like lashing out but hold themselves back due to their morals: here is your chance to have someone else lash out instead! Your hands stay clean (sort of).
However, as the targets have not agreed beforehand to any of this, please be considerate of this when it comes to bringing the pain. Not everybody is comfortable with extensive torture rp for example, but might be ok with it, if it happened "off screen". Just be reasonable with each other and make sure everybody is having a good time.
Questions as always either to me or Amira.