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Kinship Transcendence

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2021 2:11 am
by Dalgrim
{I removed all my look commands targeting players to keep their descriptions and gear private}
{A lot of personal sentiment is baked into this event, thanks everyone for the great community.}

Shrine of Moradin
U-Temple of Moradin
You stand in the centre of the Soul Forgers shrine. Soul Forger is a common
name for Moradin. In the centre is an ever burning hearth and a forge that is
more finely equipped than any you have ever seen in this region. The priests
will do all they can to prevent the flame from going out. If it does the
temple will be destroyed.
An ever-burning hearth burns brightly here. (perfect)
A dwarven priest of Moradin is here guarding the flame.


Dalgrim's face shows a grin as he looks to the gathered, 'Lo thar! Greetins tae ye a'.' He gestures to the crate, 'Help yeself tae holy water. Excellent vintage iffin ah must say.'.
Rakthar grins.
Mya gets a mug of dwarven honey mead from a large wooden crate labelled: Holy Water.
Mya holds a mug of dwarven honey mead in her right hand.
Rakthar gets a mug of dwarven skullcracker mead from a large wooden crate labelled: Holy Water.
Tena says 'Ah should ah known.'
Thorvald smiles to Nisir 'Oi! How ye doin lad? Keepin strong Ah hope'.
Mya hugs Niccele.
Rakthar holds a mug of dwarven skullcracker mead in his right hand.
Lyesvia peers at Niccele, then at Mya, then back again with a squint till Mya's shout. Then she nods.
Aurora gets a mug of dwarven honey mead from a large wooden crate labelled: Holy Water.
Rakthar drinks mead from a mug of dwarven skullcracker mead.
Aurora says 'How lovely.'
Nisir claps Thorvald on the shoulder, 'Yes my friend, we miss you about!'.
Tena asks you 'Ye jist have tae get things ah cannae drink, didnae ye?'
Aurora holds a mug of dwarven honey mead in her left hand.
Tena grins at you.
Rakthar peers at Tena.
Mya drinks mead from a mug of dwarven honey mead.
You peer at her.
Rakthar asks Tena 'Wit's tha' 'bout?'
Tena says to Rakthar 'Oaths an' trainin'.'
Rakthar looks at Tena with a blank face.
You Hmmmm out loud.
Rakthar peers at Skylar.
Nisir gets a mug of dwarven honey mead from a large wooden crate labelled: Holy Water.
Skylar collects something from her things, then offers it to Tena with a warm smile.
Skylar gives a mug of dwarven ale to Tena.
Thorvald nods to Nisir 'Aye, Good tae see ye, been spendin alot o' time in forge'.
Mya nods a few times, then says to Niccele, 'It's not as strong as you'd think, but it's so sweet and delicious. It's like the onion of drinks! There's all kinds of layered flavours.'.
Lyesvia peers at Tena.
Tena glances at Skylar.
Lyesvia asks Tena 'Nae?'
Rakthar asks Thorvald 'Wit sorta thing do ye forge, kin?'
Lyesvia says to Tena 'No' even...'
Dalgrim pulls from his mug a hearty gulp, wipes his mouth, and speaks, 'Tha ritual taeday bae tha o armor attunement.' His eyes light with the glow of the forge as he looks to it, 'This rit narmalleh held amongst a dwarven smith an' a dwarven recipient o armor.'.
Lyesvia gets a bottle of sparkling dwarven ale from a fur-lined leather satchel.
Niccele laughs softly at Mya 'It is pretty good.'.
Tena says to Lyesvia 'Ahm allowed weak ale fur tradition sake bar that be et.'
Lyesvia shows off a bottle of sparkling dwarven ale to Tena questioingly.
Rakthar quiets down as you speaks up.
Skylar offers for Tena gently, 'Where faith would demand, I would not think it ill to imbibe.'.
Mya begins to sing.
Mya finishes the song.
Mya's face brightens with understanding.
You drink mead from a mug of stout dwarven mead.
You feel bloated.
Lyesvia puts a bottle of sparkling dwarven ale in a fur-lined leather satchel.
Nisir holds a mug of dwarven honey mead in his right hand.
Rakthar smiles approvingly at Skylar.
Tena shakes her head at Lyesvia before looking to Skylar and tilting her head, 'Mm.'.
You say 'Winterfest hiz goat this ole axe a wee sentimental, an' thus taeday tha rit will bae performed fer nay-dorfs tae observe fer tha first time tae muh knowledge.'
Tena gets a mug of stout dwarven mead from a large wooden crate labelled: Holy Water.
Nisir drinks mead from a mug of dwarven honey mead.
Rakthar gazes thoughtfully at you and says 'Hmmm.'
Rakthar nods.
Tena murmurs, 'If faith dae demand.'.
Lyesvia gets a mug of stout dwarven mead from a large wooden crate labelled: Holy Water.
Tena holds a mug of stout dwarven mead in her right hand.
Niccele bounces in place with Maddy as she watches on proudly.
Lyesvia holds a mug of stout dwarven mead in her left hand.
Nisir nods at you.
Dalgrim pulls his eyes away from the forge to look back to the gathered, 'Ah will bae takin tha toime tae explain tha symbolism o tha steps as we go.'.
Mya nods a few times quickly as she listens to you.
A caravan enters the city.
Rakthar clinks his mug with whoever he crosses path with until he steps closer to you.
Lyesvia grumbles a moment at herself, stepping back as she places a hand over her anvil and hammer symbol and whispering a prayer that makes it glow briefly.
Rakthar drinks mead from a mug of dwarven skullcracker mead.
Lyesvia begins to chant.
Lyesvia utters the words, 'qawstoralpunsoe raiojaozg'.
Lyesvia's face brightens with understanding.
Dalgrim grins as he mentions, 'As a gesture o good will a'tween different peoples, faiths, an' cities, we will adapt this rit so tha nay-dorfs may bettah oondarstaun oor ways.' He looks to Mya 'An honor thae tha deserve et ... regardless o beard length!'.
Lyesvia glances at you.
Tena grins.
You snort.
Niccele grins at you.
Rakthar gazes thoughtfully at you and says 'Hmmm.'
Rakthar nods.
They aren't here.
Mya waves towards you, 'It's the bald-faced truth that you're doing us a wonderful honour.'.
A tiny, indigo-eyed female infant snuggles closely into Niccele.
Dalgrim fluffs his beard then stubbornly points a finger to Mya and teases, 'Full beards, ah expect froom ye both oon tha morrow!'.
Lyesvia stands beside Tena shooting a glance at you on the last part, but nods at him regardless.
Niccele glances at Mya.
Nisir smiles and nods, folding his hands in front of him.
Thorvald chuckles at you.
Rakthar nods at you.
Rakthar nods at you.
You chortle with glee.
Skylar's smile widens for you as she listens, then she shifts a bit and leans her shoulder against Aurora's side.
Mya says 'I'll have to see if I can find a back alley shop selling black market gnomish beard potions...'
Thorvald says to you 'Ah think Ah see some sprouted there oan $mya'
Rakthar says 'Be oanly fair.'
You nod your head in agreement with him.
Celric looks at Niccele.


Dalgrim moves to the forge and opens the heat shield to the coal bed. The already warm room fills with oppressive heat as he points to the brightly burning embers, 'Attunement o armor bae aboot kinship.'.
Dalgrim continues with eyes that reflect forge glow, 'Tha embers bae wan amongst thar kin working taegether tae produce somethin greateh than thar ownself.'.
Rakthar holds his mug in a way that shields it from the heat and watches on.
Niccele turns Maddy gently in her arms and points toward Mya and murmurs, 'There's your sister.' Maddy seems more interested in her fingers.
Mya gives a tiny little wave back towards Maddy nonetheless.
You say 'The smith aids the recipient wi' armor, in turn the recipient be bettah able tae defend thar kin. Both tha better fer et.'
Dalgrim winces as he quickly plucks an ember from the coal bed. He tosses the ember to Mya 'Catch et lass, focus oon et, an' move et aboot ye hands tae keep et froom burning ye!'.
Celric grins faintly as his eyes are drawn toward the baby, humming quietly as his gaze trades between Maddy and you.
A tiny, indigo-eyed female infant peers around, snuggling into Niccele.
Rakthar watches intently as the ember flies towards Mya.
Skylar gets a decanter of endless lemon tea from a huge pillowcase.
Skylar drinks tea from a decanter of endless lemon tea.
Skylar drinks tea from a decanter of endless lemon tea.
Skylar drinks tea from a decanter of endless lemon tea.
Skylar puts a decanter of endless lemon tea in a huge pillowcase.
Skylar takes a hearty stew from a huge pillowcase.
Skylar eats a hearty stew.
Mya seems caught off guard, but she quickly throws her hands up in the air to catch the coal, bouncing it back from hand to hand, 'Oh! Right! I should probably have asked what to expect!'.
Skylar takes a hearty stew from a huge pillowcase.
Skylar eats a hearty stew.
You say 'While tha recipient maneuvers tha ember they watch et cool. Et bae a reminder o tha import o kin. Tha longer ye stay away froom ye kin tha colder ye git.'
Rakthar nods slowly, eyes foucsed on the ember.
Mya casts a smiling glance towards Niccele and Maddy as she tries to avoid scorching her hands with the blazing hot ember.
You say 'In tha meantoime, tha smith prays fer thar kin's armor tae bae blessed. Attuned tae tha needs o tha recipient. Tha armor will watch ovah tha bearer much like oor ancestors watch ovah oos noo.'
You say 'We dorf bae all hewn froom tha same rock, thusly all bae kin. This rit can bae between annah tae dorfs.'
Menela the wagon driver yells, 'In 30 minutes, a caravan will depart towards Berdusk, Shadowdale, and Zhentil Keep.'
You say to Mya 'Ah twer gontae make ye sister pray fer ye armor, bar ah -guess- ahll have dae et. Dun want ye mum takin tha babe near tha forge.'
As dusk approaches, Aurora's armour shimmers a red colour.
Aurora says 'I can hold the baby if Niccele wishes.'
Aurora stops using a fingerless pair of long gloves.
Aurora stops using shimmering white gauntlets inlaid with pink and gold designs.
Mya smiles brightly at you, 'Well, I could-' She glances towards Aurora, while still juggling the ember in place, 'Oh, what do you think, mom?'.
A tiny, indigo-eyed female infant quietly falls asleep in Niccele's arms.
Dalgrim raises a brow to Niccele 'Wud ye bae willin tae pray?'.
Rakthar glances between Niccele and you.
Niccele kisses Maddy's forehead, 'Ah, well she fell asleep just in time.' She carefully passes the tiny bundle to Aurora.
Niccele stops using a soft woollen blanket.
Niccele stops using a tiny, indigo-eyed female infant.
Niccele gives a tiny, indigo-eyed female infant to Aurora.
Niccele gives a soft woollen blanket to Aurora.
Niccele says to Aurora 'Thank you.'
Skylar smiles fondly up at Aurora, then at the little babe as she wiggles her fingers a bit for her.
Aurora takes the bundle carefully with an air of long practice.
Aurora stops using a mug of dwarven honey mead.
Aurora holds a tiny, indigo-eyed female infant in her left hand.
A tiny, indigo-eyed female infant quietly falls asleep in Aurora's arms.
A caravan departs.
Niccele moves to Mya's side.
Aurora stops using a masterwork silver warhammer.
Niccele grins at Aurora.
Mya smiles over at Maddy for a few moments and gives Niccele a one-armed hug before returning her attention to you.
Aurora holds a soft woollen blanket in her right hand.
You say 'Here we will adapt tha rit, oos kin we a' bae lioke family. So tha attunement works best wi' family daen tha prayer.'
Mya naturally had her ember in the other hand.

You get masterwork mithril light mail sleeves stamped with a lightning wrought axe from a small ebony crate decorated with golden symbols.
Dalgrim holds up a pair of mithril light chain sleeves. The mixture of reds and yellows from forge glow flickers along the mirror-like links of chain radiantly. A look of pain crosses his face as he passes the mithril sleeves to Niccele. A bold streak of grey appears within one of his beard braids.

Tena emits a soft sound as she looks at the armor you produces.
Aurora holds the baby so she can see what is going on.
You give masterwork mithril light mail sleeves stamped with a lightning wrought axe to Niccele.
Celric leans over Aurora's shoulder to peek down at the baby with a happy little smile.
They aren't here.
Dalgrim says to Niccele with a strained voice, 'Mithril cools slightleh ofor et begins tae heat. Approach tha forge an when ye feel tha coolness pray wi' ye words o mine whicheva ye preference bae.'.
Dalgrim says, voice fully recovered now, as an example, 'All-fatha, ah ask ye strength an skill tae bless this true-metal chain fer et bae tae protect muh kin.'.
Rakthar holds steadfast but somewhat tenses as the sleeves are produced and passed over.
Niccele dips her head toward you as she accepts the sleeves. She listens to you and then approaches the forge with the sleeves.
Lyesvia blinks slightly at the armor you produces as she continues to watch.
Nisir smiles as he watches.
Skylar's hand extends to touch fondly at Tena's shoulder as she watches you excitedly.
Mya smiles brightly at Niccele as she watches, though she also takes a step closer, standing right between her and Aurora.
Niccele waits a moment and smiles as she feels the mithril cool. She repeats after you in a strong voice, 'All-father, I ask your strength and skill to bless this true-metal chain for it be to protect my kin.'.
Dalgrim smiles widely at Niccele.
Tena glances up at Skylar, studying her a moment before she nods and looks back to you.
Dalgrim holds out his hand to Mya 'Ember.' and then tells Niccele 'Gift tha chain while et bae still cool.'.
Mya catches the ember flat in her left hand and holds it out to drop into your outstretched hand.
Niccele turns to offer the sleeves to Mya.
Niccele gives masterwork mithril light mail sleeves stamped with a lightning wrought axe to Mya.
Mya reaches out afterwards to take the sleeves in both hands, draping them across her arms, really.
You say 'Don thaem lass, so ye kin feel ye mums prayer.'
a curved trail of tiny luck gems glows briefly as Niccele activates it.
Mya exclaims 'On it!'
Niccele looks at Mya.
You hear the sound of footsteps above.
Rakthar looks at Mya.
Lanton runs in from above.
The Town Crier shouts 'Hear ye! Hear ye!'
The Town Crier shouts 'The just Lord Piergieron doth call brave adventurers yon!'
The Town Crier shouts 'that they prithee slay vermin in the city sewers!'
The Town Crier shouts 'Read you the Waterdeep News if you would have more information.'
Rakthar glances at the new arrival before turning his attention to the sleeves being passed on once more.
Mya slides her arms into the sleeves, one after the other, 'It still feels warm! I think-' She gasps when she catches sight of Lanton and waves for him, 'Dad!'.
Mya stops using a silk handkerchief embroidered with 'silver coins'.
Mya wears masterwork mithril light mail sleeves stamped with a lightning wrought axe on her arms.
Lanton raises a brow as he glances around, he smiles at Mya and waves before moving to Niccele's side.
Dalgrim holds up the cold charcoal that is dark and lifeless for all to see, 'Oor fate withoot kin, represented in this piece o charcoal.' He tosses the charcoal back into the coal bed. It reignites instantly amongst its peers, an ember once again.
Nisir smiles at you.
Rakthar smiles broadly, revealing a chipped off tooth.
You hear the marching of the city watch patrolling the streets

---[Barter and Sacrifice]--

Dalgrim admits with a distant look full of remembrance, 'Ah nay evah thaot ah wid see tha day ah wud work true-metal fer a nay-dorf o see wan wear tha Stormcleaver insignia.'.
Lanton leans over and whispers to Niccele.
Niccele reaches to hold Lanton's hand and gives it a soft squeeze as she watches on proudly.
a siver chain holding a locket with a generous luck gem glows briefly as Lanton activates it.
Aurora is holding Maddy tilted a little up so she can see what is going on.
Dalgrim lifts his chin and strokes his beard while saying, 'Tae honor muh ancestors, we will uphold tha writ treaty among tha original dorf clans. Mithril works must first bae earned, then bartered fer wi' mithril.'.
Mya beams a smile at you, 'Stormcleaver is an amazing.. Well, not really just a weapon, either. I think mom and dad look after Maimai and I in our journeys. Both metaphorically and literally, thanks to scrying..'.
Mya glances at Niccele.
The Wave Runner pulls into the docks.
Niccele winks at Mya.
Rakthar nods slowly at your words.
Dalgrim grins to Mya 'Ye proved the metal o ye mettle bae tha o true-metal. Ye did tha when ye waded intae an orcish horde an' helped muh build a shrine tae tha All-fatha jist tae piss aff tha greenskins!'.
Nisir chortles with glee.
Rakthar hmmms thoughtfully, tugging a hand on his beard.
Mya grins, 'And of course, that sort of work has to be sanctified with holy water!'.
a curved trail of tiny luck gems glows briefly as Niccele activates it.
Mya drinks mead from a mug of dwarven honey mead.
Tena watched you in reverent silence as the ritual proceeds, raising her mug to take a small sip.
You drink mead from a mug of stout dwarven mead.
You feel bloated.
Niccele grins at you.
Rakthar drinks mead from a mug of dwarven skullcracker mead.
Nisir lifts his own mug in toast.
Dalgrim holds out his hand expectantly and tells Mya, 'Mithril fer mithril. A bartering price set ofor ah wur hewn froom tha rock.'.
Thorvald gets a mug of dwarven skullcracker mead from a large wooden crate labelled: Holy Water.
Nisir drinks mead from a mug of dwarven honey mead.
Thorvald holds a mug of dwarven skullcracker mead in his right hand.
Mya nods towards you, 'And, I have kept your trade ingot safe and sound!'.
Thorvald drinks mead from a mug of dwarven skullcracker mead.
Mya gets a superior-grade ingot of mithril from a pocketed under jacket.
Rakthar nods at you, looking then to Mya.
Mya gives you a superior-grade ingot of mithril.
Celric reaches for Maddy and lightly scritches the blanket over her belly, grinning down at her as his attentions continue to waver between her and you.
Rakthar's eyes brighten as the superior ingot is passed back.
Lyesvia nods.
Dalgrim lifts the ingot above his head to allow all to see the forge glow dance about the mirror-like surfaces of the ingot.
Tena watches the ingot trade hands with an approving nod.
You hear the sound of footsteps above.
Petal walks in from above.
You get a soulhammer from a gold-stitched weapons loop.
You wield a soulhammer in your left hand.
At least you can hold a soulhammer correctly.
A soulhammer feels nice and light to you.
Captain Jocelyn Crane yells, 'In 30 minutes, the Wave Runner will leave Waterdeep for Corwell.'
Skylar observes silently, warmth on her youthful features.

Dalgrim places the ingot on the hearth and gently presses on it with his soulhammer. He chants in a low baritone, 'Mithril fer mithril, kin fer kin, an' barter completed as ye taught tha first clans. Ah offer muh share tae ye, All-fatha.' The ingot simply evaporates into a wisp of vapor.
You drop a superior-grade ingot of mithril.
You sacrifice some objects.

Rakthar's breath catches as the ingot becomes steam.
A tiny, indigo-eyed female infant starts to cry in Aurora's arms.
Aurora rocks a tiny, indigo-eyed female infant to sleep.
Tena closes her eyes half way, watching the ingot and murmuring quiet prayer.
Aurora bounces the baby a bit as she begins to cry.
Mya thinks Maddy perhaps wanted the shiny ingot to play with.
Skylar's releases a pregnant breath of air, eyes wide as she watches the vapor.


Dalgrim walks over to the forge and drops the heat shield back into place. The room immediately lowers in temperature as great vents dissipate the heat and he says, 'Tae temper a metal ye must heat et, then cool et quickly.'.
Rakthar's free hand raises to grasp his beard and soothes it, fingertips falling over the symbol he carries.
The Wave Runner leaves the docks.
Dalgrim holds up his mug with a grin and addresses the gathered, 'Toime tae quench yeselves, oor relates, an' bae stronger fer et!' He bellows a loud 'YOSH!' with finality then downs his drink.
Skylar gets a mug of dwarven honey mead from a large wooden crate labelled: Holy Water.
You drink mead from a mug of stout dwarven mead.
You feel bloated.
You drink mead from a mug of stout dwarven mead.
You feel bloated.
You finish a mug of stout dwarven mead.
You drink mead from a mug of stout dwarven mead.
You feel bloated.
Nisir drinks mead from a mug of dwarven honey mead.
You drink mead from a mug of stout dwarven mead.
You feel bloated.
You finish a mug of stout dwarven mead.
Lyesvia chuckles.
Rakthar gets a mug of dwarven skullcracker mead from a large wooden crate labelled: Holy Water.
Rakthar holds a mug of dwarven skullcracker mead in his right hand.
Lyesvia gets down and tries to drink from a large wooden crate labelled: Holy Water... (Is she feeling ok?)
You chortle with glee.
Mya throws her mug into the air with an echo, 'YOSH!' And she downs a swig of mead!
Lyesvia drinks mead from a mug of stout dwarven mead.
Mya drinks mead from a mug of dwarven honey mead.
Thorvald drinks mead from a mug of dwarven skullcracker mead.
Thorvald drinks mead from a mug of dwarven skullcracker mead.
Niccele holds up her hands, 'YOSH!'.
Rakthar yells 'YOSH!'
Mya grins at Lyesvia.
Rakthar drinks mead from a mug of dwarven skullcracker mead.
Skylar collects a mug, lifting it as you does then turning it back for a drink.
Thorvald yells 'YOSH!'
You yell 'YoSH!'
Skylar drinks mead from a mug of dwarven honey mead.
Rakthar drinks mead from a mug of dwarven skullcracker mead.
Rakthar drinks mead from a mug of dwarven skullcracker mead.
Tena raises her mug and downs a pull of mead with a call of, 'Yosh!'.
Skylar yells 'Yosh!'
Tena drinks mead from a mug of stout dwarven mead.
Rakthar gets a mug of dwarven skullcracker mead from a large wooden crate labelled: Holy Water.
Rakthar holds a mug of dwarven skullcracker mead in his right hand.
Celric throws up both his hands, 'YOSH!'.
Aurora shifts the baby on to her shoulder so she can drink.
Mya says to Niccele 'See, mom! That's the dwarven way of saying 'Woo!''
Nisir laughs as he downs his drink, 'Yosh!!'.
Aurora yells 'Yosh!'
Aurora drinks mead from a mug of dwarven honey mead.
Thorvald snickers to Mya 'Noo be the time!'.
Niccele grins and lets go of Lanton so she can go to collect Maddy from Aurora.
Rakthar looks at Lanton.
Lyesvia exclaims 'Yosh!'
Lyesvia drinks mead from a mug of stout dwarven mead.
Celric gets a mug of stout dwarven mead from a large wooden crate labelled: Holy Water.
Celric drinks mead from a mug of stout dwarven mead.
Celric drinks mead from a mug of stout dwarven mead.
Celric drinks mead from a mug of stout dwarven mead.
You have been rewarded by Skylar!
Aurora hands the wrapped bundle back to Niccele carefully.
You have been rewarded by Mya!
You have been rewarded by Nisir!
Aurora stops using a tiny, indigo-eyed female infant.
Niccele says to Mya 'I was Yoshing before you were even a thought in mine or your father's mind.'
You exclaim 'ah goat ah whole load o Mead, jist let muh Drink et a' muhseLf!'
Aurora stops using a soft woollen blanket.
Mya grins at Niccele.
Aurora gives a soft woollen blanket to Niccele.
Aurora gives a tiny, indigo-eyed female infant to Niccele.
Niccele holds a soft woollen blanket in her right hand.
Celric downs his mead and wipes his arm over his mouth before showing a brief grimace, but grins through it as he holds up the empty holy water mug!
Niccele holds a tiny, indigo-eyed female infant in her left hand.
Mya exclaims to Niccele 'Well, I guess you are my ancestor, after all!'